isolate_manager library

Create multiple long-lived isolates for a function (keep it active to send and receive data), supports Worker and WASM on the Web.


IsolateManager<R, P>
Create a new IsolateManager instance by using IsolateManager.create or IsolateManager.createCustom.
IsolateManagerController<R, P>
This method only use to create a custom isolate.
The helper functions for the IsolateManager.
The annotation to generate a Worker JS for a specific method.


Isolate state


isolateManagerCustomWorker → const IsolateManagerWorker
An annotation that you want to use for the custom function.
isolateManagerSharedWorker → const _IsolateManagerWorkerShared
All functions with this annotation will be combined and generated to the $shared_worker.js inside the web folder.
isolateManagerWorker → const IsolateManagerWorker
A default annotation for the IsolateManagerWorker with empty name.
kSharedWorkerName → const String
Default shared worker name.


IsolateCallback<R> = FutureOr<bool> Function(R value)
Type for the callback of the isolate.
IsolateConverter<R> = R Function(dynamic)
The type of the converter and workerConverter.
IsolateCustomFunction = IsolateFunction<void, dynamic>
Callback for the createCustom's function.
IsolateFunction<R, P> = FutureOr<R> Function(P params)
The type of the function of the .create method.
IsolateOnDisposeCallback<R, P> = void Function(IsolateManagerController<R, P> controller)
A callback for the IsolateManagerFunction.customFunction that will be executed only one time before all events.
IsolateOnEventCallback<R, P> = FutureOr<R> Function(IsolateManagerController<R, P> controller, P message)
A callback for the IsolateManagerFunction.customFunction that will be executed every time the message is received from the sendMessage or execute method.
IsolateOnInitialCallback<R, P, T> = FutureOr<void> Function(IsolateManagerController<R, P> controller, T initialParams)
A callback for the IsolateManagerFunction.customFunction that will be executed only one time before all events.
IsolateWorkerFunction<R, P> = FutureOr<R> Function(P message)
A function for the IsolateManagerFunction.workerFunction.

Exceptions / Errors

This IsolateException mainly use to transfer an Exception between an Isolate and the main app.