Converting between all these units of length involves a large number of possible conversions. Here are the conversions between all the mentioned units:
The platform the material widgets should adapt to target.
Defaults to the current platform, as exposed by defaultTargetPlatform. This should be used in order to style UI elements according to platform conventions.
Widgets from the Delta library should use this getter (via to determine the current platform for the purpose of emulating the platform behavior (e.g. scrolling or haptic effects). Widgets and render objects at lower layers that try to emulate the underlying platform can depend on defaultTargetPlatform directly, or may require that the target platform be provided as an argument. The dart:io.Platform object should only be used directly when it's critical to actually know the current platform, without any overrides possible (for example, when a system API is about to be called).
In a test environment, the platform returned is regardless of the host platform. (Android was chosen because the tests were originally written assuming Android-like behavior, and we added platform adaptations for other platforms later). Tests can check behavior for other platforms by setting the platform of the Theme explicitly to another TargetPlatform value, or by setting debugDefaultTargetPlatformOverride.
Determines the defaults for typography and materialTapTargetSize.
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Highly adaptable to the device according to UI Design
It is recommended to use this method to achieve a high degree of adaptation
when it is found that one screen in the UI design
does not match the current style effect, or if there is a difference in shape.
To convert a Flutter unit (e.g., double) to pixels (px), you can use the MediaQuery class to access the device's pixel ratio and then multiply the value you want to convert by this ratio.
double pixels is the value you want to convert from pixels to Flutter units.
MediaQuery.of(context).devicePixelRatio retrieves the device's pixel ratio, which represents the number of physical pixels on the screen for each logical pixel in Flutter.
pixels / pixelRatio performs the conversion by dividing the input pixels by the pixel ratio.