
  • Packages
Results13 packages owned by lecle.vn
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A Flutter project to get the downloads folder absolute path from Android and iOS device.
A Flutter project support share files to social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.). If you only want to share files on certain platforms, this plugin is made for you.
A Flutter project to get the absolute path of a file on Android or iOS device.
Lecle YoYo Video Player is a HLS(.m3u8) video player for flutter. The YoyoPlayer is a video player that allows you to select HLS video streaming by selecting the quality.
A Flutter plugin to control volume in Android and iOS devices programmatically.
A Flutter package provide interactive timeline widget for your Flutter project.
A flutter plugin to use the Android and iOS system shortcuts.
A Flutter Carousel Slider widget. Support Network and Asset Images. You can modify the UI according your design easily.
A Flutter plugin to manage the device's screen on Android and iOS.
A Flutter package project that use to preview the content of a URL