Fixed.fromNum constructor

  1. num amount, {
  2. int scale = 2,

Creates a Fixed scale value from a double or integer value and stores the value with a the given scale.

scale defaults to 2 if not passed.

This method will throw AmountToLargeException if the scale is > 20 or the absolute value is greater than 10^21 This method will clip the no. of decimal places to 20

final value = Fixed.fromNum(1.2345, scale: 2);
print(value) -> 1.23

For a decimal amount we throw a AmountTooLargeException if an amount is larger 10^21 is passed in. An AmountTooLargeException will be thrown if the scale > 20. If you need larger numbers then use one of the alternate constructors.


Fixed.fromNum(num amount, {this.scale = 2}) {

  final decoder = FixedDecoder(
    scale: scale,
    pattern: '#.#',
    groupSeparator: ',',
    decimalSeparator: '.',

  /// toStringAsFixed is limited to a max of 20 decimal places
  try {
    final fixed = amount.toStringAsFixed(scale);
    if (fixed.contains('e')) {
      throw AmountTooLargeException('The amount must be less than 10^20');
    value = decoder.decode(fixed);
  } on RangeError catch (_) {
    throw AmountTooLargeException('The maximum scale for decimals is 20.');