UITestChain<U extends UIRoot, E, P extends UITestChain<U, dynamic, dynamic, dynamic>, T extends UITestChain<U, E, P, T>> class abstract

Available extensions




context UITestContext<U>
no setter
document UITestChainNode<U, Element, T>
no setter
element → E
no setter
elementsLength int

Available on UITestChain<U, Iterable<E>?, P, T>, provided by the UITestChainListExtension extension

no setter
first UITestChainNode<U, E, T>

Available on UITestChain<U, Iterable<E>?, P, T>, provided by the UITestChainListExtension extension

no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
innerHtml String?

Available on T, provided by the UITestChainElementExtension extension

no setter
isNotNull bool
no setter
isNull bool
no setter
outerHtml String?

Available on T, provided by the UITestChainElementExtension extension

no setter
parent → P?
no setter
parentNotNull → P
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
testChainRoot UITestChainRoot<U>
no setter
text String?

Available on T, provided by the UITestChainElementExtension extension

no setter
uiRoot → U
no setter


call(void call(E e)) → T
callAsync(dynamic call(E e)) FutureOr<T>
checkbox(bool check, [String? selectors]) → T
click([String? selectors]) → T
elementAt(int index) UITestChainNode<U, E, T>

Available on UITestChain<U, Iterable<E>?, P, T>, provided by the UITestChainListExtension extension

exists() → T
expect(dynamic actual, dynamic matcher, {String? reason}) → T
expectElement(String selectors, {Object? root, String? reason, List<Element> mapper(List<Element> elems)?, bool validator(List<Element> elems)?}) → T
expectElementsLength(int expectedLength) → T

Available on UITestChain<U, Iterable<E>?, P, T>, provided by the UITestChainListExtension extension

expectLater(dynamic actual, dynamic matcher, {String? reason}) Future<T>
expectMapped<R>(R mapper(E e), dynamic matcher, {String? reason}) → T
expectMappedLater<R>(R mapper(E e), dynamic matcher, {String? reason}) Future<T>
expectMatch(dynamic matcher, {String? reason}) → T
expectMatchLater(dynamic matcher, {String? reason}) Future<T>
expectRoute(String route, {String? reason}) → T
expectRoutes(List<String> routes, {String? reason}) → T
firstOr([E? defaultElement]) UITestChainNode<U, E?, T>

Available on UITestChain<U, Iterable<E>?, P, T>, provided by the UITestChainListExtension extension

firstWhere(bool test(E element), {E orElse()?}) UITestChainNode<U, E, T>

Available on UITestChain<U, Iterable<E>?, P, T>, provided by the UITestChainListExtension extension

firstWhereOrNull(bool test(E element)) UITestChainNode<U, E?, T>

Available on UITestChain<U, Iterable<E>?, P, T>, provided by the UITestChainListExtension extension

log({Object? msg, String? prefix}) → T
logDocument({String? id, bool compressed = false}) → T
logMapped<R>(R mapper(E e), {String? prefix}) → T
logMessage(String level, Object? message, {Object? prefix}) → T
logRoute({String? prefix}) → T
map<O>(O mapper(E e)) UITestChainNode<U, O, T>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
querySelector(String? selectors, {bool expected = false}) UITestChainNode<U, Element?, T>
Alias to Element.querySelector or UIComponent.querySelector.
querySelectorAll<O extends Element>(String? selectors, {bool expected = false}) UITestChainNode<U, List<O>, T>
Alias to UIComponent.querySelectorAll.
renderAndWait({Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 3)}) Future<T>
Alias to UIComponent.callRenderAndWait.
renderTestUI({int ms = 100}) Future<T>
Alias to TestUIComponentExtension.prepareTestRendering.
select(String? selectors, {bool expected = false}) UITestChainNode<U, Element?, T>
Alias to querySelector.
selectAll<O extends Element>(String? selectors, {bool expected = false}) UITestChainNode<U, List<O>, T>
Alias to querySelectorAll.
selectExpected(String? selectors) UITestChainNode<U, Element, T>
Alias to querySelector.
selectFirstWhere<O extends Element>(String? selectors, bool test(Element element), {bool expected = false}) UITestChainNode<U, O?, T>
Alias to querySelectorAll + firstWhereOrNull.
selectFirstWhereUntil<O extends Element>(String? selectors, bool test(Element element), {int? timeoutMs, int? intervalMs, int? minMs, Iterable<Element> mapper(List<Element> elems)?}) Future<UITestChainNode<U, O, T>>
Alias to sleepUntilElement + querySelectorAll + firstWhereOrNull.
selectIndex(int index, [String? selectors]) → T
selectIndex(int index) → T

Available on T, provided by the UITestChainSelectElementExtension extension

selectUntil<O extends Element>(String? selectors, {int? timeoutMs, int? intervalMs, int? minMs, Iterable<Element> mapper(List<Element> elems)?}) Future<UITestChainNode<U, O, T>>
Alias to sleepUntilElement + querySelectorAll
selectWhere<O extends Element>(String? selectors, bool test(Element element), {bool expected = false}) UITestChainNode<U, List<O>, T>
Alias to querySelectorAll + where.
selectWhereUntil<O extends Element>(String? selectors, bool test(Element element), {int? timeoutMs, int? intervalMs, int? minMs, Iterable<Element> mapper(List<Element> elems)?, bool expected = false}) Future<UITestChainNode<U, List<O>, T>>
Alias to sleepUntilElement + querySelectorAll + where.
setValue(String? value, [String? selectors]) → T
sleep({int? frames, int? ms}) Future<T>
Alias to testUISleep.
sleepUntil(FutureOr<bool> ready(), {String readyTitle = 'ready', int? timeoutMs, int? intervalMs, int? minMs}) Future<T>
Alias to testUISleepUntil.
sleepUntilElement(String selectors, {Element? root, int? timeoutMs, int? intervalMs, int? minMs, Iterable<Element> mapper(List<Element> elems)?, bool validator(List<Element> elems)?, bool expected = false}) Future<T>
Alias to testUISleepUntilElement.
sleepUntilRoute(String route, {Map<String, dynamic>? parameters, bool partialParameters = false, int? timeoutMs, int? intervalMs, int? minMs, bool expected = false}) Future<T>
Alias to testUISleepUntilRoute.
sleepUntilRoutes(List<String> routes, {int? timeoutMs, int? intervalMs, int? minMs, bool expected = false}) Future<T>
Alias to testUISleepUntilRoutes.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
warn({Object? msg, String? prefix}) → T
warnMapped<R>(R mapper(E e), {String? prefix}) → T
where(bool test(E element)) UITestChainNode<U, List<E>, T>

Available on UITestChain<U, Iterable<E>?, P, T>, provided by the UITestChainListExtension extension


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.