Symbols topic

Symbols provide a categorical shape encoding as in a scatterplot. Symbols are centered at the origin; use a transform to move the symbol to a different position.


Symbol Symbols
Symbols provide a categorical shape encoding as in a scatterplot.
SymbolAsterisk Symbols
The asterisk symbol type; intended for stroking.
SymbolCircle Symbols
The circle symbol type; intended for either filling or stroking.
SymbolCross Symbols
The Greek cross symbol type, with arms of equal length; intended for filling.
SymbolDiamond Symbols
The rhombus symbol type; intended for filling.
SymbolDiamond2 Symbols
The rotated square symbol type; intended for stroking.
SymbolPlus Symbols
The plus symbol type; intended for stroking.
SymbolSquare Symbols
The square symbol type; intended for filling.
SymbolSquare2 Symbols
The square2 symbol type; intended for stroking.
SymbolStar Symbols
The pentagonal star (pentagram) symbol type; intended for filling.
SymbolTimes Symbols
The X-shape symbol type; intended for stroking.
SymbolTriangle Symbols
The up-pointing triangle symbol type; intended for filling.
SymbolTriangle2 Symbols
The up-pointing triangle symbol type; intended for stroking.
SymbolType Symbols
Symbol types are typically not used directly, instead being passed to Symbol.type. However, you can define your own symbol type implementation should none of the built-in types satisfy your needs using the following interface.
SymbolWye Symbols
The Y-shape symbol type; intended for filling.


symbols → const List<SymbolType> Symbols
Equivalent to symbolsFill.
symbolsFill → const List<SymbolType> Symbols
An list containing a set of symbol types designed for filling: SymbolCircle, SymbolCross, SymbolDiamond, SymbolSquare, SymbolStar, SymbolTriangle, and SymbolWye. Useful for a categorical shape encoding with an ordinal scale.
symbolsStroke → const List<SymbolType> Symbols
An list containing a set of symbol types designed for stroking: SymbolCircle, SymbolPlus, SymbolTimes, SymbolTriangle2, SymbolAsterisk, SymbolSquare2, and SymbolDiamond2. Useful for a categorical shape encoding with an ordinal scale.


pointRadial(num angle, num radius) List<num> Symbols
Returns the point [x, y] for the given angle in radians, with 0 at -y (12 o’clock) and positive angles proceeding clockwise, and the given radius.