init static method

Future<void> init(
  1. BuildContext context, {
  2. Size designSize = defaultSize,
  3. bool splitScreenMode = false,
  4. ThemeData? defaultTheme,
  5. List<String>? censorWords,
  6. bool minTextAdapt = false,
  7. bool scaleByHeight = false,

Initializing the library.

We define a list of bad words (censorWords) that you want to censor.

We use the replaceAllMapped method to replace each occurrence of a bad word in the text with asterisks of the same length as the bad word.

It prints the text with the bad words (censorWords) replaced by asterisks.


static Future<void> init(BuildContext context,
    {Size designSize = defaultSize,
    bool splitScreenMode = false,
    ThemeData? defaultTheme,
    List<String>? censorWords,
    bool minTextAdapt = false,
    bool scaleByHeight = false}) async {
  final mediaQueryContext =

  final initCompleter = Completer<void>();

  WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized().addPostFrameCallback((_) {
    mediaQueryContext?.visitChildElements((el) => data._context = el);
    if (data._context != null) initCompleter.complete();

  final deviceData = MediaQuery.maybeOf(context).nonEmptySizeOrNull();
  final deviceSize = deviceData?.size ?? designSize;
  final orientation = deviceData?.orientation ??
      (deviceSize.width > deviceSize.height
          ? Orientation.landscape
          : Orientation.portrait);

    ..blockedWords = censorWords
    .._context = scaleByHeight ? null : context
    .._uiSize = designSize
    .._themeData = defaultTheme ?? Theme.of(context)
    .._splitScreenMode = splitScreenMode
    .._minTextAdapt = minTextAdapt
    .._orientation = orientation
    .._screenWidth = scaleByHeight
        ? (deviceSize.height * designSize.width) / designSize.height
        : deviceSize.width
    .._screenHeight = deviceSize.height;

  data._elementsToRebuild?.forEach((el) => el.markNeedsBuild());

  return initCompleter.future;