Store<St> class

Creates a Redux store that holds the app state.

The only way to change the state in the store is to dispatch a ReduxAction. You may implement these methods:

  1. AppState reduce() ➜ To run synchronously, just return the state: AppState reduce() { ... return state; } To run asynchronously, return a future of the state: Future

  2. FutureOr<void> before() ➜ Runs before the reduce method. If it throws an error, then reduce will NOT run. To run before synchronously, just return void: void before() { ... } To run asynchronously, return a future of void: Future

  3. void after() ➜ Runs after reduce, even if an error was thrown by before or reduce (akin to a "finally" block). If the after method itself throws an error, this error will be "swallowed" and ignored. Avoid after methods which can throw errors.

  4. bool abortDispatch() ➜ If this returns true, the action will not be dispatched: before, reduce and after will not be called. This is only useful under rare circumstances, and you should only use it if you know what you are doing.

  5. Object? wrapError(error) ➜ If any error is thrown by before or reduce, you have the chance to further process it by using wrapError. Usually this is used to wrap the error inside of another that better describes the failed action. For example, if some action converts a String into a number, then instead of throwing a FormatException you could do: wrapError(error) => UserException("Please enter a valid number.", cause: error)

• ActionObserver observes the dispatching of actions, and may be used to print or log the dispatching of actions.

• StateObservers receive the action, prevState (state right before the new State is applied), newState (state that was applied), and are used to track metrics and more.

• ErrorObservers may be used to observe or process errors thrown by actions.

• GlobalWrapError may be used to wrap action errors globally.

For more info, see:



Store({required St initialState, Object? environment, Map<Object?, Object?> props = const {}, bool syncStream = false, TestInfoPrinter? testInfoPrinter, List<ActionObserver<St>>? actionObservers, List<StateObserver<St>>? stateObservers, Persistor<St>? persistor, ModelObserver? modelObserver, ErrorObserver<St>? errorObserver, WrapReduce<St>? wrapReduce, @Deprecated("Use `globalWrapError` instead. This will be removed.") WrapError<St>? wrapError, GlobalWrapError<St>? globalWrapError, bool? defaultDistinct, CompareBy? immutableCollectionEquality, int? maxErrorsQueued})


defaultDistinct bool
no setter
dispatchCount int
no setter
env Object?
Gets the store environment. This can be used to create a global value, but scoped to the store. For example, you could have a service locator, here, or a configuration value.
no setter
errors Queue<UserException>
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
immutableCollectionEquality CompareBy?
  • If null (the default), view-models which are immutable collections will be compared by their default equality.

  • If CompareBy.byDeepEquals, view-models which are immutable collections will be compared by their items, one by one (potentially slow comparison).

  • If CompareBy.byIdentity, view-models which are immutable collections will be compared by their internals being identical (very fast comparison).

  • no setter
    isShutdown bool
    no setter
    modelObserver ModelObserver?
    no setter
    onChange Stream<St>
    A stream that emits the current state when it changes.
    no setter
    onReduce Stream<TestInfo<St>>
    Used by the storeTester.
    no setter
    reduceCount int
    no setter
    runtimeType Type
    A representation of the runtime type of the object.
    no setterinherited
    state → St
    The current state of the app.
    no setter
    stateTimestamp DateTime
    The timestamp of the current state in the store, in UTC.
    no setter
    testInfoPrinter TestInfoPrinter?
    no setter


    actionsInProgress() Set<ReduxAction<St>>
    Returns an unmodifiable set of the actions on progress.
    clearExceptionFor(Object actionTypeOrList) → void
    Removes the given actionTypeOrList from the list of action types that failed.
    createTestInfoSnapshot(St state, ReduxAction<St> action, Object? error, Object? processedError, {required bool ini}) → void
    defineState(St state) → void
    Beware: Changes the state directly. Use only for TESTS. This will not notify the listeners nor complete wait conditions.
    deleteStateFromPersistence() Future<void>
    Asks the Persistor to delete the saved state from the local persistence.
    dispatch(ReduxAction<St> action, {bool notify = true}) FutureOr<ActionStatus>
    Dispatches the action, applying its reducer, and possibly changing the store state. The action may be sync or async.
    dispatchAll(List<ReduxAction<St>> actions, {bool notify = true}) List<ReduxAction<St>>
    Dispatches all given actions in parallel, applying their reducer, and possibly changing the store state. It returns the same list of actions, so that you can instantiate them inline, but still get a list of them.
    dispatchAndWait(ReduxAction<St> action, {bool notify = true}) Future<ActionStatus>
    Dispatches the action, applying its reducer, and possibly changing the store state. The action may be sync or async. In both cases, it returns a Future that resolves when the action finishes.
    dispatchAndWaitAll(List<ReduxAction<St>> actions, {bool notify = true}) Future<List<ReduxAction<St>>>
    Dispatches all given actions in parallel, applying their reducers, and possibly changing the store state. The actions may be sync or async. It returns a Future that resolves when ALL actions finish.
    dispatchAsync(ReduxAction<St> action, {bool notify = true}) Future<ActionStatus>
    dispatchSync(ReduxAction<St> action, {bool notify = true}) ActionStatus
    Dispatches the action, applying its reducer, and possibly changing the store state. However, if the action is ASYNC, it will throw a StoreException.
    disposeProps([bool predicate({Object? key, Object? value})?]) → void
    The disposeProps method is used to clean up resources associated with the store's properties, by stopping, closing, ignoring and removing timers, streams, sinks, and futures that are saved as properties in the store.
    exceptionFor(Object actionTypeOrList) UserException?
    Returns the UserException of the actionTypeOrList that failed.
    getAndRemoveFirstError() UserException?
    Gets the first error from the error queue, and removes it from the queue.
    getLastPersistedStateFromPersistor() → St?
    Gets, from the Persistor, the last state that was saved to the local persistence.
    initTestInfoController() → void
    Turns on testing capabilities, if not already.
    initTestInfoPrinter(TestInfoPrinter testInfoPrinter) → void
    Changes the testInfoPrinter.
    isFailed(Object actionOrActionTypeOrList) bool
    Returns true if an actionOrActionTypeOrList failed with an UserException. Note: This method uses the EXACT type in actionOrActionTypeOrList. Subtypes are not considered.
    isWaiting(Object actionOrActionTypeOrList) bool
    You can use isWaiting and pass it actionOrActionTypeOrList to check if:
    noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
    Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
    pausePersistor() → void
    Pause the Persistor temporarily.
    persistAndPausePersistor() → void
    Persists the current state (if it's not yet persisted), then pauses the Persistor temporarily.
    prop<V>(Object? key) → V
    Gets a property from the store. This can be used to save global values, but scoped to the store. For example, you could save timers, streams or futures used by actions.
    readStateFromPersistence() Future<St?>
    Asks the Persistor to read the state from the local persistence. Important: If you use this, you MUST put this state into the store. The Persistor will assume that's the case, and will not work properly otherwise.
    resumePersistor() → void
    Resumes persistence by the Persistor, after calling pausePersistor or persistAndPausePersistor.
    saveInitialStateInPersistence(St initialState) Future<void>
    Asks the Persistor to save the initialState in the local persistence.
    setProp(Object? key, Object? value) → void
    Sets a property in the store. This can be used to save global values, but scoped to the store. For example, you could save timers, streams or futures used by actions.
    shutdown() → void
    Call this method to shut down the store. It won't accept dispatches or change the state anymore.
    teardown({St? emptyState}) Future
    Closes down the store so it will no longer be operational. Only use this if you want to destroy the Store while your app is running. Do not use this method as a way to stop listening to onChange state changes. For that purpose, view the onChange documentation.
    toString() String
    A string representation of this object.
    waitActionCondition(bool condition(Set<ReduxAction<St>> actions, ReduxAction<St>? triggerAction), {bool completeImmediately = false, String completedErrorMessage = "Awaited action condition was already true", int? timeoutMillis}) Future<(Set<ReduxAction<St>>, ReduxAction<St>?)>
    Returns a future that completes when some actions meet the given condition.
    waitActionType(Type actionType, {bool completeImmediately = false, int? timeoutMillis}) Future<ReduxAction<St>?>
    Returns a future that completes when an action of the given type in NOT in progress (it's not being dispatched):
    waitAllActions(List<ReduxAction<St>>? actions, {bool completeImmediately = false, int? timeoutMillis}) Future<void>
    Returns a future that completes when ALL given actions finish dispatching.
    waitAllActionTypes(List<Type> actionTypes, {bool completeImmediately = false, int? timeoutMillis}) Future<void>
    Returns a future that completes when ALL actions of the given type are NOT in progress (none of them is being dispatched):
    waitAnyActionTypeFinishes(List<Type> actionTypes, {int? timeoutMillis}) Future<ReduxAction<St>>
    Returns a future which will complete when ANY action of the given types FINISHES dispatching. IMPORTANT: This method is different from the other similar methods, because it does NOT complete immediately if no action of the given types is in progress. Instead, it waits until an action of the given types finishes dispatching, even if they were not yet in progress when the method was called.
    waitCondition(bool condition(St), {bool completeImmediately = true, int? timeoutMillis}) Future<ReduxAction<St>?>
    Returns a future which will complete when the given state condition is true.


    operator ==(Object other) bool
    The equality operator.

    Static Properties

    defaultTimeoutMillis int
    The global default timeout for the wait functions like waitCondition etc is 10 minutes. This value is not final and can be modified. To disable the timeout, make it -1.
    getter/setter pair