Redditor class

A fully initialized class representing a particular Reddit user, also known as a Redditor.

Mixed in types


Redditor.parse(Reddit reddit, Map data)


awardeeKarma int?
The amount of awardee karma earned by the Redditor.
no setter
awarderKarma int?
The amount of awarder karma earned by the Redditor.
no setter
commentKarma int?
The amount of comment karma earned by the Redditor.
no setter
comments SubListing
Provides an instance of SubListing, used to make requests for Comments.
no setterinherited
createdUtc DateTime?
The time the Redditor's account was created.
no setter
data Map?
Returns the raw properties dictionary for this object.
no setterinherited
displayName String
The Redditor's display name (e.g., spez or XtremeCheese).
no setterinherited
fullname String?
The fullname of a Reddit object.
no setterinherited
goldCreddits int?
The amount of Reddit Gold creddits a Redditor currently has.
no setter
goldExpiration DateTime?
The UTC date and time that the Redditor's Reddit Gold subscription ends.
no setter
hasGold bool?
Redditor has Reddit Gold.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasModMail bool?
Redditor has Mod Mail.
no setter
hasVerifiedEmail bool?
Redditor has a verified email address.
no setter
id String?
The id of a Reddit object.
no setterinherited
inBeta bool?
Redditor has opted into the Reddit beta.
no setter
inboxCount int?
Number of Messages in the Redditor's Inbox.
no setter
infoParams Map<String, String>?
no setterinherited
infoPath String
The base request format for the current object.
no setterinherited
isEmployee bool?
Redditor is a Reddit employee.
no setter
isModerator bool?
Redditor is a Moderator.
no setter
isSuspended bool?
The suspension status of the current Redditor.
no setter
linkKarma int?
The amount of link karma earned by the Redditor.
no setter
moderatorPermissions List<ModeratorPermission>
The list of moderator permissions for the user.
no setter
newModMailExists bool?
Redditor has new Mod Mail.
no setter
note String?
The note associated with a friend.
no setter
over18 bool?
Redditor can see 18+ content.
no setter
path String
The Reddit path suffix for this Redditor (e.g., 'user/spez/')
no setterinherited
preferNoProfanity bool?
Whether the Redditor has chosen to filter profanity.
no setter
reddit Reddit
The current Reddit instance.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
stream RedditorStream
Provides a RedditorStream for the current Redditor.
no setterinherited
submissions SubListing
Provides an instance of SubListing, used to make requests for Submissions.
no setterinherited
suspensionExpirationUtc DateTime?
The date and time when the Redditor's suspension ends.
no setter


controversial({TimeFilter timeFilter = TimeFilter.all, int? limit, String? after, Map<String, String>? params}) Stream<UserContent>
Returns a Stream of controversial comments and submissions. timeFilter is used to filter comments and submissions by time period.
downvoted({int? limit, String? after, Map<String, String>? params}) Stream<UserContent>
Returns a Stream of content that the user has downvoted.
fetch() Future
Requests the data associated with the current object.
friend({String note = ''}) Future<void>
Adds the Redditor as a friend. note is an optional string that is associated with the friend entry. Providing note requires Reddit Gold.
friendInfo() Future<Redditor>
Returns a Redditor object with friend information populated.
gild({int months = 1}) Future<void>
Gives Reddit Gold to the Redditor. months is the number of months of Reddit Gold to be given to the Redditor.
gilded({int? limit, String? after, Map<String, String>? params}) Stream<UserContentInitialized>
Returns a Stream of content that has been gilded.
gildings({int? limit, String? after, Map<String, String>? params}) Stream<UserContent>
Returns a Stream of content that the user has gilded.
hidden({int? limit, String? after, Map<String, String>? params}) Stream<UserContent>
Returns a Stream of content that the user has hidden.
hot({int? limit, String? after, Map<String, String>? params}) Stream<UserContent>
Returns a Stream of hot comments and submissions.
message(String subject, String message, {SubredditRef? fromSubreddit}) Future<void>
Send a message.
multireddits() Future<List<Multireddit>>
Returns a List of the Redditor's public Multireddit's.
newest({int? limit, String? after, Map<String, String>? params}) Stream<UserContent>
Returns a Stream of the newest comments and submissions.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
populate() Future<Redditor>
Promotes this RedditorRef into a populated Redditor.
refresh() Future
Requests updated information from the Reddit API and updates the current object properties.
saved({int? limit, String? after, Map<String, String>? params}) Stream<UserContent>
Returns a Stream of content that the user has saved.
top({TimeFilter timeFilter = TimeFilter.all, int? limit, String? after, Map<String, String>? params}) Stream<UserContent>
Returns a Stream of the top comments and submissions.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
trophies() Future<List<Trophy>>
Returns a list of Trophy that this Redditor has
unblock() Future<void>
Unblock the Redditor.
unfriend() Future<void>
Unfriend the Redditor.
upvoted({int? limit, String? after, Map<String, String>? params}) Stream<UserContent>
Returns a Stream of content that the user has upvoted.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.