FluentLocalizationsFr class

The translations for French (fr).

Available extensions


FluentLocalizationsFr([String locale = 'fr'])


am String
The text used by TimePicker for the AM field.
no setteroverride
backButtonTooltip String
The tooltip for the back button on NavigationAppBar.
no setteroverride
blueLabel String
Label for blue color component in color picker
no setteroverride
clickToSearch String
The tooltip for the "Click to Search" button.
no setteroverride
closeButtonLabel String
Label for "close" buttons and menu items.
no setteroverride
closeNavigationTooltip String
The tooltip for the toggle navigation button.
no setteroverride
closeTabLabel String

Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension

The label used by TabView's close button.
no setter
closeTabLabelSuffix String
The label used by TabView's close button.
no setteroverride
closeWindowTooltip String
The tooltip used by the "Close" button on desktop windows.
no setteroverride
colorAliceBlue String
The name of the color, Alice Blue.
no setteroverride
colorAntiqueWhite String
The name of the color, Antique White.
no setteroverride
colorAquamarine String
The name of the color, Aquamarine.
no setteroverride
colorAzure String
The name of the color, Azure.
no setteroverride
colorBeige String
The name of the color, Beige.
no setteroverride
colorBisque String
The name of the color, Bisque.
no setteroverride
colorBlack String
The name of the color, Black.
no setteroverride
colorBlanchedAlmond String
The name of the color, Blanched Almond.
no setteroverride
colorBlue String
The name of the color, Blue.
no setteroverride
colorBlueViolet String
The name of the color, Blue Violet.
no setteroverride
colorBrown String
The name of the color, Brown.
no setteroverride
colorBurlyWood String
The name of the color, Burly Wood.
no setteroverride
colorCadetBlue String
The name of the color, Cadet Blue.
no setteroverride
colorChartreuse String
The name of the color, Chartreuse.
no setteroverride
colorChocolate String
The name of the color, Chocolate.
no setteroverride
colorCoral String
The name of the color, Coral.
no setteroverride
colorCornflowerBlue String
The name of the color, Cornflower Blue.
no setteroverride
colorCornsilk String
The name of the color, Cornsilk.
no setteroverride
colorCrimson String
The name of the color, Crimson.
no setteroverride
colorCyan String
The name of the color, Cyan.
no setteroverride
colorDarkBlue String
The name of the color, Dark Blue.
no setteroverride
colorDarkCyan String
The name of the color, Dark Cyan.
no setteroverride
colorDarkGoldenrod String
The name of the color, Dark Goldenrod.
no setteroverride
colorDarkGray String
The name of the color, Dark Gray.
no setteroverride
colorDarkGreen String
The name of the color, Dark Green.
no setteroverride
colorDarkKhaki String
The name of the color, Dark Khaki.
no setteroverride
colorDarkMagenta String
The name of the color, Dark Magenta.
no setteroverride
colorDarkOliveGreen String
The name of the color, Dark Olive Green.
no setteroverride
colorDarkOrange String
The name of the color, Dark Orange.
no setteroverride
colorDarkOrchid String
The name of the color, Dark Orchid.
no setteroverride
colorDarkRed String
The name of the color, Dark Red.
no setteroverride
colorDarkSalmon String
The name of the color, Dark Salmon.
no setteroverride
colorDarkSeaGreen String
The name of the color, Dark Sea Green.
no setteroverride
colorDarkSlateBlue String
The name of the color, Dark Slate Blue.
no setteroverride
colorDarkSlateGray String
The name of the color, Dark Slate Gray.
no setteroverride
colorDarkTurquoise String
The name of the color, Dark Turquoise.
no setteroverride
colorDarkViolet String
The name of the color, Dark Violet.
no setteroverride
colorDeepPink String
The name of the color, Deep Pink.
no setteroverride
colorDeepSkyBlue String
The name of the color, Deep Sky Blue.
no setteroverride
colorDimGray String
The name of the color, Dim Gray.
no setteroverride
colorDodgerBlue String
The name of the color, Dodger Blue.
no setteroverride
colorFirebrick String
The name of the color, Firebrick.
no setteroverride
colorFloralWhite String
The name of the color, Floral White.
no setteroverride
colorForestGreen String
The name of the color, Forest Green.
no setteroverride
colorGainsboro String
The name of the color, Gainsboro.
no setteroverride
colorGhostWhite String
The name of the color, Ghost White.
no setteroverride
colorGold String
The name of the color, Gold.
no setteroverride
colorGoldenrod String
The name of the color, Goldenrod.
no setteroverride
colorGray String
The name of the color, Gray.
no setteroverride
colorGreen String
The name of the color, Green.
no setteroverride
colorGreenYellow String
The name of the color, Green Yellow.
no setteroverride
colorHoneydew String
The name of the color, Honeydew.
no setteroverride
colorHotPink String
The name of the color, Hot Pink.
no setteroverride
colorIndianRed String
The name of the color, Indian Red.
no setteroverride
colorIndigo String
The name of the color, Indigo.
no setteroverride
colorIvory String
The name of the color, Ivory.
no setteroverride
colorKhaki String
The name of the color, Khaki.
no setteroverride
colorLavender String
The name of the color, Lavender.
no setteroverride
colorLavenderBlush String
The name of the color, Lavender Blush.
no setteroverride
colorLawnGreen String
The name of the color, Lawn Green.
no setteroverride
colorLemonChiffon String
The name of the color, Lemon Chiffon.
no setteroverride
colorLightBlue String
The name of the color, Light Blue.
no setteroverride
colorLightCoral String
The name of the color, Light Coral.
no setteroverride
colorLightCyan String
The name of the color, Light Cyan.
no setteroverride
colorLightGoldenrodYellow String
The name of the color, Light Goldenrod Yellow.
no setteroverride
colorLightGray String
The name of the color, Light Gray.
no setteroverride
colorLightGreen String
The name of the color, Light Green.
no setteroverride
colorLightPink String
The name of the color, Light Pink.
no setteroverride
colorLightSalmon String
The name of the color, Light Salmon.
no setteroverride
colorLightSeaGreen String
The name of the color, Light Sea Green.
no setteroverride
colorLightSkyBlue String
The name of the color, Light Sky Blue.
no setteroverride
colorLightSlateGray String
The name of the color, Light Slate Gray.
no setteroverride
colorLightSteelBlue String
The name of the color, Light Steel Blue.
no setteroverride
colorLightYellow String
The name of the color, Light Yellow.
no setteroverride
colorLime String
The name of the color, Lime.
no setteroverride
colorLimeGreen String
The name of the color, Lime Green.
no setteroverride
colorLinen String
The name of the color, Linen.
no setteroverride
colorMagenta String
The name of the color, Magenta.
no setteroverride
colorMaroon String
The name of the color, Maroon.
no setteroverride
colorMediumAquamarine String
The name of the color, Medium Aquamarine.
no setteroverride
colorMediumBlue String
The name of the color, Medium Blue.
no setteroverride
colorMediumOrchid String
The name of the color, Medium Orchid.
no setteroverride
colorMediumPurple String
The name of the color, Medium Purple.
no setteroverride
colorMediumSeaGreen String
The name of the color, Medium Sea Green.
no setteroverride
colorMediumSlateBlue String
The name of the color, Medium Slate Blue.
no setteroverride
colorMediumSpringGreen String
The name of the color, Medium Spring Green.
no setteroverride
colorMediumTurquoise String
The name of the color, Medium Turquoise.
no setteroverride
colorMediumVioletRed String
The name of the color, Medium Violet Red.
no setteroverride
colorMidnightBlue String
The name of the color, Midnight Blue.
no setteroverride
colorMintCream String
The name of the color, Mint Cream.
no setteroverride
colorMistyRose String
The name of the color, Misty Rose.
no setteroverride
colorMoccasin String
The name of the color, Moccasin.
no setteroverride
colorNavajoWhite String
The name of the color, Navajo White.
no setteroverride
colorNavy String
The name of the color, Navy.
no setteroverride
colorOldLace String
The name of the color, Old Lace.
no setteroverride
colorOlive String
The name of the color, Olive.
no setteroverride
colorOliveDrab String
The name of the color, Olive Drab.
no setteroverride
colorOrange String
The name of the color, Orange.
no setteroverride
colorOrangeRed String
The name of the color, Orange Red.
no setteroverride
colorOrchid String
The name of the color, Orchid.
no setteroverride
colorPaleGoldenrod String
The name of the color, Pale Goldenrod.
no setteroverride
colorPaleGreen String
The name of the color, Pale Green.
no setteroverride
colorPaleTurquoise String
The name of the color, Pale Turquoise.
no setteroverride
colorPaleVioletRed String
The name of the color, Pale Violet Red.
no setteroverride
colorPapayaWhip String
The name of the color, Papaya Whip.
no setteroverride
colorPeachPuff String
The name of the color, Peach Puff.
no setteroverride
colorPeru String
The name of the color, Peru.
no setteroverride
colorPink String
The name of the color, Pink.
no setteroverride
colorPlum String
The name of the color, Plum.
no setteroverride
colorPowderBlue String
The name of the color, Powder Blue.
no setteroverride
colorPurple String
The name of the color, Purple.
no setteroverride
colorRed String
The name of the color, Red.
no setteroverride
colorRosyBrown String
The name of the color, Rosy Brown.
no setteroverride
colorRoyalBlue String
The name of the color, Royal Blue.
no setteroverride
colorSaddleBrown String
The name of the color, Saddle Brown.
no setteroverride
colorSalmon String
The name of the color, Salmon.
no setteroverride
colorSandyBrown String
The name of the color, Sandy Brown.
no setteroverride
colorSeaGreen String
The name of the color, Sea Green.
no setteroverride
colorSeaShell String
The name of the color, Sea Shell.
no setteroverride
colorSienna String
The name of the color, Sienna.
no setteroverride
colorSilver String
The name of the color, Silver.
no setteroverride
colorSkyBlue String
The name of the color, Sky Blue.
no setteroverride
colorSlateBlue String
The name of the color, Slate Blue.
no setteroverride
colorSlateGray String
The name of the color, Slate Gray.
no setteroverride
colorSnow String
The name of the color, Snow.
no setteroverride
colorSpringGreen String
The name of the color, Spring Green.
no setteroverride
colorSteelBlue String
The name of the color, Steel Blue.
no setteroverride
colorTan String
The name of the color, Tan.
no setteroverride
colorTeal String
The name of the color, Teal.
no setteroverride
colorThistle String
The name of the color, Thistle.
no setteroverride
colorTomato String
The name of the color, Tomato.
no setteroverride
colorTurquoise String
The name of the color, Turquoise.
no setteroverride
colorViolet String
The name of the color, Violet.
no setteroverride
colorWheat String
The name of the color, Wheat.
no setteroverride
colorWhite String
The name of the color, White.
no setteroverride
colorWhiteSmoke String
The name of the color, White Smoke.
no setteroverride
colorYellow String
The name of the color, Yellow.
no setteroverride
colorYellowGreen String
The name of the color, Yellow Green.
no setteroverride
copyActionLabel String
The label for the copy action on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
copyActionTooltip String
The tooltip for the copy action on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
copyShortcut String

Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension

The copy shortcut label used by text selection controls.
no setter
cutActionLabel String
The label for the cut action on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
cutActionTooltip String
The tooltip for the cut action on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
cutShortcut String

Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension

The cut shortcut label used by text selection controls.
no setter
day String
The text used by DatePicker for the day field
no setteroverride
dialogLabel String
The dialog label.
no setteroverride
greenLabel String
Label for green color component in color picker
no setteroverride
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hour String
The text used by TimePicker for the hour field.
no setteroverride
hueLabel String
Label for hue component in color picker
no setteroverride
lessText String
Text for collapsing color picker options
no setteroverride
localeName String
minimizeWindowTooltip String
The tooltip used by the "Minimize" button on desktop windows.
no setteroverride
minute String
The text used by TimePicker for the minute field.
no setteroverride
modalBarrierDismissLabel String
Label read out by accessibility tools (TalkBack or VoiceOver) for a modal barrier to indicate that a tap dismisses the barrier. A modal barrier can for example be found behind an alert or popup to block user interaction with elements behind it.
no setteroverride
month String
The text used by DatePicker for the month field
no setteroverride
moreText String
Text for expanding color picker options
no setteroverride
newTabLabel String
The label used by TabView's new button.
no setteroverride
noResultsFoundLabel String
The label used by AutoSuggestBox when the results can't be found.
no setteroverride
opacityLabel String
Label for opacity component in color picker
no setteroverride
openNavigationTooltip String
The tooltip for the toogle navigation button.
no setteroverride
pasteActionLabel String
The label for the paste button on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
pasteActionTooltip String
The tooltip for the paste action on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
pasteShortcut String

Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension

The paste shortcut label used by text selection controls.
no setter
pm String
The text used by TimePicker for the PM field.
no setteroverride
redLabel String
Label for red color component in color picker
no setteroverride
restoreWindowTooltip String
The tooltip used by the "Restore" button on desktop windows.
no setteroverride
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
saturationLabel String
Label for saturation component in color picker
no setteroverride
scrollTabBackwardLabel String
The label used by TabView's scroll backward button.
no setteroverride
scrollTabForwardLabel String
The label used by TabView's scroll forward button.
no setteroverride
searchLabel String
Label for "search" text fields.
no setteroverride
seeLess String
The text used by CommandBar to show less items.
no setteroverride
seeMore String
The text used by CommandBar to show more items.
no setteroverride
selectAllActionLabel String
The label for the select all button on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
selectAllActionTooltip String
The tooltip for the select all action on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
selectAllShortcut String

Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension

The select all shortcut label used by text selection controls.
no setter
undoActionLabel String
The label for the undo button on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
undoActionTooltip String
The tooltip for the undo action on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
undoShortcut String

Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension

The select all shortcut label used by text selection controls.
no setter
valueLabel String
Label for value component in color picker
no setteroverride
year String
The text used by DatePicker for the year field
no setteroverride


alphaSliderTooltip(int value) String
No description provided for @alphaSliderTooltip.
getColorDisplayName(String colorKey) String

Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension

Returns DisplayName of the color
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
valueSliderTooltip(int value, String colorName) String
No description provided for @valueSliderTooltip.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.