IronSource class




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

clearRewardedVideoServerParams() Future<void>
Clears the custom parameters currently registered for RV server-to-server callbacks.
destroyBanner() Future<void>
Destroys the currently loaded Banner.
displayBanner() Future<void>
Changes the visibility of loaded Banner to visible.
getAdvertiserId() Future<String>
Returns GAID/IDFA (or an empty String if not available).
getConversionValue() Future<int?>
Returns the current conversion value.
getMaximalAdaptiveHeight(int width) Future<double>
Returns the maximal adaptive height of given width.
getNativeSDKVersion(String platform) String
Returns the native SDK version for platform.
getOfferwallCredits() Future<void>
Start fetching the current OfferWall credits.
getPluginVersion() String
Returns the plugin version.
getRewardedVideoPlacementInfo({required String placementName}) Future<IronSourceRewardedVideoPlacement?>
Returns an IronSourceRVPlacement instance if placementName matches.
hideBanner() Future<void>
Changes the visibility of loaded Banner to invisible.
init({required String appKey, List<IronSourceAdUnit>? adUnits, IronSourceInitializationListener? initListener}) Future<void>
Initializes the ironSource SDK with appKey for adUnits.
isBannerPlacementCapped(String placementName) Future<bool>
Returns the capping state of an ad placement named placementName.
isInterstitialPlacementCapped({required String placementName}) Future<bool>
Returns the capping state of an ad placement named placementName.
isInterstitialReady() Future<bool>
Returns the Interstitial availability.
isOfferwallAvailable() Future<bool>
Returns the OfferWall availability.
isRewardedVideoAvailable() Future<bool>
Returns the RewardedVideo availability.
isRewardedVideoPlacementCapped({required String placementName}) Future<bool>
Returns the capping state of an ad placement named placementName.
launchTestSuite() Future<void>
loadBanner({required IronSourceBannerSize size, required IronSourceBannerPosition position, int? verticalOffset, String? placementName}) Future<void>
Starts the Banner load process for size and position.
loadConsentViewWithType(String consentViewType) Future<void>
Starts the consent view load process for consentViewType.
loadInterstitial() Future<void>
Starts the Iinterstitial load process.
loadRewardedVideo() Future<void>
Starts the RewardedVideo load process.
setAdaptersDebug(bool isEnabled) Future<void>
Enables debug logging on adapters/SDKs when isEnabled is true.
setBannerListener(IronSourceBannerListener? listener) → void
setBNListener(IronSourceBannerListener? listener) → void
setClientSideCallbacks(bool isEnabled) Future<void>
Sets the OW client side automatic polling mode.
setConsent(bool isConsent) Future<void>
Sets isConsent as the GDPR setting.
setConsentViewListener(IronSourceConsentViewListener? listener) → void
setDynamicUserId(String dynamicUserId) Future<void>
For RV server-to-server callbacks.
setFlutterVersion(String version) → void
Pass the Flutter version used for app build.
setImpressionDataListener(IronSourceImpressionDataListener? listener) → void
setInterstitialListener(IronSourceInterstitialListener? listener) → void
setISListener(IronSourceInterstitialListener? listener) → void
setLevelPlayBannerListener(LevelPlayBannerListener? listener) → void
setLevelPlayInterstitialListener(LevelPlayInterstitialListener? listener) → void
setLevelPlayRewardedVideoListener(LevelPlayRewardedVideoListener? listener) → void
setLevelPlayRewardedVideoManualListener(LevelPlayRewardedVideoManualListener? listener) → void
setManualLoadRewardedVideo(IronSourceRewardedVideoManualListener? listener) Future<void>
Sets the RewardedVideo Manual Load mode.
setMetaData(Map<String, List<String>> metaData) Future<void>
Registers metaData.
setOfferwallCustomParams(Map<String, String> parameters) Future<void>
Registers the custom parameters that will be passed in OfferWall server-to-server callbacks.
setOfferWallListener(IronSourceOfferwallListener? listener) → void
setOWListener(IronSourceOfferwallListener? listener) → void
setRewardedVideoListener(IronSourceRewardedVideoListener? listener) → void
setRewardedVideoServerParams(Map<String, String> parameters) Future<void>
Sets the custom parameters that will be passed in RV server-to-server callbacks.
setRVListener(IronSourceRewardedVideoListener? listener) → void
setSegment(IronSourceSegment segment) Future<void>
Registers segment data.
setUserId(String userId) Future<void>
Registers the userId for the session.
setWaterfallConfiguration(double? ceiling, double? floor, IronSourceAdUnit adUnit) Future<void>
Registers waterfallConfiguration.
shouldTrackNetworkState(bool isEnabled) Future<void>
Track the device's network connection state and dynamically changes ad availability when isEnabled is true.
showConsentViewWithType(String consentViewType) Future<void>
Shows the loaded consent view for consentViewType.
showInterstitial({String? placementName}) Future<void>
Shows an Interstitial ad.
showOfferwall({String? placementName}) Future<void>
Shows an Offerwall.
showRewardedVideo({String? placementName}) Future<void>
Shows an Rewarded Video ad.
validateIntegration() Future<void>
Calls IntegrationHelper.validateIntegration to validate adapter integration.