Curves topic

Curves turn a discrete (pointwise) representation of a line or area into a continuous shape: curves specify how to interpolate between two-dimensional [x, y] points.

Curves are typically not constructed or used directly. Instead, one of the built-in curves is being passed to line.curve or area.curve.

final line = Line(
  (d, i, data) => x(d["date"]),
  (d, i, data) => y(d["value"]),
)..curve = curveCatmullRomAlpha(0.5);

If desired, you can implement a custom curve. For an example of using a curve directly, see Context to Curve.


Curve Curves
Curves are typically not used directly, instead being passed to Line.curve and Area.curve. However, you can define your own curve implementation should none of the built-in curves satisfy your needs using the following interface; see the curveLinear source for an example implementation.


curveBasis(Path context) Curve Curves
Produces a cubic basis spline using the specified control points.
curveBasisClosed(Path context) Curve Curves
Produces a closed cubic basis spline using the specified control points.
curveBasisOpen(Path context) Curve Curves
Produces a cubic basis spline using the specified control points.
curveBumpX(Path context) Curve Curves
Produces a Bézier curve between each pair of points, with horizontal tangents at each point.
curveBumpY(Path context) Curve Curves
Produces a Bézier curve between each pair of points, with vertical tangents at each point.
curveBundle(Path context) Curve Curves
Produces a straightened cubic basis spline using the specified control points, with the spline straightened according to the curve’s beta (see curveBundleBeta), which defaults to 0.85.
curveBundleBeta(num beta) CurveFactory Curves
Returns a bundle curve with the specified beta in the range [0, 1], representing the bundle strength.
curveCardinal(Path context) Curve Curves
Produces a cubic cardinal spline using the specified control points, with one-sided differences used for the first and last piece.
curveCardinalClosed(Path context) Curve Curves
Produces a closed cubic cardinal spline using the specified control points. When a line segment ends, the first three control points are repeated, producing a closed loop.
curveCardinalClosedTension(num tension) CurveFactory Curves
Equivalent to curveCardinalTension, but returns a curveCardinalClosed.
curveCardinalOpen(Path context) Curve Curves
Produces a cubic cardinal spline using the specified control points.
curveCardinalOpenTension(num tension) CurveFactory Curves
Equivalent to curveCardinalTension, but returns a curveCardinalOpen.
curveCardinalTension(num tension) → CurveCardinal Function(Path) Curves
Returns a cardinal curve with the specified tension in the range [0, 1].
curveCatmullRom(Path context) Curve Curves
Produces a cubic Catmull–Rom spline using the specified control points and the parameter alpha (see curveCatmullRomAlpha), which defaults to 0.5, as proposed by Yuksel et al. in On the Parameterization of Catmull–Rom Curves, with one-sided differences used for the first and last piece.
curveCatmullRomAlpha(num alpha) CurveFactory Curves
Returns a cubic Catmull–Rom curve with the specified alpha in the range [0, 1].
curveCatmullRomClosed(Path context) Curve Curves
Produces a closed cubic Catmull–Rom spline using the specified control points and the parameter alpha (see curveCatmullRomClosedAlpha), which defaults to 0.5, as proposed by Yuksel et al.
curveCatmullRomClosedAlpha(num alpha) CurveFactory Curves
Equivalent to curveCatmullRomAlpha, but returns a curveCatmullRomClosed.
curveCatmullRomOpen(Path context) Curve Curves
Produces a cubic Catmull–Rom spline using the specified control points and the parameter alpha (see curveCatmullRomClosedAlpha), which defaults to 0.5, as proposed by Yuksel et al.
curveCatmullRomOpenAlpha(num alpha) CurveFactory Curves
Equivalent to curveCatmullRomAlpha, but returns a curveCatmullRomOpen.
curveLinear(Path context) Curve Curves
Produces a polyline through the specified points.
curveLinearClosed(Path context) Curve Curves
Produces a closed polyline through the specified points by repeating the first point when the line segment ends.
curveMonotoneX(Path context) Curve Curves
Produces a cubic spline that preserves monotonicity in y, assuming monotonicity in x, as proposed by Steffen in A simple method for monotonic interpolation in one dimension: “a smooth curve with continuous first-order derivatives that passes through any given set of data points without spurious oscillations.
curveMonotoneY(Path context) Curve Curves
Produces a cubic spline that preserves monotonicity in x, assuming monotonicity in y, as proposed by Steffen in A simple method for monotonic interpolation in one dimension: “a smooth curve with continuous first-order derivatives that passes through any given set of data points without spurious oscillations.
curveNatural(Path context) Curve Curves
Produces a natural cubic spline with the second derivative of the spline set to zero at the endpoints.
curveStep(Path context) Curve Curves
Produces a piecewise constant function (a step function) consisting of alternating horizontal and vertical lines.
curveStepAfter(Path context) Curve Curves
Produces a piecewise constant function (a step function) consisting of alternating horizontal and vertical lines.
curveStepBefore(Path context) Curve Curves
Produces a piecewise constant function (a step function) consisting of alternating horizontal and vertical lines.


CurveFactory = Curve Function(Path context) Curves
The definition of a curve factory: given a context, returns a curve.