FluentLocalizationsUr class
The translations for Urdu (ur
- Inheritance
- Object
- FluentLocalizations
- FluentLocalizationsUr
- Available extensions
- FluentLocalizationsUr([String locale = 'ur'])
- am → String
The text used by TimePicker for the AM field.
no setteroverride
- backButtonTooltip → String
The tooltip for the back button on NavigationAppBar.
no setteroverride
- blueLabel → String
Label for blue color component in color picker
no setteroverride
- clickToSearch → String
The tooltip for the "Click to Search" button.
no setteroverride
- closeButtonLabel → String
Label for "close" buttons and menu items.
no setteroverride
The tooltip for the toggle navigation button.
no setteroverride
- closeTabLabel → String
Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension
The label used by TabView's close button.no setter - closeTabLabelSuffix → String
The label used by TabView's close button.
no setteroverride
- closeWindowTooltip → String
The tooltip used by the "Close" button on desktop windows.
no setteroverride
- colorAliceBlue → String
The name of the color, Alice Blue.
no setteroverride
- colorAntiqueWhite → String
The name of the color, Antique White.
no setteroverride
- colorAquamarine → String
The name of the color, Aquamarine.
no setteroverride
- colorAzure → String
The name of the color, Azure.
no setteroverride
- colorBeige → String
The name of the color, Beige.
no setteroverride
- colorBisque → String
The name of the color, Bisque.
no setteroverride
- colorBlack → String
The name of the color, Black.
no setteroverride
- colorBlanchedAlmond → String
The name of the color, Blanched Almond.
no setteroverride
- colorBlue → String
The name of the color, Blue.
no setteroverride
- colorBlueViolet → String
The name of the color, Blue Violet.
no setteroverride
- colorBrown → String
The name of the color, Brown.
no setteroverride
- colorBurlyWood → String
The name of the color, Burly Wood.
no setteroverride
- colorCadetBlue → String
The name of the color, Cadet Blue.
no setteroverride
- colorChartreuse → String
The name of the color, Chartreuse.
no setteroverride
- colorChocolate → String
The name of the color, Chocolate.
no setteroverride
- colorCoral → String
The name of the color, Coral.
no setteroverride
- colorCornflowerBlue → String
The name of the color, Cornflower Blue.
no setteroverride
- colorCornsilk → String
The name of the color, Cornsilk.
no setteroverride
- colorCrimson → String
The name of the color, Crimson.
no setteroverride
- colorCyan → String
The name of the color, Cyan.
no setteroverride
- colorDarkBlue → String
The name of the color, Dark Blue.
no setteroverride
- colorDarkCyan → String
The name of the color, Dark Cyan.
no setteroverride
- colorDarkGoldenrod → String
The name of the color, Dark Goldenrod.
no setteroverride
- colorDarkGray → String
The name of the color, Dark Gray.
no setteroverride
- colorDarkGreen → String
The name of the color, Dark Green.
no setteroverride
- colorDarkKhaki → String
The name of the color, Dark Khaki.
no setteroverride
- colorDarkMagenta → String
The name of the color, Dark Magenta.
no setteroverride
- colorDarkOliveGreen → String
The name of the color, Dark Olive Green.
no setteroverride
- colorDarkOrange → String
The name of the color, Dark Orange.
no setteroverride
- colorDarkOrchid → String
The name of the color, Dark Orchid.
no setteroverride
- colorDarkRed → String
The name of the color, Dark Red.
no setteroverride
- colorDarkSalmon → String
The name of the color, Dark Salmon.
no setteroverride
- colorDarkSeaGreen → String
The name of the color, Dark Sea Green.
no setteroverride
- colorDarkSlateBlue → String
The name of the color, Dark Slate Blue.
no setteroverride
- colorDarkSlateGray → String
The name of the color, Dark Slate Gray.
no setteroverride
- colorDarkTurquoise → String
The name of the color, Dark Turquoise.
no setteroverride
- colorDarkViolet → String
The name of the color, Dark Violet.
no setteroverride
- colorDeepPink → String
The name of the color, Deep Pink.
no setteroverride
- colorDeepSkyBlue → String
The name of the color, Deep Sky Blue.
no setteroverride
- colorDimGray → String
The name of the color, Dim Gray.
no setteroverride
- colorDodgerBlue → String
The name of the color, Dodger Blue.
no setteroverride
- colorFirebrick → String
The name of the color, Firebrick.
no setteroverride
- colorFloralWhite → String
The name of the color, Floral White.
no setteroverride
- colorForestGreen → String
The name of the color, Forest Green.
no setteroverride
- colorGainsboro → String
The name of the color, Gainsboro.
no setteroverride
- colorGhostWhite → String
The name of the color, Ghost White.
no setteroverride
- colorGold → String
The name of the color, Gold.
no setteroverride
- colorGoldenrod → String
The name of the color, Goldenrod.
no setteroverride
- colorGray → String
The name of the color, Gray.
no setteroverride
- colorGreen → String
The name of the color, Green.
no setteroverride
- colorGreenYellow → String
The name of the color, Green Yellow.
no setteroverride
- colorHoneydew → String
The name of the color, Honeydew.
no setteroverride
- colorHotPink → String
The name of the color, Hot Pink.
no setteroverride
- colorIndianRed → String
The name of the color, Indian Red.
no setteroverride
- colorIndigo → String
The name of the color, Indigo.
no setteroverride
- colorIvory → String
The name of the color, Ivory.
no setteroverride
- colorKhaki → String
The name of the color, Khaki.
no setteroverride
- colorLavender → String
The name of the color, Lavender.
no setteroverride
- colorLavenderBlush → String
The name of the color, Lavender Blush.
no setteroverride
- colorLawnGreen → String
The name of the color, Lawn Green.
no setteroverride
- colorLemonChiffon → String
The name of the color, Lemon Chiffon.
no setteroverride
- colorLightBlue → String
The name of the color, Light Blue.
no setteroverride
- colorLightCoral → String
The name of the color, Light Coral.
no setteroverride
- colorLightCyan → String
The name of the color, Light Cyan.
no setteroverride
- colorLightGoldenrodYellow → String
The name of the color, Light Goldenrod Yellow.
no setteroverride
- colorLightGray → String
The name of the color, Light Gray.
no setteroverride
- colorLightGreen → String
The name of the color, Light Green.
no setteroverride
- colorLightPink → String
The name of the color, Light Pink.
no setteroverride
- colorLightSalmon → String
The name of the color, Light Salmon.
no setteroverride
- colorLightSeaGreen → String
The name of the color, Light Sea Green.
no setteroverride
- colorLightSkyBlue → String
The name of the color, Light Sky Blue.
no setteroverride
- colorLightSlateGray → String
The name of the color, Light Slate Gray.
no setteroverride
- colorLightSteelBlue → String
The name of the color, Light Steel Blue.
no setteroverride
- colorLightYellow → String
The name of the color, Light Yellow.
no setteroverride
- colorLime → String
The name of the color, Lime.
no setteroverride
- colorLimeGreen → String
The name of the color, Lime Green.
no setteroverride
- colorLinen → String
The name of the color, Linen.
no setteroverride
- colorMagenta → String
The name of the color, Magenta.
no setteroverride
- colorMaroon → String
The name of the color, Maroon.
no setteroverride
- colorMediumAquamarine → String
The name of the color, Medium Aquamarine.
no setteroverride
- colorMediumBlue → String
The name of the color, Medium Blue.
no setteroverride
- colorMediumOrchid → String
The name of the color, Medium Orchid.
no setteroverride
- colorMediumPurple → String
The name of the color, Medium Purple.
no setteroverride
- colorMediumSeaGreen → String
The name of the color, Medium Sea Green.
no setteroverride
- colorMediumSlateBlue → String
The name of the color, Medium Slate Blue.
no setteroverride
- colorMediumSpringGreen → String
The name of the color, Medium Spring Green.
no setteroverride
- colorMediumTurquoise → String
The name of the color, Medium Turquoise.
no setteroverride
- colorMediumVioletRed → String
The name of the color, Medium Violet Red.
no setteroverride
- colorMidnightBlue → String
The name of the color, Midnight Blue.
no setteroverride
- colorMintCream → String
The name of the color, Mint Cream.
no setteroverride
- colorMistyRose → String
The name of the color, Misty Rose.
no setteroverride
- colorMoccasin → String
The name of the color, Moccasin.
no setteroverride
The name of the color, Navajo White.
no setteroverride
The name of the color, Navy.
no setteroverride
- colorOldLace → String
The name of the color, Old Lace.
no setteroverride
- colorOlive → String
The name of the color, Olive.
no setteroverride
- colorOliveDrab → String
The name of the color, Olive Drab.
no setteroverride
- colorOrange → String
The name of the color, Orange.
no setteroverride
- colorOrangeRed → String
The name of the color, Orange Red.
no setteroverride
- colorOrchid → String
The name of the color, Orchid.
no setteroverride
- colorPaleGoldenrod → String
The name of the color, Pale Goldenrod.
no setteroverride
- colorPaleGreen → String
The name of the color, Pale Green.
no setteroverride
- colorPaleTurquoise → String
The name of the color, Pale Turquoise.
no setteroverride
- colorPaleVioletRed → String
The name of the color, Pale Violet Red.
no setteroverride
- colorPapayaWhip → String
The name of the color, Papaya Whip.
no setteroverride
- colorPeachPuff → String
The name of the color, Peach Puff.
no setteroverride
- colorPeru → String
The name of the color, Peru.
no setteroverride
- colorPink → String
The name of the color, Pink.
no setteroverride
- colorPlum → String
The name of the color, Plum.
no setteroverride
- colorPowderBlue → String
The name of the color, Powder Blue.
no setteroverride
- colorPurple → String
The name of the color, Purple.
no setteroverride
- colorRed → String
The name of the color, Red.
no setteroverride
- colorRosyBrown → String
The name of the color, Rosy Brown.
no setteroverride
- colorRoyalBlue → String
The name of the color, Royal Blue.
no setteroverride
- colorSaddleBrown → String
The name of the color, Saddle Brown.
no setteroverride
- colorSalmon → String
The name of the color, Salmon.
no setteroverride
- colorSandyBrown → String
The name of the color, Sandy Brown.
no setteroverride
- colorSeaGreen → String
The name of the color, Sea Green.
no setteroverride
- colorSeaShell → String
The name of the color, Sea Shell.
no setteroverride
- colorSienna → String
The name of the color, Sienna.
no setteroverride
- colorSilver → String
The name of the color, Silver.
no setteroverride
- colorSkyBlue → String
The name of the color, Sky Blue.
no setteroverride
- colorSlateBlue → String
The name of the color, Slate Blue.
no setteroverride
- colorSlateGray → String
The name of the color, Slate Gray.
no setteroverride
- colorSnow → String
The name of the color, Snow.
no setteroverride
- colorSpringGreen → String
The name of the color, Spring Green.
no setteroverride
- colorSteelBlue → String
The name of the color, Steel Blue.
no setteroverride
- colorTan → String
The name of the color, Tan.
no setteroverride
- colorTeal → String
The name of the color, Teal.
no setteroverride
- colorThistle → String
The name of the color, Thistle.
no setteroverride
- colorTomato → String
The name of the color, Tomato.
no setteroverride
- colorTurquoise → String
The name of the color, Turquoise.
no setteroverride
- colorViolet → String
The name of the color, Violet.
no setteroverride
- colorWheat → String
The name of the color, Wheat.
no setteroverride
- colorWhite → String
The name of the color, White.
no setteroverride
- colorWhiteSmoke → String
The name of the color, White Smoke.
no setteroverride
- colorYellow → String
The name of the color, Yellow.
no setteroverride
- colorYellowGreen → String
The name of the color, Yellow Green.
no setteroverride
- copyActionLabel → String
The label for the copy action on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
- copyActionTooltip → String
The tooltip for the copy action on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
- copyShortcut → String
Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension
The copy shortcut label used by text selection controls.no setter - cutActionLabel → String
The label for the cut action on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
- cutActionTooltip → String
The tooltip for the cut action on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
- cutShortcut → String
Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension
The cut shortcut label used by text selection controls.no setter - day → String
The text used by DatePicker for the day field
no setteroverride
- dialogLabel → String
The dialog label.
no setteroverride
- greenLabel → String
Label for green color component in color picker
no setteroverride
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- hour → String
The text used by TimePicker for the hour field.
no setteroverride
- hueLabel → String
Label for hue component in color picker
no setteroverride
- lessText → String
Text for collapsing color picker options
no setteroverride
- localeName → String
- minimizeWindowTooltip → String
The tooltip used by the "Minimize" button on desktop windows.
no setteroverride
- minute → String
The text used by TimePicker for the minute field.
no setteroverride
- modalBarrierDismissLabel → String
Label read out by accessibility tools (TalkBack or VoiceOver) for a modal barrier to indicate that a tap dismisses the barrier. A modal barrier can for example be found behind an alert or popup to block user interaction with elements behind it.
no setteroverride
- month → String
The text used by DatePicker for the month field
no setteroverride
- moreText → String
Text for expanding color picker options
no setteroverride
- newTabLabel → String
The label used by TabView's new button.
no setteroverride
- noResultsFoundLabel → String
The label used by AutoSuggestBox when the results can't be found.
no setteroverride
- opacityLabel → String
Label for opacity component in color picker
no setteroverride
The tooltip for the toogle navigation button.
no setteroverride
- pasteActionLabel → String
The label for the paste button on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
- pasteActionTooltip → String
The tooltip for the paste action on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
- pasteShortcut → String
Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension
The paste shortcut label used by text selection controls.no setter - pm → String
The text used by TimePicker for the PM field.
no setteroverride
- redLabel → String
Label for red color component in color picker
no setteroverride
- restoreWindowTooltip → String
The tooltip used by the "Restore" button on desktop windows.
no setteroverride
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- saturationLabel → String
Label for saturation component in color picker
no setteroverride
- scrollTabBackwardLabel → String
The label used by TabView's scroll backward button.
no setteroverride
- scrollTabForwardLabel → String
The label used by TabView's scroll forward button.
no setteroverride
- searchLabel → String
Label for "search" text fields.
no setteroverride
- seeLess → String
The text used by CommandBar to show less items.
no setteroverride
- seeMore → String
The text used by CommandBar to show more items.
no setteroverride
- selectAllActionLabel → String
The label for the select all button on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
- selectAllActionTooltip → String
The tooltip for the select all action on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
- selectAllShortcut → String
Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension
The select all shortcut label used by text selection controls.no setter - undoActionLabel → String
The label for the undo button on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
- undoActionTooltip → String
The tooltip for the undo action on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
- undoShortcut → String
Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension
The select all shortcut label used by text selection controls.no setter - valueLabel → String
Label for value component in color picker
no setteroverride
- year → String
The text used by DatePicker for the year field
no setteroverride
int value) → String -
No description provided for @alphaSliderTooltip.
String colorKey) → String -
Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension
Returns DisplayName of the color -
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
int value, String colorName) → String -
No description provided for @valueSliderTooltip.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.