Api class

Loading indicators. Api GetX Controller

Api is the Api class for commuting backend. It extends GetxController to update when user information changes.




apiUrl String
apiUrl is the api url.
getter/setter pair
authChanges ↔ BehaviorSubject<ApiUser?>
authChanges is posted on user login or logout. (Not on profile reading or updating)
getter/setter pair
cart Cart
쇼핑몰 카트
getter/setter pair
dio ↔ Dio
getter/setter pair
enableFirebase bool?
To use firebase or not.
getter/setter pair
enableMessaging bool?
Firebase Messaging
getter/setter pair
error ↔ PublishSubject
errror is posted on any error.
getter/setter pair
firebaseAuth → FirebaseAuth
no setter
firebaseInitialized ↔ BehaviorSubject<bool>
firebaseInitialized will be posted with true when it is initialized.
getter/setter pair
firestore → FirebaseFirestore
The firestore is Firestore database instance.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
idx int?
no setter
imageCompressor Function?
Image compressor after taking Image.
getter/setter pair
isAdmin bool
no setter
isNewCommentOnMyPostOrComment bool
no setter
loggedIn bool
no setter
name String?
no setter
nickname String?
no setter
nicknameOrName String?
no setter
notLoggedIn bool
no setter
onForegroundMessage Function?
onForegroundMessage will be posted when there is a foreground message.
getter/setter pair
onMessageOpenedFromBackground Function?
getter/setter pair
onMessageOpenedFromTermiated Function?
getter/setter pair
onNotificationPermissionDenied Function?
Event handlers on perssion state changes. for iOS only. These event will be called when permission is denied or not determined.
getter/setter pair
onNotificationPermissionNotDetermined Function?
getter/setter pair
photoUrl String?
no setter
profileChanges ↔ BehaviorSubject<ApiUser?>
The profileChanges is posted when user profile changed and login & logout.
getter/setter pair
profileComplete bool
no setter
profileLoading bool
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sessionId String?
no setter
settingChanges ↔ PublishSubject<Map<String, dynamic>>
App Settings
getter/setter pair
settings Map<String, dynamic>
settings is the settings that was develivered over settingChanges event.
getter/setter pair
token String?
token is the push notification token.
getter/setter pair
translationChanges ↔ PublishSubject<Map<String, dynamic>?>
getter/setter pair
user ApiUser?
getter/setter pair
userIdx String?
no setter


addFriend({required String otherIdx}) Future<ApiFriend>
친구 추가
appGet(String table) Future
Get login user's record of a table.
appUpdate(String table, String field, String value) Future
Update login user's record of a table.
backupCart() → dynamic
blockFriend({required String otherIdx}) Future<ApiFriend>
blockListFriend() Future<List<ApiShortUser>>
categoryCreate({String? id, String title = ''}) Future<ApiCategory>
categoryGet(String id) Future<ApiCategory>
Get a category
categoryGets(List<String> ids) Future<List<ApiCategory>>
Gets a list of category
categorySearch({int limit = 10}) Future<List<ApiCategory>>
categoryUpdate({required String id, String? field, String? value, Map<String, dynamic>? data}) Future<ApiCategory>
Category Update
checkUserProfile() Future<bool>
Return true if there is no problem on user's profile or throws an error.
commentDelete(ApiComment comment, ApiPost post) Future<String?>
Deletes a comment.
commentEdit({String? idx, String? rootIdx, String? parentIdx, String? content, List<ApiFile>? files, Map<String, dynamic>? data, ApiComment? comment}) Future<ApiComment>
commentSearch({String? userIdx, String? categoryIdx, bool? files, int limit = 20, int page = 1, String order = 'DESC'}) Future<List<ApiComment>>
코멘트 검색
deleteFile(String? idx, {dynamic postOrComment}) Future<int>
Deletes a file.
deleteFriend({required String otherIdx}) Future<ApiFriend>
editComment({dynamic content = '', List<ApiFile>? files, required ApiPost post, ApiComment? parent, ApiComment? comment}) Future<ApiComment>
editPost({int? id, String? category, String? title, String? content, List<ApiFile>? files, Map<String, dynamic>? data, ApiPost? post}) Future<ApiPost>
edit(create or update) post
fetchPosts(ApiForum forum) Future<void>
Fetch posts based on the options of forum
friendRelationship({required String otherIdx}) Future<ApiFriend>
getPost(dynamic id) Future<ApiPost>
getPosts({String? category, int limit = 20, int paged = 1, String? userIdx}) Future<List<ApiPost>>
getPosts is an alias of searchPosts
init({required String apiUrl, bool enableFirebase = false, bool enableMessaging = false, Function? onNotificationPermissionDenied, Function? onNotificationPermissionNotDetermined, Function? onForegroundMessage, Function? onMessageOpenedFromTermiated, Function? onMessageOpenedFromBackground, Function? imageCompressor, Function? initUser}) Future<void>
isSubscribeChat(dynamic topic) bool
isSubscribeTopic(dynamic topic) bool
listFriend() Future<List<ApiShortUser>>
login({required String email, required String password}) Future<ApiUser?>
loginOrRegister({required String email, required String password, Map<String, dynamic>? data}) Future<ApiUser?>
logout() Future<void>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
otherUserProfile({String? idx, String? email, String? firebaseUid}) Future<ApiUser>
Returns other user profile data.
pointHistorySearch({String select = 'idx, fromUserIdx, toUserIdx, createdAt', String where = '1', int page = 1, int limit = 10}) Future<List<ApiPointHistory>>
pointMove({String? postIdx, String? point}) Future<int?>
postCount(String where) Future<String?>
count post based on the condition
postDelete(ApiPost post, [ApiForum? forum]) Future<String?>
Deletes a post.
postEdit({String? idx, String? relationIdx, String? categoryId, String? subcategory, String? title, String? content, List<ApiFile>? files, String? code, Map<String, dynamic>? data, ApiPost? post}) Future<ApiPost>
postGet(String idx) Future<ApiPost>
postGets(List<int> idxes) Future<List<ApiPost>>
postSearch({String? postOnTop, String? categoryId, List<String>? categoryIds, String? subcategory, String? code, int? limit = 20, int page = 1, String? userIdx, String? relationIdx, String? searchKey = '', bool photo = false, String? type, String order = 'idx', String by = 'DESC', int? days}) Future<List<ApiPost>>
Get posts from backend.
postToday({required String categoryId, String userIdx = '0', int limit = 10}) Future<List<ApiPost>>
Returns a post of today based on the categoryId and userIdx. 오늘 작성한 글을 가져온다.
query(String table, String where) Future
Query directly to database with SQL.
refreshProfile({String? sessionId}) Future<ApiUser?>
Refresh user profile and notify
refreshUserProfile() Future<ApiUser?>
Refresh user profile
register({required String email, required String password, Map<String, dynamic>? data}) Future<ApiUser?>
data will be saved as user property. You can save whatever but may need to update the ApiUser model accordingly.
reportArticle(String idx) Future
글 또는 코멘트를 신고
request<T>(Map<String, dynamic> data) Future<T>
restoreCart() → dynamic
장바구니 복구
searchComments({String? userIdx, int limit = 20, int page = 1, String order = 'DESC'}) Future<List<ApiComment>>
searchKeyStats({int days = 1}) Future<List<ApiSearchKeyStat>>
Load search keywords from Backend
searchPost({int? postIdOnTop, String? category, int limit = 20, int paged = 1, String? author, String? searchKey}) Future<List<ApiPost>>
Get posts from backend.
sendMessageToTokens({String? tokens, String? title, String? body, Map<String, dynamic>? data, String? imageUrl}) → dynamic
sendMessageToTopic({String? topic, String? title, String? body, Map<String, dynamic>? data, String? imageUrl}) → dynamic
sendPushNotificationToUsers({List<String>? users, String? subscription, String? title, String? body, Map<String, dynamic>? data, String? imageUrl}) Future
setConfig(String code, dynamic data) → dynamic
설정을 서버에 저장한다. 주의: 관리자만 사용 할 수 있다. 관리자가 아니면 백엔드에서 에러가 난다.
subscribeOrUnsubscribe({String? route, String? topic}) Future<ApiUser?>
@todo change method name.
subscribeOrUnsubscribeTopic(String? topic) Future<ApiUser?>
subscribeTopic(String topic, [dynamic tokens]) → dynamic
takeUploadFile({required ImageSource source, int quality = 90, bool deletePreviousUpload = false, String taxonomy = '', int entity = 0, String code = '', required Function? onProgress}) Future<ApiFile>
thumbnailUrl({String? src, String? code, int width = 320, int height = 320, int quality = 75, bool original = false}) String
Return thumbnail image url of an upload file/image.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unblockFriend({required String otherIdx}) Future<ApiFriend>
unsubscribeTopic(String topic, [dynamic tokens]) → dynamic
updateToken(String? token, {String topic = ''}) Future
Save token to backend.
uploadFile({File? file, Uint8List? bytes, Function? onProgress, bool deletePreviousUpload = false, String taxonomy = '', int entity = 0, String code = ''}) Future<ApiFile>
userHeart() Future<String?>
userOptionSwitch({String? option, String route = 'user.switch'}) Future<ApiUser?>
Switch option to on and off. If option doesnt exist it switch to on. If option is on it switch to off. If option is off it switch to on.
userOptionSwitchOff(String option) Future<ApiUser?>
it will always switch the option:off
userOptionSwitchOn(String option) Future<ApiUser?>
it will always switch the option:on
userSearch({String? name}) Future<List<ApiShortUser>>
userUpdate(Map<String, dynamic> data) Future<ApiUser?>
userUpdateFirebaseUid(String uid) Future<void>
Save firebase uid into centerx.
version() Future
Get version of backend api.
vote(dynamic postOrComment, String choice) Future


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

instance Api?
no setter