Stacks topic
Stacking converts lengths into contiguous position intervals. For example, a bar chart of monthly sales might be broken down into a multi-series bar chart by category, stacking bars vertically and applying a categorical color encoding. Stacked charts can show overall value and per-category value simultaneously; however, it is typically harder to compare across categories as only the bottom layer of the stack is aligned. So, chose the stack order carefully, and consider a streamgraph. (See also grouped charts.)
Like the pie generator, the stack generator does not produce a shape directly. Instead it computes positions which you can then pass to an area generator or use directly, say to position bars.
List< Stack offsets StacksList< series, List<List< >num> >int> order) → void - Positive values are stacked above zero, negative values are stacked below zero, and zero values are stacked at zero.
List< Stack offsets StacksList< series, List<List< >num> >int> order) → void - Applies a zero baseline and normalizes the values for each point such that the topline is always one.
List< Stack offsets StacksList< series, List<List< >num> >int> order) → void - Applies a zero baseline.
List< Stack offsets StacksList< series, List<List< >num> >int> order) → void - Shifts the baseline down such that the center of the streamgraph is always at zero.
List< Stack offsets StacksList< series, List<List< >num> >int> order) → void - Shifts the baseline so as to minimize the weighted wiggle of layers.
List< Stack orders StacksList< series) → List<List< >num> >int> - Returns a series order such that the earliest series (according to the maximum value) is at the bottom.
List< Stack orders StacksList< series) → List<List< >num> >int> - Returns a series order such that the smallest series (according to the sum of values) is at the bottom.
List< Stack orders StacksList< series) → List<List< >num> >int> - Returns a series order such that the largest series (according to the sum of values) is at the bottom.
List< Stack orders StacksList< series) → List<List< >num> >int> - Returns a series order such that the earliest series (according to the maximum value) are on the inside and the later series are on the outside.
List< Stack orders StacksList< series) → List<List< >num> >int> -
Returns the given series order [0, 1, … n - 1] where n is the number
of elements in
. Thus, the stack order is given by the key accessor (see Stack.keys). -
List< Stack orders StacksList< series) → List<List< >num> >int> - Returns the reverse of the given series order [n - 1, n - 2, … 0] where n is the number of elements in series. Thus, the stack order is given by the reverse of the key accessor (see Stack.keys).
= void Function(List<
List< , List<List< >num> >int> ) Stack offsets Stacks - The definition of a stack offset: given the generated series list and the order index list, it is then responsible for updating the lower and upper values in the series list.
= Iterable<
int> Function(List<List< ) Stack orders StacksList< >num> > - The definition of a stack order: given the generated series list, it must return an list of numeric indices representing the stack order.