selectUntil<O extends Element> method
Alias to sleepUntilElement + querySelectorAll
Future<UITestChainNode<U, O, T>> selectUntil<O extends Element>(
String? selectors,
{int? timeoutMs,
int? intervalMs,
int? minMs,
Iterable<Element> Function(List<Element> elems)? mapper}) =>
sleepUntilElement(selectors ?? '*',
timeoutMs: timeoutMs,
intervalMs: intervalMs,
minMs: minMs,
mapper: mapper)
.then((o) {
var elem = o.element;
if (elem is! O) {
expect(elem, pkg_test.isA<O>(),
reason: "Selected element not of type `$O`: $elem");
return UITestChainNode<U, O, T>(
o.testChainRoot as UITestChainRoot<U>, elem as O, this as T);