Results108 packages
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Dart library to parse GEDCOM data from string input ported from popular Python library
A BIP32 ( compatible library for Flutter writing by Dart.
Proposed solution for the package fragmentation across different package and application that used a basic package like building blocks.
A simple (but correct) dart class for validating email addresses
Jiffy is a date time dart package for parsing, manipulating, querying and formatting dates and time
A easy dart package to decode JSON Web Tokens, and to check and give its expiry dates
Simple Dart package for creating mailto links in your Flutter apps
A Dependency injection (Inversion of Control) library. Supports nested Scopes and multiple values of the same type.
A dart package for stream duration, support countdown, countup, and countup infinity.
Compose and send emails from Dart. Supports file attachments and HTML emails

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