Symbols topic
Symbols provide a categorical shape encoding as in a scatterplot. Symbols are centered at the origin; use a transform to move the symbol to a different position.
- Symbol Symbols
- Symbols provide a categorical shape encoding as in a scatterplot.
- SymbolAsterisk Symbols
- The asterisk symbol type; intended for stroking.
- SymbolCircle Symbols
- The circle symbol type; intended for either filling or stroking.
- SymbolCross Symbols
- The Greek cross symbol type, with arms of equal length; intended for filling.
- SymbolDiamond Symbols
- The rhombus symbol type; intended for filling.
- SymbolDiamond2 Symbols
- The rotated square symbol type; intended for stroking.
- SymbolPlus Symbols
- The plus symbol type; intended for stroking.
- SymbolSquare Symbols
- The square symbol type; intended for filling.
- SymbolSquare2 Symbols
- The square2 symbol type; intended for stroking.
- SymbolStar Symbols
- The pentagonal star (pentagram) symbol type; intended for filling.
- SymbolTimes Symbols
- The X-shape symbol type; intended for stroking.
- SymbolTriangle Symbols
- The up-pointing triangle symbol type; intended for filling.
- SymbolTriangle2 Symbols
- The up-pointing triangle symbol type; intended for stroking.
- SymbolType Symbols
- Symbol types are typically not used directly, instead being passed to Symbol.type. However, you can define your own symbol type implementation should none of the built-in types satisfy your needs using the following interface.
- SymbolWye Symbols
- The Y-shape symbol type; intended for filling.
→ const List<
SymbolType> Symbols - Equivalent to symbolsFill.
→ const List<
SymbolType> Symbols - An list containing a set of symbol types designed for filling: SymbolCircle, SymbolCross, SymbolDiamond, SymbolSquare, SymbolStar, SymbolTriangle, and SymbolWye. Useful for a categorical shape encoding with an ordinal scale.
→ const List<
SymbolType> Symbols - An list containing a set of symbol types designed for stroking: SymbolCircle, SymbolPlus, SymbolTimes, SymbolTriangle2, SymbolAsterisk, SymbolSquare2, and SymbolDiamond2. Useful for a categorical shape encoding with an ordinal scale.