Fixed class

Represents a fixed scale decimal no.

The value is stored using the minor units e.g.

Fixed.fromInt(100, scale: 2) == 1.00
Implemented types


Fixed.copyWith(Fixed fixed, {int? scale})
Returns a new Fixed value from an existing one changing the scale to scale.
Fixed.fromBigInt(BigInt minorUnits, {int scale = 2})
Creates a fixed scale decimal from minorUnits with the given scale.
Fixed.fromDecimal(Decimal amount, {int scale = 2})
Creates a fixed scale decimal from amount with the given scale.
Fixed.fromInt(int minorUnits, {int scale = 2})
Creates Fixed scale decimal from minorUnits with the given scale.
Fixed.fromNum(num amount, {int scale = 2})
Creates a Fixed scale value from a double or integer value and stores the value with a the given scale.


abs Fixed
Returns the absolute value of this.
no setter
decimalPart BigInt
The component of the number after the decimal point.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
integerPart BigInt
The component of the number before the decimal point
no setter
isNegative bool
returns true of the value of this is negative.
no setter
isPositive bool
returns true if the value of this is positive.
no setter
isZero bool
returns true if the value of this is zero.
no setter
minorUnits BigInt
Returns this as minor units.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scale int
The scale to which we store the amount.
scaleFactor BigInt
Returns 10 ^ scale
no setter
sign int
Returns the sign of this amount.
no setter
value ↔ Decimal
The value of this stored as a Decimal.


allocationAccordingTo(List<int> ratios) List<Fixed>
Spread the value across 'n' Fixed values according to the supplie ratios.
compareTo(Fixed other) int
Two Fixed instances are the same if they have the same value and the same scale.
divide(num divisor) Fixed
Returns this / divisor.
format(String pattern, {bool invertSeparator = false}) String
Formats a Fixed value into a String according to the passed pattern.
formatIntl([String? locale]) String
Formats the value using the locale's decimal pattern.
multiply(num multiplier) Fixed
Returns this * multiplier
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pow(int exponent) Fixed
Returns this ^ exponent
remainder(Fixed divisor) Fixed
Returns the remainder of dividing this / divisor.
toDecimal() → Decimal
Returns the value as a Decimal
toInt() int
Truncates this and returns the integer part.
toString() String
Returns the Fixed value using scale to control the displayed number of decimal places.


operator %(Fixed divisor) Fixed
Returns this % divisor.
operator *(Fixed multiplier) Fixed
Returns this * multiplier.
operator +(Fixed addition) Fixed
Returns this + addition
operator -(Fixed subtration) Fixed
Returns this - subtration
operator /(Fixed divisor) Fixed
Returns this / divisor
operator <(Fixed other) bool
less than operator
operator <=(Fixed other) bool
less than or equal operator
operator ==(covariant Fixed other) bool
Two Fixed values are considered equal if they have the same value irrespective of scale.
operator >(Fixed other) bool
greater than operator
operator >=(Fixed other) bool
greater than or equal operator
operator unary-() Fixed
Returns -this.
operator ~/(Fixed divisor) Fixed
Returns the this ~/ divisor

Static Properties

one Fixed
The value 1 with scale = 2
ten Fixed
The value 10 with scale = 2
two Fixed
The value 2 with scale = 2
zero Fixed

Static Methods

parse(String amount, {int scale = 2, bool invertSeparator = false}) Fixed
Parses amount as a decimal value.
tryParse(String amount, {int scale = 2, bool invertSeparator = false}) Fixed?
Works the same as parse but returns a null if the amount cannot be parsed.


maxInt → const int
minInt → const int