ironsource_mediation library
- ATTrackingManager
- ImpressionData
- ARM ImpressionData see
- ImpressionDataListener
- Impression Level Revenue
- IronSource
- IronSourceAdInfo
- For LevelPlayListeners
- IronSourceBannerSize
- Banner Size
- IronSourceConsentViewError
- IronSourceConsentViewListener
- iOS Consent View
- IronSourceContainerParams
- IronSourceError
- A wrapper class for ironSource SDK Errors.
- IronSourceImpressionData
- For ILR data
- IronSourceImpressionDataListener
- Impression Level Revenue
- IronSourceInitializationListener
- Init Completion Listener
- IronSourceRewardedVideoPlacement
- Placement for RewardedVideo
- IronSourceSegment
- Segment
- LevelPlay
- LevelPlayAdError
- Represents an error related to the LevelPlay ad operations.
- LevelPlayAdInfo
- Represents detailed information about a LevelPlay ad.
- LevelPlayAdSize
- Represents the size of an ad in LevelPlay.
- LevelPlayBannerAdView
- LevelPlayBannerAdView is the widget that contains the banner elements and must be created in order load banner ad
- LevelPlayBannerAdViewListener
- LevelPlayBannerAdViewState
- LevelPlayBannerListener
- LevelPlayConfiguration
- Represents the configuration settings for LevelPlay.
- LevelPlayInitError
- LevelPlayInitListener
- Level Play Init Listener
- LevelPlayInitRequest
- Represents a request for init, defining its appKey, userId and legacyAdFormats.
- LevelPlayInitRequestBuilder
- LevelPlayInterstitialAd
- Represents a LevelPlay interstitial ad.
- LevelPlayInterstitialAdListener
- LevelPlayInterstitialListener
- LevelPlayNativeAd
- Class representing a level play native ad
- LevelPlayNativeAdBuilder
- Builder class for LevelPlayNativeAd
- LevelPlayNativeAdElementStyle
- Class for styling native ad element
- LevelPlayNativeAdIcon
- LevelPlayNativeAdListener
- LevelPlay Listener for Native Ad
- LevelPlayNativeAdTemplateStyle
- Class for styling native ad elements
- LevelPlayNativeAdView
- LevelPlayNativeAdView is the widget that contains the native ad elements and must be created in order view native ad
- LevelPlayRewardedVideoListener
- LevelPlay Listener for Rewarded Video
- LevelPlayRewardedVideoManualListener
- LevelPlay Listener for Manual Load RV
- WaterfallConfiguration
- Represents a configuration for a waterfall, defining its floor and ceiling.
- WaterfallConfigurationBuilder
- Builder class for WaterfallConfiguration.
- AdFormat
- Enumeration representing different ad formats in the LevelPlay mediation network.
- ATTStatus
- based on ATTrackingManager.AuthorizationStatus
- IronSourceAdUnit
- Ad Unit
- IronSourceBannerPosition
- Banner Position
- IronSourceUserGender
- Interface for "female" & "male" string values
- LevelPlayNativeTemplateFontStyle
- LevelPlayTemplateType
- Enum class and extension for native ad templates
- ATTStatusParser on int
- The numbers are aligned with ATTrackingManager.AuthorizationStatus int values -1 would be passed for iOS version < 14
- LevelPlayTemplateTypeExtension on LevelPlayTemplateType
- ParseToInt on IronSourceBannerPosition
- ParseToString on IronSourceAdUnit