isWaiting method

bool isWaiting(
  1. Object actionOrActionTypeOrList

You can use isWaiting and pass it actionOrActionTypeOrList to check if:

  • A specific async ACTION is currently being processed.
  • An async action of a specific TYPE is currently being processed.
  • If any of a few given async actions or action types is currently being processed.

If you wait for an action TYPE, then it returns false when:

  • The ASYNC action of the type is NOT currently being processed.
  • If the type is not really a type that extends ReduxAction.
  • The action of the type is a SYNC action (since those finish immediately).

If you wait for an ACTION, then it returns false when:

  • The ASYNC action is NOT currently being processed.
  • If the action is a SYNC action (since those finish immediately).

Trying to wait for any other type of object will return null and throw a StoreException after the async gap.


// Waiting for an action TYPE:
if (store.isWaiting(MyAction)) { // Show a spinner }

// Waiting for an ACTION:
var action = MyAction();
if (store.isWaiting(action)) { // Show a spinner }

// Waiting for any of the given action TYPES:
if (store.isWaiting([BuyAction, SellAction])) { // Show a spinner }


bool isWaiting(Object actionOrActionTypeOrList) {
  // 1) If a type was passed:
  if (actionOrActionTypeOrList is Type) {
    return _actionsInProgress.any((action) => action.runtimeType == actionOrActionTypeOrList);
  // 2) If an action was passed:
  else if (actionOrActionTypeOrList is ReduxAction) {
    return _actionsInProgress.contains(actionOrActionTypeOrList);
  // 3) If a list was passed:
  else if (actionOrActionTypeOrList is Iterable) {
    for (var actionOrType in actionOrActionTypeOrList) {
      if (actionOrType is Type) {
        return _actionsInProgress.any((action) => action.runtimeType == actionOrType);
      } else if (actionOrType is ReduxAction) {
        return _actionsInProgress.contains(actionOrType);
      } else {
        Future.microtask(() {
          throw StoreException(
              "You can't do isWaiting([${actionOrActionTypeOrList.runtimeType}]), "
              "but only an action Type, a ReduxAction, or a List of them.");
    return false;
  // 4) If something different was passed, it's an error. We show the error after the
  // async gap, so we don't interrupt the code. But we return false (not waiting).
  else {
    Future.microtask(() {
      throw StoreException("You can't do isWaiting(${actionOrActionTypeOrList.runtimeType}), "
          "but only an action Type, a ReduxAction, or a List of them.");

    return false;