VIStartReceivingVideoStream typedef

VIStartReceivingVideoStream = void Function(VIEndpoint endpoint, VIVideoStream videoStream)

Signature for callbacks reporting that video receive on a remote video stream is started after previously being stopped. Available only for the conference calls.

The event is triggered if: 1.VIEndpoint.startReceiving was called and the request has been processed successfully. 2. A network issue that caused the Voximplant Cloud to stop video receive of the remote video stream is gone.

The event is not triggered if the endpoint client has started sending video using VICall.sendVideo API.

Used in VIEndpoint.

endpoint - VIEndpoint instance initiated the event

videoStream - The remote video stream where video receive is started


typedef void VIStartReceivingVideoStream(
    VIEndpoint endpoint, VIVideoStream videoStream);