submit method

Future<Submission> submit(
  1. String title, {
  2. String? selftext,
  3. String? url,
  4. String? flairId,
  5. String? flairText,
  6. bool resubmit = true,
  7. bool sendReplies = true,
  8. bool nsfw = false,
  9. bool spoiler = false,

Creates a Submission on the Subreddit.

title is the title of the submission. selftext is markdown formatted content for a 'text' submission. Using '' will make a title-only submission. url is the URL for a 'link' submission. flairId is the flair template to select. If the template's 'flair_text_editable' value is true, providing flairText will set the custom text. When resubmit is set to false, an error will occur if the URL has already been submitted. When sendReplies is true, messages will be sent to the submission creator when comments are made on the submission.

Returns a Submission for the newly created submission.


Future<Submission> submit(String title,
    {String? selftext,
    String? url,
    String? flairId,
    String? flairText,
    bool resubmit = true,
    bool sendReplies = true,
    bool nsfw = false,
    bool spoiler = false}) async {
  if ((selftext == null && url == null) ||
      (selftext != null && url != null)) {
    throw DRAWArgumentError('One of either selftext or url must be '

  final data = <String, String?>{
    'api_type': 'json',
    'sr': displayName,
    'resubmit': resubmit.toString(),
    'sendreplies': sendReplies.toString(),
    'title': title,
    'nsfw': nsfw.toString(),
    'spoiler': spoiler.toString(),

  if (flairId != null) {
    data['flair_id'] = flairId;

  if (flairText != null) {
    data['flair_text'] = flairText;

  if (selftext != null) {
    data['kind'] = 'self';
    data['text'] = selftext;
  } else {
    data['kind'] = 'link';
    data['url'] = url;
  return (await _throwOnInvalidSubreddit(
          () async => await['submit'], data))
      as Submission?)!;