
  • Packages
Results11 packages owned by jsiu.dev
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A simple Google Drive Api package mainly design for AppData scope operation.
Sync single file content with Google Drive, mainly for `appData` space operation.
Base package for [lazy_sign_in_extension] and [lazy_sign_in_google].
A collection of flutter UI utilities, widgets, helper functions and handy defaults.
[google_sign_in] wrapper using [lazy_sign_in] interface. Support web and app Google sign in.
Chrome/Firefox extension Google sign-in library base on `LazySignIn``
Provides an indexed local storage on top of the shared_preferences package.
Combine json object with [SharedPreferences]. And an extended version with notifier.
Simple [log] with global [enableLog] to turn on and off and [forced] to override individually.
Provide extensions and functions for various types to save time and efforts.