flutter_voximplant library

Copyright (c) 2011-2020, Zingaya, Inc. All rights reserved.


Manages audio devices.
Class may be used to play audio files.
Represents the result of successful login.
Represents a call.
Call settings with additional parameters for a call, such as preferred video codec, custom data, video directions and extra headers.
Manages cameras.
Interface that may be used to connect, login to the Voximplant CLoud, make and receive audio and video calls.
Configuration information for VIClient instance.
Represents a quality issue reporting that the local video is encoded by a codec different from specified one in VICallSettings.preferredVideoCodec.
Interface that may be used to manage a conversation.
Configuration either to create a new conversation or restore a previously created conversation:
Interface that represents messenger events related to conversations such as create, edit, remove, etc.
Interface that represents messenger events related to conversation enumeration.
Class that represents a participant of the conversation.
Interface that represents messenger events such as typing, isRead.
Represents a remote call participant.
Represents a captured or sent frame size.
Represents a quality issue reporting that the network-based media latency is detected in the call. Network-based media latency is calculated based on rtt (round trip time) and jitter buffer. Latency refers to the time it takes a voice/video packet to reach its destination. Sufficient latency causes call participants to speak over the top of each other.
Represents a quality issue reporting that the ICE connection is switched to the "disconnected" state during the call
Represents a quality issue reporting that the video resolution sent to the endpoint is lower than a captured video resolution. As a result it affects remote video quality on the remote participant side, but do not affect the quality of local video preview on the android application.
Authentication parameters that may be used for login with access token.
Interface that represents message within a conversation.
Interface that represents messenger events related to messages (send, update, remove).
Interface that may be used to control messaging functions.
Base interface that represents all messenger events provided via VIMessenger callbacks or as a result of method calls.
Represents a quality issue reporting that no audio is received on the remote audio stream.
Represents a quality issue reporting that no audio is captured by the microphone.
Represents a quality issue reporting that no video is received on the remote video stream.
Represents a quality issue reporting that packet loss detection. Packet loss can lead to missing of entire sentences, awkward pauses in the middle of a conversation or robotic voice during the call.
Represents the superclass of all quality issues during a call.
Interface that represents the messenger events for the following methods call result:
Interface that represents the messenger events related to user status changes.
Interface that represents the messenger events related to subscriptions.
Interface that represents user information. Voximplant users are created via the Voximplant control panel or HTTP API.
Interface that represents messenger events related to users, such as get or edit user.
Specifies video direction for a call.
Represents local or remote video stream within a call.
Stateful widget to render local or remote video represented via VIVideoStream.
A controller for a video view.
The entry point of the Voximplant Flutter SDK.


Represents supported audio device types.
Enum representing supported audio file usage modes
Represents supported camera types.
Represents client states.
Log levels for iOS.
Enum that represents actions that trigger messenger events. Each action is the reason for every triggered event.
Enum that represents types of messenger events.
Enum that represents events available for push notification subscriptions.
Describes the nodes the Voximplant account may belong to.
Represents quality issue levels.
Represents quality issue types.
Request audio focus mode for Android.
Represents supported video codecs.
Represents supported video rotations.
Enum that represents the reason why video receive on the remote video stream was stopped.
Represents video stream types.


VIAudioDeviceChanged = void Function(VIAudioDeviceManager audioManager, VIAudioDevice device)
Signature for callbacks reporting that the active audio device or audio device that will be used for a further call is changed.
VIAudioDeviceListChanged = void Function(VIAudioDeviceManager audioManager, List<VIAudioDevice> deviceList)
Signature for callbacks reporting that a new audio device is connected or a previously connected audio device is disconnected.
VIAudioFileStopped = void Function(String? error)
Signature for callbacks reporting when the audio file playing is stopped.
VICallAudioStarted = void Function(VICall call)
Signature for callbacks reporting that the endpoint answered the call.
VICallConnected = void Function(VICall call, Map<String, String>? headers)
Signature for callbacks reporting that the call is connected.
VICallDisconnected = void Function(VICall call, Map<String, String>? headers, bool answeredElsewhere)
Signature for callbacks reporting that the call is disconnected.
VICallFailed = void Function(VICall call, int code, String description, Map<String, String>? headers)
Signature for callbacks reporting that the call was failed.
VICallReconnected = void Function(VICall call)
Signature for callbacks reporting that the call is reconnected.
VICallReconnecting = void Function(VICall call)
Signature for callbacks reporting that the call is currently reconnecting.
VICallRinging = void Function(VICall call, Map<String, String>? headers)
Signature for callbacks reporting when progress signal is received from the endpoint.
VICreateConversation = void Function(VIConversationEvent conversationEvent)
Signature for callbacks reporting that a conversation was created via VIMessenger.createConversation or analogous methods from other Voximplant SDKs and Messaging API.
VIEditConversation = void Function(VIConversationEvent conversationEvent)
Signature for callbacks reporting that the conversation properties were modified as the result of:
VIEditMessage = void Function(VIMessageEvent messageEvent)
Signature for callbacks reporting that a message was edited via VIMessage.update or analogous methods from other Voximplant SDKs and Messaging API.
VIEditUser = void Function(VIUserEvent userEvent)
Signature for callbacks reporting that an user was edited as the result of VIMessenger.editUser, VIMessenger.managePushNotifications or analogous methods from other Voximplant SDKs and Messaging API.
VIEndpointAdded = void Function(VICall call, VIEndpoint endpoint)
Signature for callbacks reporting that new endpoint is added to the call.
VIEndpointRemoved = void Function(VIEndpoint endpoint)
Signature for callbacks reporting that the endpoint removed from a call.
VIEndpointUpdated = void Function(VIEndpoint endpoint)
Signature for callbacks reporting that the endpoint information such as display name, user name, and SIP URI is updates.
VIICECompleted = void Function(VICall call)
Signature for callbacks reporting that ICE connection is complete.
VIICETimeout = void Function(VICall call)
Signature for callbacks reporting that the connection was not established due to a network connection problem between 2 peers.
VIIncomingCall = void Function(VIClient client, VICall call, bool video, Map<String, String>? headers)
Signature for callbacks reporting that there is a new incoming call to the current user.
VIIsRead = void Function(VIConversationServiceEvent conversationServiceEvent)
Signature for callbacks reporting that the event within a conversatio was marked as read as the result of VIConversation.markAsRead or analogous methods from other Voximplant SDKs and Messaging API.
VILocalVideoStreamAdded = void Function(VICall call, VIVideoStream videoStream)
Signature for callbacks reporting that local video is added to the call.
VILocalVideoStreamRemoved = void Function(VICall call, VIVideoStream videoStream)
Signature for callbacks reporting that local video is removed from the call.
VILogListener = void Function(VILogLevel level, String logMessage)
Signature for callbacks reporting that there is a new log message from Voximplant SDK
VIMessageReceived = void Function(VICall call, String message)
Signature for callbacks reporting that message is received within the call.
VIPushDidExpire = void Function(VIClient client, String uuid)
Signature for callbacks reporting that previously received VoIP push notification is expired on iOS.
VIRemoteVideoStreamAdded = void Function(VIEndpoint endpoint, VIVideoStream videoStream)
Signature for callbacks reporting that the endpoint added the video stream to the call.
VIRemoteVideoStreamRemoved = void Function(VIEndpoint endpoint, VIVideoStream videoStream)
Signature for callbacks reporting that the endpoint removed the video stream from the call.
VIRemoveConversation = void Function(VIConversationEvent conversationEvent)
Signature for callbacks reporting that a conversation was removed.
VIRemoveMessage = void Function(VIMessageEvent messageEvent)
Signature for callbacks reporting that a message was removed via VIMessage.remove or analogous methods from other Voximplant SDKs and Messaging API.
VISendMessage = void Function(VIMessageEvent messageEvent)
Signature for callbacks reporting that a message was sent via VIConversation.sendMessage or analogous methods from other Voximplant SDKs and Messaging API.
VISetStatus = void Function(VIStatusEvent statusEvent)
Signature for callbacks reporting that an user changed status via VIMessenger.setStatus or analogous methods from other Voximplant SDKs and Messaging API.
VISIPInfoReceived = void Function(VICall call, String type, String content, Map<String, String>? headers)
Signature for callbacks reporting that INFO message is received.
VIStartReceivingVideoStream = void Function(VIEndpoint endpoint, VIVideoStream videoStream)
Signature for callbacks reporting that video receive on a remote video stream is started after previously being stopped. Available only for the conference calls.
VIStopReceivingVideoStream = void Function(VIEndpoint endpoint, VIVideoStream videoStream, VIVideoStreamReceiveStopReason reason)
Signature for callbacks reporting that video receive on a remote video stream is stopped. Available only for the conference calls.
VISubscribe = void Function(VISubscriptionEvent subscriptionEvent)
Signature for callbacks reporting that the current user has subscribed to other users changes
VITyping = void Function(VIConversationServiceEvent conversationServiceEvent)
Signature for callbacks reporting that a participant types a message in a conversation. Information about typing is sent via VIConversation.typing or analogous methods from other Voximplant SDKs and Messaging API.
VIUnsubscribe = void Function(VISubscriptionEvent subscriptionEvent)
Signature for callbacks reporting that the current user has unsubscribed from other users changes.
VIVoiceActivityStarted = void Function(VIEndpoint endpoint)
Signature for callbacks reporting when a voice activity of the endpoint is detected in a conference call.
VIVoiceActivityStopped = void Function(VIEndpoint endpoint)
Signature for callbacks reporting when a voice activity of the endpoint is stopped in a conference call.

Exceptions / Errors
