Subreddit class

A class representing a particular Reddit community, also known as a Subreddit.

Mixed in types


Subreddit.parse(Reddit reddit, Map data)


banned SubredditRelationship
no setterinherited
comments CommentHelper
no setterinherited
contributor ContributorRelationship
no setterinherited
data Map?
Returns the raw properties dictionary for this object.
no setterinherited
displayName String
no setterinherited
filters SubredditFilters
no setterinherited
flair SubredditFlair
no setterinherited
fullname String?
The fullname of a Reddit object.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
headerImage Uri?
The URL for the Subreddit's header image, if it exists.
no setter
iconImage Uri?
The URL for the Subreddit's icon, if it exists.
no setter
id String?
The id of a Reddit object.
no setterinherited
infoParams Map<String, String>?
no setterinherited
infoPath String
The base request format for the current object.
no setterinherited
isBanned bool?
Whether the currently authenticated Redditor is banned from the Subreddit.
no setter
isContributor bool?
Whether the currently authenticated Redditor is an approved submitter for the Subreddit.
no setter
mobileHeaderImage Uri?
The URL for the Subreddit's mobile header image, if it exists.
no setter
mod SubredditModeration
no setterinherited
moderator ModeratorRelationship
no setterinherited
modmail Modmail
no setterinherited
muted SubredditRelationship
no setterinherited
over18 bool
Is the Subreddit restricted to users 18+.
no setter
path String
no setterinherited
quarantine SubredditQuarantine
no setterinherited
reddit Reddit
The current Reddit instance.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
stream SubredditStream
no setterinherited
stylesheet SubredditStyleSheet
no setterinherited
title String
The title of the Subreddit.
no setter
wiki SubredditWiki
no setterinherited


controversial({TimeFilter timeFilter = TimeFilter.all, int? limit, String? after, Map<String, String>? params}) Stream<UserContent>
Returns a Stream of controversial comments and submissions. timeFilter is used to filter comments and submissions by time period.
fetch() Future
Requests the data associated with the current object.
gilded({int? limit, String? after, Map<String, String>? params}) Stream<UserContentInitialized>
Returns a Stream of content that has been gilded.
hot({int? limit, String? after, Map<String, String>? params}) Stream<UserContent>
Returns a Stream of hot comments and submissions.
message(String subject, String message, {SubredditRef? fromSubreddit}) Future<void>
Send a message.
newest({int? limit, String? after, Map<String, String>? params}) Stream<UserContent>
Returns a Stream of the newest comments and submissions.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
populate() Future<Subreddit>
Promotes this SubredditRef into a populated Subreddit.
random() Future<SubmissionRef>
Returns a random submission from the Subreddit.
randomRising({int? limit, String? after, Map<String, String>? params}) Stream<UserContent>
Returns a random UserContent that is "rising".
refresh() Future
Requests updated information from the Reddit API and updates the current object properties.
rising({int? limit, String? after, Map<String, String>? params}) Stream<UserContent>
Returns a UserContent that is "rising".
rules() Future<List<Rule>>
Return the rules for the subreddit.
Returns a Stream of UserContent that match query.
sticky({int number = 1}) Future<SubmissionRef>
Return a SubmissionRef that has been stickied on the subreddit.
submit(String title, {String? selftext, String? url, String? flairId, String? flairText, bool resubmit = true, bool sendReplies = true, bool nsfw = false, bool spoiler = false}) Future<Submission>
Creates a Submission on the Subreddit.
subscribe({List<SubredditRef>? otherSubreddits}) Future<void>
Subscribes to the subreddit.
top({TimeFilter timeFilter = TimeFilter.all, int? limit, String? after, Map<String, String>? params}) Stream<UserContent>
Returns a Stream of the top comments and submissions.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
traffic() Future<Map>
Returns a dictionary of the Subreddit's traffic statistics.
unsubscribe({List<SubredditRef>? otherSubreddits}) Future<void>
Unsubscribes from the subreddit.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.