takeUploadFile method

Future<ApiFile> takeUploadFile({
  1. required ImageSource source,
  2. int quality = 90,
  3. bool deletePreviousUpload = false,
  4. String taxonomy = '',
  5. int entity = 0,
  6. String code = '',
  7. required Function? onProgress,


이미지를 카메라 또는 갤러리로 부터 가져와서, 이미지 누어서 찍힌 이미지를 바로 보정을 하고, 압축을 하고, 서버에 업로드 deletePreviousUpload 가 true 이면, 기존에 업로드된 동일한 taxonomy 와 entity 파일을 삭제한다.


Future<ApiFile> takeUploadFile({
  required ImageSource source,
  int quality = 90,
  bool deletePreviousUpload = false,
  String taxonomy = '',
  int entity = 0,
  String code = '',
  required Function? onProgress,
}) async {
  /// Pick image
  final picker = ImagePicker();

  final pickedFile = await picker.getImage(source: source);
  if (pickedFile == null) throw ERROR_IMAGE_NOT_SELECTED;

  if (kIsWeb) {
    // final image = Image.network(pickedFile.path);
    final bytes = await pickedFile.readAsBytes();

    /// Upload with binary bytes
    return await uploadFile(
      bytes: bytes,
      deletePreviousUpload: deletePreviousUpload,
      onProgress: onProgress,
      taxonomy: taxonomy,
      entity: entity,
      code: code,
  } else {
    // If it's mobile.
    File? file;
    // If there is image compressor (mostly only mobile.)
    if (imageCompressor != null) {
      file = await imageCompressor!(pickedFile.path, quality);
    } else {
      // if there is no compresstor.
      file = File(pickedFile.path);

    print('code: $code in api.controller.dart::takeUploadfile');

    /// Upload with file
    return await uploadFile(
      file: file,
      deletePreviousUpload: deletePreviousUpload,
      onProgress: onProgress,
      taxonomy: taxonomy,
      entity: entity,
      code: code,