flutter_map library
A versatile mapping package for Flutter. Simple and easy to learn, yet completely customizable and configurable, it's the best choice for mapping in your Flutter app.
- Documentation: docs.fleaflet.dev/
- API Reference: pub.dev/documentation/flutter_map/latest/
- github.com: github.com/fleaflet/flutter_map
- pub.dev: pub.dev/packages/flutter_map
- discord.gg: discord.gg/BwpEsjqMAH
- AssetTileProvider
- Fetch tiles from the app's shipped assets, where the tile URL is a path within the asset store
- BaseOverlayImage
- Display an Image on the map at a specific coordinate location, within an OverlayImageLayer
- CameraConstraint
- Describes a boundary for a MapCamera, that cannot be exceeded by movement
- CameraFit
- Describes a position for a MapCamera
R extends Object> - A layer that displays a list of CircleMarker on the map
R extends Object> - Immutable marker options for CircleMarker. Circle markers are a more simple and performant way to draw markers as the regular Marker
R extends Object> - The CustomPainter used to draw CircleMarker for the CircleLayer.
- ContainCamera
- Constrains the edges of the camera to within bounds
- ContainCameraCenter
- Constrains the center coordinate of the camera to within bounds
- Crs
- An abstract representation of a Coordinate Reference System.
- CrsSimple
- Custom CRS for non geographical maps
- CursorKeyboardRotationOptions
- Options to configure cursor/keyboard rotation
- Epsg3857
- EPSG:3857, The most common CRS used for rendering maps.
- Epsg4326
- EPSG:4326, A common CRS among GIS enthusiasts. Uses simple Equirectangular projection.
- FadeInTileDisplay
- A TileDisplay that should get faded in.
- FadeRAWA
- Prebuilt animation provider for a RichAttributionWidget
- FileTileProvider
- Fetch tiles from the local filesystem (not asset store), where the tile URL is a path within the filesystem.
- FitBounds
- The CameraFit should fit inside a given LatLngBounds.
- FitCoordinates
Use this CameraFit if the MapCamera should fit a list of
coordinates. - FitInsideBounds
- A CameraFit that should get be within given LatLngBounds.
- FlutterMap
- An interactive geographical map
- InstantaneousTileDisplay
- Display the tile instantaneous.
- InteractionOptions
- All interactive options for FlutterMap
- InteractiveFlag
- Use InteractiveFlag to disable / enable certain events Use InteractiveFlag.all to enable all events, use InteractiveFlag.none to disable all events
- KeyboardOptions
- Options to configure how keyboard keys may be used to control the map
- LatLngBounds
- Data structure representing rectangular bounding box constrained by its northwest and southeast corners
- LatLngTween
A Tween object for
. Used for AnimationController to handle animated changes of the MapCamera. -
R extends Object> - Result emitted by hit notifiers (see LayerHitNotifier) when a hit is detected on an element (such as a Polyline) within the respective layer
- LogoSourceAttribution
- An image attribution permanently displayed adjacent to the open/close icon of a RichAttributionWidget
- MapCamera
- Describes the view of a map. This includes the size/zoom/position/crs as well as the minimum/maximum zoom. This class is mostly immutable but has some fields that get calculated lazily, changes to the map view may occur via the MapController or user interactions which will result in a new MapCamera value.
- MapController
- Controller to programmatically interact with FlutterMap, such as controlling it and accessing some of its properties.
- MapControllerImpl
- Implements MapController whilst exposing methods for internal use which should not be visible to the user (e.g. for setting the current camera). This controller is for internal use. All updates to the state should be done by calling methods of this class to ensure consistency.
- MapEvent
- Base event class which is emitted by MapController instance, the event is usually related to performed gesture on the map itself or it can be an event related to map configuration
- MapEventDoubleTapZoom
- Event which is fired when map is double tapped
- MapEventDoubleTapZoomEnd
- Event which is fired when animation for double tap gesture ends
- MapEventDoubleTapZoomStart
- Event which is fired when animation for double tap gesture is started
- MapEventFlingAnimation
- Event which is fired when animation started by fling gesture is in progress
- MapEventFlingAnimationEnd
- Event which is fired when animation started by fling gesture finished
- MapEventFlingAnimationNotStarted
- Emits when InteractiveFlags contains fling and there wasn't enough velocity to start fling animation
- MapEventFlingAnimationStart
- Event which is fired when fling gesture is detected
- MapEventLongPress
- Event which is fired when map is long-pressed
- MapEventMove
- Event which is fired when map is being moved.
- MapEventMoveEnd
- Event which is fired when dragging is finished
- MapEventMoveStart
- Event which is fired when dragging is started
- MapEventNonRotatedSizeChange
- Event that fires when the map widget changes size, e.g. when the app window gets changed in size.
- MapEventRotate
- Event which is fired when map is being rotated
- MapEventRotateEnd
- Event which is fired when rotate gesture has ended
- MapEventRotateStart
- Event which is fired when rotate gesture was started
- MapEventScrollWheelZoom
- Event which is fired when scroll wheel is used to zoom
- MapEventSecondaryTap
- Event which is fired when map is secondary tapped
- MapEventTap
- Event which is fired when map is tapped
- MapEventWithMove
- Base event class which is emitted by MapController instance and includes information about camera movement which are not partial (e.g start rotate, rotate, end rotate).
- MapOptions
- All options for the FlutterMap widget.
- Marker
- A container for a child widget located at a geographic coordinate point
- MarkerLayer
- A Marker layer for FlutterMap.
- MobileLayerTransformer
- Transforms a child widget tree into a layer that can move and rotate based on the MapCamera
- MultiFingerGesture
- Use MultiFingerGesture to disable / enable certain gestures Use MultiFingerGesture.all to enable all gestures, use MultiFingerGesture.none to disable all gestures
- NetworkTileProvider
- TileProvider to fetch tiles from the network
- OverlayImage
- Unrotated overlay image that spans between a given bounding box.
- OverlayImageLayer
- OverlayImageLayer is used to display one or multiple images on the map.
R extends Object> - Polygon class, to be used for the PolygonLayer.
R extends Object> - A polygon layer for FlutterMap.
R extends Object> - Polyline (aka. LineString) class, to be used for the PolylineLayer.
R extends Object> - A Polyline (aka. LineString) layer for FlutterMap.
- PositionedTapController
- PositionedTapDetector2
- Proj4Crs
- Custom CRS
- Projection
- The abstract base Projection class, used for coordinate reference systems like Epsg3857. Inherit from this class if you want to create or implement your own CRS.
- RenderTranslucentPointer
- A render object that is invisible to its parent during hit testing.
- RichAttributionWidget
- A prebuilt dynamic attribution layer that supports both logos and text through SourceAttributions
- RichAttributionWidgetAnimation
- Animation provider interface for a RichAttributionWidget
- RotatedOverlayImage
- Spans an image across three corner points.
- Scalebar
- The Scalebar widget is a map layer for FlutterMap.
- ScalebarPainter
- This painter is used in the Scalebar widget and ensures that all ScalebarPainters have a function to tell the widget what Size it should have.
- ScaleRAWA
- Prebuilt animation provider for a RichAttributionWidget
- SimpleAttributionWidget
- A simple, classic style, attribution layer
- SourceAttribution
- Base class for attributions that render themselves as widgets in a RichAttributionWidget
- SphericalMercator
- Spherical mercator projection
- StrokePattern
- Determines whether a stroke should be solid, dotted, or dashed, and the exact characteristics of each
- TapPosition
- TextSourceAttribution
- A simple text attribution displayed in the popup box of a RichAttributionWidget
- TileCoordinates
- Tile coordinates identify the position of the tile position for slippy map tiles. The z coordinate represents the zoom level where the zoom level of 0 fits the complete world while bigger z values are using accordingly to the zoom level of the MapCamera.
- TileCoordinatesResolver
- Resolves coordinates in the context of world replications.
- TileDisplay
- Defines how the tile should get displayed on the map.
- TileImage
- The tile image class
- TileLayer
- Describes the needed properties to create a tile-based layer. A tile is an image bound to a specific geographical position.
- TileProvider
- The base tile provider, extended by other classes with more specialised purposes and/or requirements
- TileUpdateEvent
- Describes whether loading and/or pruning should occur and allows overriding the load center/zoom.
- TileUpdateTransformers
- Contains a set of built-in TileUpdateTransformers
- TranslucentPointer
- A widget that is invisible for its parent during hit testing, but still allows its subtree to receive pointer events
- UnconstrainedCamera
- Does not apply any constraint to a MapCamera
- WMSTileLayerOptions
- Options for the []
- AttributionAlignment
- Position to anchor RichAttributionWidget to relative to the FlutterMap
- CursorRotationBehaviour
- The behaviour of the cursor/keyboard rotation function in terms of the angle that the map is rotated to
- EvictErrorTileStrategy
- Strategies on how to handle tile errors
- MapEventSource
- Event sources which are used to identify different types of MapEvent events
- PatternFit
- Determines how a non-solid StrokePattern should be fit to a line when their lengths are not equal or multiples
- PolygonLabelPlacement
- Defines the algorithm used to calculate the position of the Polygon label.
- RetinaMode
- Retina mode improves the resolution of map tiles, particularly on high density displays
- ScalebarLength
- The relative length of the scalebar.
BuildContext context, Widget tileWidget, TileImage tile) → Widget - Shows coordinates over Tiles
BuildContext context, Widget tileWidget, TileImage tile) → Widget - Applies inversion color matrix on Tiles which may simulate Dark mode. darkModeTilesContainerBuilder is better at performance because it applies color matrix on the container instead of on every Tile
BuildContext context, Widget tilesContainer) → Widget - Applies inversion color matrix on Tiles container which may simulate Dark mode.
BuildContext context, Widget tileWidget, TileImage tile) → Widget - Shows the Tile loading time in ms
- ErrorTileCallBack = void Function(TileImage tile, Object error, StackTrace? stackTrace)
- Callback definition for the TileLayer.errorTileCallback option.
- IsKeyCursorRotationTrigger = bool Function(LogicalKeyboardKey key)
- See CursorKeyboardRotationOptions.isKeyTrigger
R extends Object> = ValueNotifier< LayerHitResult< R> ?> - A ValueNotifier that notifies:
- LongPressCallback = void Function(TapPosition tapPosition, LatLng point)
- Callback to notify when the map emits long-press gesture
- MapEventCallback = void Function(MapEvent)
- Callback to notify when the map emits a MapEvent.
- PointerCancelCallback = void Function(PointerCancelEvent event, LatLng point)
- Callback to notify when the map registers a pointer cancel event.
- PointerDownCallback = void Function(PointerDownEvent event, LatLng point)
- Callback to notify when the map registers a pointer down event.
- PointerHoverCallback = void Function(PointerHoverEvent event, LatLng point)
- Callback to notify when the map registers a pointer hover event.
- PointerUpCallback = void Function(PointerUpEvent event, LatLng point)
- Callback to notify when the map registers a pointer up event.
- PositionCallback = void Function(MapCamera camera, bool hasGesture)
- Callback that gets called when the viewport of the map changes.
- TapCallback = void Function(TapPosition tapPosition, LatLng point)
- Callback to notify when the map registers a confirmed short tap gesture.
- TapPositionCallback = void Function(TapPosition position)
- TileBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Widget tileWidget, TileImage tile)
- Builder function that returns a TileBuilder instance.
= StreamTransformer<
TileUpdateEvent, TileUpdateEvent> - Restricts and limits TileUpdateEvents (which are emitted 'by' MapEvents), which cause the tiles of the TileLayer to update (see below).