format method

String format(
  1. String pattern, {
  2. bool invertSeparator = false,

Formats a Fixed value into a String according to the passed pattern.

If invertSeparator is true then the role of the '.' and ',' are reversed. By default the '.' is used as the decimal separator whilst the ',' is used as the grouping separator.

0 A single digit

A single digit, omitted if the value is zero

. or , Decimal separator dependant on invertSeparator

  • Minus sign , or . Grouping separator dependant on invertSeparator space Space character.


String format(String pattern, {bool invertSeparator = false}) {
  if (!invertSeparator) {
    return FixedEncoder(pattern, decimalSeparator: '.', groupSeparator: ',')
  } else {
    return FixedEncoder(pattern, decimalSeparator: ',', groupSeparator: '.')