Submission class

A fully initialized representation of a standard Reddit submission.

Mixed in types


Submission.parse(Reddit reddit, Map data)


approved bool?
Has this Submission been approved.
no setter
approvedAt DateTime?
The date and time that this Submission was approved.
no setter
approvedBy RedditorRef?
A RedditorRef of the Redditor who approved this Submission
no setter
archived bool
Is this Submission archived.
no setter
author String
The author of the item.
no setterinherited
authorFlairText String?
The author's flair text, if set.
no setter
bannedAt DateTime?
The date and time that this Submission was banned.
no setter
bannedBy RedditorRef?
A RedditorRef of the Redditor who banned this Submission.
no setter
body String?
The body of the item.
no setterinherited
brandSafe bool?
Is this Submission considered 'brand-safe' by Reddit.
no setter
canGild bool
Can this Submission be awarded Reddit Gold.
no setter
canModeratePost bool?
Can this Submission be moderated by the currently authenticated Redditor.
no setter
clicked bool
Has this Submission been clicked.
no setter
comments CommentForest?
Returns the CommentForest representing the comments for this Submission. May be null (see refreshComments).
no setter
commentSort CommentSortType
no setter
contestMode bool
Is this Submission in contest mode.
no setter
createdUtc DateTime
The time this Submission was created.
no setter
data Map?
Returns the raw properties dictionary for this object.
no setterinherited
distinguished String?
Is this Submission distinguished.
no setter
domain String
Returns the domain of this Submission.
no setter
downvotes int
The number of downvotes for this Submission.
no setter
edited bool
Has this Submission been edited.
no setter
flair SubmissionFlair
Helper utilities to manage flair for this Submission.
no setter
fullname String?
The fullname of a Reddit object.
no setterinherited
gold int
The amount of gold gilded to this UserContent.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hidden bool
Is this Submission marked as hidden.
no setter
hideScore bool
Is the score of this Submission hidden.
no setter
id String?
The id of a Reddit object.
no setterinherited
ignoreReports bool?
Ignore reports for this Submission.
no setter
infoParams Map<String, String>?
no setteroverride
infoPath String
The base request format for the current object.
no setterinherited
isCrosspostable bool
Can this Submission be cross-posted.
no setter
isRedditMediaDomain bool
Is this Submission hosted on a Reddit media domain.
no setter
isSelf bool
Is this Submission a self-post.
no setter
isVideo bool
Is this Submission a video.
no setter
linkFlairText String?
Text of the flair set for this Submission.
no setter
locked bool
Has this Submission been locked.
no setter
mod SubmissionModeration
no setter
modReports List<List<String>>
A List of reports made by moderators.
no setterinherited
newItem bool
Returns true if the Inbox item is new.
no setterinherited
numComments int
The number of Comments made on this Submission.
no setter
numCrossposts int
The number of times this Submission has been cross-posted.
no setter
over18 bool
Is this Submission restricted to Redditors 18+.
no setter
pinned bool
Is this Submission pinned.
no setter
platinum int
The amount of platinum gilded to this UserContent.
no setterinherited
preview List<SubmissionPreview>
The preview images for this Submission.
no setter
quarantine bool
Is this Submission in quarantine.
no setter
reddit Reddit
The current Reddit instance.
removalReason String?
The reason why this Submission was removed.
no setter
removed bool
Has this Submission been removed.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
saved bool
Is this Submission saved.
no setteroverride
score int
The current score (net upvotes) for this Submission.
no setteroverride
selftext String?
The text body of a self-text post.
no setter
The shortened link for the Submission.
no setterinherited
silver int
The amount of silver gilded to this UserContent.
no setterinherited
spam bool?
Is this Submission marked as spam.
no setter
spoiler bool
Does this Submission contain a spoiler.
no setter
stickied bool
Has this Submission been stickied.
no setter
subject String?
The subject of the Inbox item.
no setterinherited
subreddit SubredditRef
A SubredditRef of the Subreddit this Submission was made in.
no setter
subredditType String
The type of the Subreddit this Submission was made in.
no setter
thumbnail Uri
The Uri of the Submission's thumbnail image.
no setter
title String
The title of the Submission.
no setter
upvoteRatio double
The ratio of upvotes to downvotes for this Submission.
no setter
upvotes int
The number of upvotes this Submission has received.
no setter
url Uri
The URL of the Submission's link.
no setter
userReports List<List>
A List of reports made by users.
no setterinherited
variants List<Map<String, SubmissionPreview>>
The variations of images for this Submission as a List<Map<String,SubmissionPreview>>.
no setter
viewCount int
The number of views this Submission has.
no setter
visited bool?
Has this Submission been visited by the current User.
no setter
vote VoteState
Has the currently authenticated User voted on this UserContent.
no setterinherited
wasComment bool
Returns true if the current Inbox reply was from a Comment.
no setterinherited


block() Future<void>
Block the user who sent the item.
clearVote({bool waitForResponse = true}) Future<void>
Clear the authenticated user's vote on the object.
collapse() Future<void>
Mark the item as collapsed.
crosspost(Subreddit subreddit, {String? title, bool sendReplies = true}) Future<Submission>
Crosspost the submission to another Subreddit.
delete() Future<void>
Delete the object.
disableInboxReplies() Future<void>
Disable inbox replies for the item.
downvote({bool waitForResponse = true}) Future<void>
Clear the authenticated user's vote on the object.
edit(String body) Future<UserContent>
Replace the body of the object with body.
enableInboxReplies() Future<void>
Enable inbox replies for the item.
fetch() Future
Requests the data associated with the current object.
gild() Future<void>
Gild the author of the item.
hide({List<Submission>? otherSubmissions}) Future<void>
Hide the submission.
markRead() Future<void>
Mark the item as read.
markUnread() Future<void>
Mark the item as unread.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
populate() Future<Submission>
Promotes this SubmissionRef into a populated Submission.
refresh() Future
Requests updated information from the Reddit API and updates the current object properties.
refreshComments({CommentSortType sort =}) Future<CommentForest>
Repopulates the CommentForest with the most up-to-date comments.
remove() Future<void>
Removes the message from the recipient's view of their inbox.
reply(String body) Future<Comment>
Reply to the object.
report(String reason) Future<void>
Report this object to the moderators of its Subreddit.
save({String? category}) Future<void>
Save the object.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
uncollapse() Future<void>
Mark the item as collapsed.
unhide({List<Submission>? otherSubmissions}) Future<void>
Unhide the submission.
unsave() Future<void>
Unsave the object.
upvote({bool waitForResponse = true}) Future<void>
Clear the authenticated user's vote on the object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.