Results35 packages
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The base part of the package for type-safe use of retrieving and storing Shared Preferences values, defining data in a Freezed-like fashion.
Building system for masamune framework. Automatic creation of models, themes, pages, and translation data.
Masamune plugin to provide calendar functionality. The masamune framework is assumed to be used.
Flutter package to write Duration, EdgeInsets, etc. in short descriptions. Simple widgets are also provided.
The base part of the package that allows Listenable values to be grouped together and treated as a ChangeNotifier.
A package that models data into documents and collections and allows Firestore, local DB, and data mocks to be handled in the same interface.
Package to provide FormController to define the use of forms and FormStyle to unify the look and feel of forms.
Building system for katana prefs packages. The package for type-safe use of retrieving and storing Shared Preferences values, defining data in a Freezed-like fashion.
Command line tool for Masamune/Katana Framework. It initializes the project and initializes the services.
Firebase plugin for katana_storage. A package to facilitate switching between Local and Firebase storage implementations.

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