firelamp library


StringExtension on String?


age(String? birthdate) → dynamic
The birthdate may be in 'YYMMDD' format. ie) 001122 Or may be in 'YYYYMMDD' format. ie) 19770707
alert(String message) Future
Alert message
calAge(String birthdate) String
confirm(String title, String message) Future<bool>
예/아니오를 선택하게 하는 다이얼로그를 표시한다.
discount(int price, int rate) int
getFilenameFromPath(String path) String
Returns filename with extension.
getRandomString({int len = 16, String? prefix}) String
Returns a random string
imageUpload({int quality = 90, Function? onProgress, String taxonomy = '', int entity = 0, String code = '', bool deletePreviousUpload = false}) Future<ApiFile>
The imageUpload is only a sample function to illustrate how you can upload a photo. You may copy this and change whatever to meet your design goal. onProgress will be called many times with percentage value.
isImageUrl(dynamic t) bool
isNumeric(String? s) bool
moneyFormat(dynamic no) String


OnSelectedFunction = dynamic Function(dynamic selected)