ConferenceSession class

Implemented types


ConferenceSession(ConferenceClient client, JanusSignaler _signaler, int conferenceType, {bool startScreenSharing = false, DesktopCapturerSource? desktopCapturerSource, bool useIOSBroadcasting = false, bool requestAudioForScreenSharing = false, String? selectedAudioInputDevice, String? selectedVideoInputDevice})


allActivePublishers Set<int>
getter/setter pair
allActiveSubscribers Set<int>
getter/setter pair
callType int
getter/setter pair
channels Map<int, ConferencePeerConnection>
getter/setter pairinherited
client ConferenceClient
creatingSubscription bool
getter/setter pair
currentUserId int
no setter
desktopCapturerSource DesktopCapturerSource?
getter/setter pairinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
joinedAsSubscriber bool
getter/setter pair
joinEventPublishers Set<int>
getter/setter pair
joinSenderId int?
getter/setter pair
localStream MediaStream?
getter/setter pairinherited
onError ↔ void Function(WsException)?
getter/setter pairoverride
onLayerChanged ↔ void Function(int, int)?
getter/setter pairoverride
onLocalStreamReceived LocalStreamCallback?
getter/setter pairinherited
onPublisherLeft ↔ void Function(int?)?
getter/setter pairoverride
onPublishersReceived ↔ void Function(List<int?>)?
The subscription on publisher now doing automatically by the SDK. Don't use it for subscription on publisher instead use for managing the publishers in your app.
getter/setter pairoverride
onRemoteStreamRemoved RemoteStreamCallback<BaseSession<dynamic, PeerConnection>>?
getter/setter pairinherited
onRemoteStreamTrackReceived RemoteStreamCallbackConference<ConferenceSession>?
getter/setter pair
onSessionClosed SessionClosedCallback<BaseSession<dynamic, PeerConnection>>?
getter/setter pairinherited
getter/setter pairoverride
onSubscribedOnPublisher ↔ void Function(int)?
getter/setter pairoverride
onSubscriberAttached ↔ void Function(int)?
getter/setter pairoverride
onSubStreamChanged ↔ void Function(int, StreamType)?
getter/setter pairoverride
publisherId int
no setter
requestAudioForScreenSharing bool
getter/setter pairinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
selectedAudioInputDevice String?
getter/setter pairinherited
selectedVideoInputDevice String?
getter/setter pairinherited
sessionDescription ↔ CubeConferenceSessionDescription
getter/setter pair
startScreenSharing bool
getter/setter pairinherited
state RTCSessionState?
getter/setter pairinherited
statsReports Stream<CubeStatsReport>
no setterinherited
statsReportsStreamController StreamController<CubeStatsReport>
getter/setter pairinherited
subscriberId int
no setter
trackIdMid Map<String, String>
getter/setter pair
trackIdTrackIdentifier Map<String, String>
getter/setter pair
useIOSBroadcasting bool
getter/setter pairinherited


addMediaTrack(MediaStreamTrack track) Future<MediaStream>
autoSubscribeToPublisher(bool autoSubscribe) → void
closeConnectionForOpponent(int opponentId, dynamic callback(int opponentId)?) → void
closeCurrentSession() Future<void>
createAnswer(int? opponentId, String? sdp) → void
createOffer(int? opponentId) → void
disposeSession() → void
enableScreenSharing(bool enable, {DesktopCapturerSource? desktopCapturerSource, bool useIOSBroadcasting = false, bool requestAudioForScreenSharing = false}) Future<void>
Enables/disables the Screen Sharing feature. enable - true - for enabling Screen Sharing or false - for disabling. desktopCapturerSource - the desktop capturer source, if it is null the default Window/Screen will be captured. Use only for desktop platforms. Use ScreenSelectDialog to give the user a choice of the shared Window/Screen. useIOSBroadcasting - set true if the Broadcast Upload Extension was added to your iOS project for implementation Screen Sharing feature, otherwise set false and in-app Screen Sharing will be started. Used for iOS platform only. See our step-by-step guide on how to integrate the Screen Broadcasting feature into your iOS app. requestAudioForScreenSharing - set true if need to request the audio stream from your Audio input device, otherwise the Screen Sharing will be requested without an audio
enableSpeakerphone(bool enable) → void
Set speakerphone enable/disable for iOS/Android only. For other platforms use the selectAudioOutput
getAudioInputs() Future<List<MediaDeviceInfo>>
Return the available audioinputs
getAudioOutputs() Future<List<MediaDeviceInfo>>
Return the available audiooutputs
getCameras() Future<List<MediaDeviceInfo>>
Return the available cameras
getLocalMediaStream(int userId) Future<MediaStream?>
getUserIdForStream(String? trackId, String? trackIdentifier, int defaultId) int
initLocalMediaStream() Future<MediaStream>
isConnectionActive() bool
isPublisherEvent(int? senderId) bool
joinDialog(String dialogId, dynamic callback(List<int?> publishers), {ConferenceRole conferenceRole = ConferenceRole.PUBLISHER}) Future<void>
leave() → void
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notifyJoinedSuccessListeners(List<int?> publishers) → void
notifySessionClosed() → void
notifySessionError(WsException exception) → void
onAttachedAsSubscriber() → void
onEventError(String? error, int? code) → void
onGetOnlineParticipants(Map<int?, bool?> participants) → void
onHangUp(String? reason) → void
onIceGatheringStateChanged(int userId, RTCIceGatheringState state) → void
onJoinEvent(List<int> publishersList, List<int> subscribersList, int? senderId) Future<void>
onJoiningEvent(int participantId, ConferenceRole? conferenceRole) → void
onLayerChangedForOpponent(int userId, int layer) → void
onLeaveCurrentUserEvent(bool success) → void
onLeaveParticipantEvent(int? participantId) → void
onMediaReceived(String? type, bool? success) → void
onPacketError(String error) → void
onPeerConnectionStateChanged(int userId, PeerConnectionState state) → void
onPublishedEvent(List<int> publishersList) → void
onRemoteSDPEventAnswer(bool fromPublisher, String? sdp) → void
onRemoteSDPEventOffer(int? opponentId, String? sdp) → void
onRemoteStreamReceive(int userId, MediaStream remoteMediaStream, {RTCRtpTransceiver? transceiver, MediaStreamTrack? track}) → void
onRemoteStreamRemove(int userId, MediaStream remoteMediaStream, {String? trackId}) → void
onSendAnswer(int userId, RTCSessionDescription sdp) → void
onSendIceCandidate(int userId, RTCIceCandidate iceCandidate) → void
onSendIceCandidates(int userId, List<RTCIceCandidate>? iceCandidates) → void
onSendOffer(int userId, RTCSessionDescription sdp) → void
onSendUpdateCall(int userId, RTCSessionDescription sdp) → void
onSlowLinkReceived(bool? uplink, int? lost) → void
onStartedEvent(String? started) → void
onStatsReceived(int userId, List<StatsReport> stats) → void
onSubStreamChangedForOpponent(int userId, StreamType streamType) → void
onUnPublishedEvent(int? publisherId) → void
onVideoRoomEvent(String? event) → void
onWebRTCUpReceived(int? senderId) → void
proceedAsListener() Future<void>
proceedAsPublisher() Future<void>
removeMediaTrack(String trackId) Future<MediaStream>
removeSessionCallbacksListener() → dynamic
replaceMediaStream(MediaStream mediaStream) Future<void>
requestPreferredLayerForOpponentStream(int opponentId, int layerNumber) Future<void>
Allows changing the layer with different FPS. There available three layers:
requestPreferredLayersForOpponentsStreams(Map<int, int> config) Future<void>
Allows changing the layer with different FPS for few users using single request. config - is the map where key is the opponent's id and the value is the preferred layer of the video stream There available three layers:
requestPreferredStreamForOpponent(int opponentId, StreamType streamType) Future<void>
Requests the preferred quality for the opponent's video stream There available three types of media streams depending on the video bitrate and resolution. There are:
requestPreferredStreamsForOpponents(Map<int, StreamType> configs) Future<void>
Requests the preferred quality for the opponents' video streams configs - is the map where key is the opponent's id and the value is the required quality of the video stream There available three types of media streams depending on the video bitrate and resolution. There are:
selectAudioInput(String deviceId) Future<void>
Sets the selected device as the audio input device. Use getAudioInputs for getting the list of available audio input devices
selectAudioOutput(String deviceId) Future<void>
Used to select a specific audio output device.
selectJoinStrategy() Future<void>
sendIceCandidateComplete(int userId) → void
setMaxBandwidth(int? bitrate) → void
Sets maximum bandwidth for the local media stream bandwidth - the bandwidth in kbps, set to 0 or null for disabling the limitation
setMicrophoneMute(bool mute) → void
setSessionCallbacksListener(RTCSessionStateCallback<BaseSession<dynamic, PeerConnection>> callback) → dynamic
setState(RTCSessionState state) → void
setTorchEnabled(bool enabled) Future<void>
setVideoEnabled(bool enabled) → void
subscribeToPublisher(int? publisherId) Future<void>
subscribeToPublishers(Set<int> publishersIds) Future<void>
switchCamera({String? deviceId}) Future<bool>
For web implementation, make sure to pass the target deviceId
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unsubscribeFromPublisher(int publisherId, {Set<String>? tracks}) Future<void>
unsubscribeFromPublishers(Map<int, Set<String>?> publishers) Future<void>


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.