ThinEngine class

class ThinEngine

  • @JS()


ThinEngine.args(dynamic canvasOrContext, [bool antialias, EngineOptions options, bool adaptToDeviceRatio])


alphaState AlphaState
no setter
bindBuffer ↔ dynamic
getter/setter pair
cullBackFaces bool
getter/setter pair
currentViewport IViewportLike
no setter
depthCullingState DepthCullingState
no setter
description String
no setter
disableUniformBuffers bool
getter/setter pair
disableVertexArrayObjects bool
getter/setter pair
doNotHandleContextLost bool
getter/setter pair
emptyCubeTexture InternalTexture
no setter
emptyTexture InternalTexture
no setter
emptyTexture2DArray InternalTexture
no setter
emptyTexture3D InternalTexture
no setter
enableUnpackFlipYCached bool
getter/setter pair
forcePOTTextures bool
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
HasMajorPerformanceCaveat bool
no setter
hostInformation HostInformation
getter/setter pair
isFullscreen bool
getter/setter pair
isStencilEnable bool
no setter
IsSupported bool
no setter
needPOTTextures bool
no setter
NpmPackage String
no setter
onBeforeTextureInitObservable Observable<Texture>
getter/setter pair
onContextLostObservable Observable<ThinEngine>
getter/setter pair
onContextRestoredObservable Observable<ThinEngine>
getter/setter pair
premultipliedAlpha bool
no setter
preventCacheWipeBetweenFrames bool
getter/setter pair
renderEvenInBackground bool
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
ShadersRepository String
getter/setter pair
stencilState StencilState
no setter
supportsUniformBuffers bool
no setter
useReverseDepthBuffer bool
getter/setter pair
validateShaderPrograms bool
getter/setter pair
Version String
no setter
webGLVersion num
no setter


applyStates() → void
areAllEffectsReady() bool
beginFrame() → void
bindArrayBuffer(DataBuffer buffer) → void
bindAttachments(List<num> attachments) → void
bindBuffers(dynamic vertexBuffers, DataBuffer indexBuffer, Effect effect) → void
bindBuffersDirectly(DataBuffer vertexBuffer, DataBuffer indexBuffer, List<num> vertexDeclaration, num vertexStrideSize, Effect effect) → void
bindFramebuffer(InternalTexture texture, [num faceIndex, num requiredWidth, num requiredHeight, bool forceFullscreenViewport, num lodLevel, num layer]) → void
bindInstancesBuffer(DataBuffer instancesBuffer, List<InstancingAttributeInfo> attributesInfo, [bool computeStride]) → void
bindSamplers(Effect effect) → void
bindUniformBlock(IPipelineContext pipelineContext, String blockName, num index) → void
bindUniformBuffer(DataBuffer buffer) → void
bindUniformBufferBase(DataBuffer buffer, num location) → void
bindVertexArrayObject(VertexArrayObject vertexArrayObject, DataBuffer indexBuffer) → void
buildTextureLayout(List<bool> textureStatus) List<num>
clear(IColor4Like color, bool backBuffer, bool depth, [bool stencil]) → void
clearInternalTexturesCache() → void
createCubeTexture(String rootUrl, Scene scene, List<String> files, dynamic noMipmap, void onLoad(dynamic data), void onError(String message, dynamic exception), dynamic format, dynamic forcedExtension, bool createPolynomials, num lodScale, num lodOffset, InternalTexture fallback, dynamic loaderOptions) InternalTexture
createDepthStencilTexture(RenderTargetTextureSize size, DepthTextureCreationOptions options) InternalTexture
createDynamicTexture(num width, num height, bool generateMipMaps, num samplingMode) InternalTexture
createDynamicUniformBuffer(Float32List elements) DataBuffer
createDynamicVertexBuffer(ByteBuffer data) DataBuffer
createEffect(dynamic baseName, dynamic attributesNamesOrOptions, dynamic uniformsNamesOrEngine, [List<String> samplers, String defines, IEffectFallbacks fallbacks, void onCompiled(Effect effect), void onError(Effect effect, String errors), dynamic indexParameters]) Effect
createIndexBuffer(Int32List indices, [bool updatable]) DataBuffer
createMultipleRenderTarget(dynamic size, IMultiRenderTargetOptions options) List<InternalTexture>
createPipelineContext() IPipelineContext
createPrefilteredCubeTexture(String rootUrl, Scene scene, num lodScale, num lodOffset, [void onLoad(InternalTexture internalTexture), void onError(String message, dynamic exception), num format, dynamic forcedExtension, bool createPolynomials]) InternalTexture
createRawCubeTexture(List<List> data, num size, num format, num type, bool generateMipMaps, bool invertY, num samplingMode, String compression) InternalTexture
createRawShaderProgram(IPipelineContext pipelineContext, String vertexCode, String fragmentCode, [RenderingContext context, List<String> transformFeedbackVaryings]) Program
createRawTexture(List data, num width, num height, num format, bool generateMipMaps, bool invertY, num samplingMode, String compression, num type) InternalTexture
createRawTexture2DArray(List data, num width, num height, num depth, num format, bool generateMipMaps, bool invertY, num samplingMode, String compression, num textureType) InternalTexture
createRawTexture3D(List data, num width, num height, num depth, num format, bool generateMipMaps, bool invertY, num samplingMode, String compression, num textureType) InternalTexture
createRenderTargetCubeTexture(num size, [RenderTargetCreationOptions options]) InternalTexture
createRenderTargetTexture(RenderTargetTextureSize size, dynamic options) InternalTexture
createShaderProgram(IPipelineContext pipelineContext, String vertexCode, String fragmentCode, String defines, [RenderingContext context, List<String> transformFeedbackVaryings]) Program
createTexture(String url, bool noMipmap, bool invertY, ISceneLike scene, [num samplingMode, void onLoad(), void onError(String message, dynamic exception), dynamic buffer, InternalTexture fallback, num format, String forcedExtension, String mimeType, dynamic loaderOptions]) InternalTexture
createUniformBuffer(Float32List elements) DataBuffer
createVertexBuffer(ByteBuffer data) DataBuffer
disableAttributeByIndex(num attributeLocation) → void
disableInstanceAttribute(num attributeLocation) → void
disableInstanceAttributeByName(String name) → void
dispose() → void
draw(bool useTriangles, num indexStart, num indexCount, [num instancesCount]) → void
drawArraysType(num fillMode, num verticesStart, num verticesCount, [num instancesCount]) → void
drawElementsType(num fillMode, num indexStart, num indexCount, [num instancesCount]) → void
drawPointClouds(num verticesStart, num verticesCount, [num instancesCount]) → void
drawUnIndexed(bool useTriangles, num verticesStart, num verticesCount, [num instancesCount]) → void
enableEffect(Effect effect) → void
endFrame() → void
flushFramebuffer() → void
getAlphaEquation() num
getAlphaMode() num
getAttributes(IPipelineContext pipelineContext, List<String> attributesNames) List<num>
getCaps() EngineCapabilities
getClassName() String
getColorWrite() bool
getError() num
getHardwareScalingLevel() num
getHostDocument() Document
getHostWindow() Window
getLoadedTexturesCache() List<InternalTexture>
getRenderHeight([bool useScreen]) num
getRenderingCanvas() CanvasElement
getRenderWidth([bool useScreen]) num
getUniforms(IPipelineContext pipelineContext, List<String> uniformsNames) List<UniformLocation>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
readPixels(num x, num y, num width, num height, [bool hasAlpha]) Uint8List
recordVertexArrayObject(dynamic vertexBuffers, DataBuffer indexBuffer, Effect effect) VertexArrayObject
releaseEffects() → void
releaseVertexArrayObject(VertexArrayObject vao) → void
resetTextureCache() → void
resize() → void
restoreDefaultFramebuffer() → void
restoreSingleAttachment() → void
runRenderLoop(void renderFunction()) → void
setAlphaConstants(num r, num g, num b, num a) → void
setAlphaEquation(num equation) → void
setAlphaMode(num mode, [bool noDepthWriteChange]) → void
setArray(UniformLocation uniform, dynamic array) bool
setArray2(UniformLocation uniform, dynamic array) bool
setArray3(UniformLocation uniform, dynamic array) bool
setArray4(UniformLocation uniform, dynamic array) bool
setColorWrite(bool enable) → void
setFloat(UniformLocation uniform, num value) bool
setFloat2(UniformLocation uniform, num x, num y) bool
setFloat3(UniformLocation uniform, num x, num y, num z) bool
setFloat4(UniformLocation uniform, num x, num y, num z, num w) bool
setHardwareScalingLevel(num level) → void
setInt(UniformLocation uniform, num value) bool
setIntArray(UniformLocation uniform, Int32List array) bool
setIntArray2(UniformLocation uniform, Int32List array) bool
setIntArray3(UniformLocation uniform, Int32List array) bool
setIntArray4(UniformLocation uniform, Int32List array) bool
setMatrices(UniformLocation uniform, Float32List matrices) bool
setMatrix2x2(UniformLocation uniform, Float32List matrix) bool
setMatrix3x3(UniformLocation uniform, Float32List matrix) bool
setSize(num width, num height) bool
setTexture(num channel, UniformLocation uniform, ThinTexture texture) → void
setTextureArray(num channel, UniformLocation uniform, List<ThinTexture> textures) → void
setViewport(IViewportLike viewport, [num requiredWidth, num requiredHeight]) → void
stopRenderLoop([void renderFunction()]) → void
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unbindAllAttributes() → void
unbindAllTextures() → void
unBindFramebuffer(InternalTexture texture, [bool disableGenerateMipMaps, void onBeforeUnbind()]) → void
unbindInstanceAttributes() → void
unBindMultiColorAttachmentFramebuffer(List<InternalTexture> textures, bool disableGenerateMipMaps, [void onBeforeUnbind()]) → void
updateAndBindInstancesBuffer(DataBuffer instancesBuffer, Float32List data, dynamic offsetLocations) → void
updateArrayBuffer(Float32List data) → void
updateDynamicIndexBuffer(DataBuffer indexBuffer, Int32List indices, [num offset]) → void
updateDynamicTexture(InternalTexture texture, dynamic source, [bool invertY, bool premulAlpha, num format, bool forceBindTexture]) → void
updateDynamicVertexBuffer(DataBuffer vertexBuffer, ByteBuffer data, [num byteOffset, num byteLength]) → void
updateMultipleRenderTargetTextureSampleCount(List<InternalTexture> textures, num samples) num
updateRawCubeTexture(InternalTexture texture, List<List> data, num format, num type, bool invertY) → void
updateRawTexture(InternalTexture texture, List data, num format, bool invertY) → void
updateRawTexture2DArray(InternalTexture texture, List data, num format, bool invertY) → void
updateRawTexture3D(InternalTexture texture, List data, num format, bool invertY) → void
updateTextureData(InternalTexture texture, List imageData, num xOffset, num yOffset, num width, num height, [num faceIndex, num lod]) → void
updateTextureSamplingMode(num samplingMode, InternalTexture texture, [bool generateMipMaps]) → void
updateTextureWrappingMode(InternalTexture texture, num wrapU, [num wrapV, num wrapR]) → void
updateUniformBuffer(DataBuffer uniformBuffer, Float32List elements, [num offset, num count]) → void
updateVideoTexture(InternalTexture texture, VideoElement video, bool invertY) → void
wipeCaches([bool bruteForce]) → void


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

CollisionsEpsilon num
getter/setter pair

Static Methods

CeilingPOT(num x) num
FloorPOT(num x) num
GetExponentOfTwo(num value, num max, [num mode]) num
isSupported() bool
NearestPOT(num x) num
QueueNewFrame(void func(), [dynamic requester]) num