testUISleepUntil function

Future<bool> testUISleepUntil(
  1. FutureOr<bool> ready(), {
  2. String readyTitle = 'ready',
  3. int? timeoutMs,
  4. int? intervalMs,
  5. int? minMs,

Test UI sleep until ready. Returns bool if ready.

  • timeoutMs is the sleep timeout is ms.
  • intervalMs is the interval to check if it's ready.
  • minMs is the minimal sleep time in ms.
  • readyTitle is the ready message to show in the log: ** Test UI Sleep Until $readyTitle


Future<bool> testUISleepUntil(FutureOr<bool> Function() ready,
        {String readyTitle = 'ready',
        int? timeoutMs,
        int? intervalMs,
        int? minMs}) =>
    _chainCapture(() =>
        _testUISleepUntilImpl(ready, readyTitle, timeoutMs, intervalMs, minMs));