• Packages
Results13 packages owned by iteo.com
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A plugin that wraps connectivity_plus and adds some additional data connection checks.
Software analytics tool that helps developers analyse and improve project architecture structure.
Dart package with build-in code generation. Simplifies and speedup creation of cache mechanism for dart classes.#cache#lru
Code generator for Flutter's 3.0 ThemeExtension classes. The generator can create themes and extensions on BuildContext or ThemeData based on the lists of the theme properties
Flutter package that simplifies injection and usage of Bloc/Cubit.
Annotations for the Cached code-generator. This package does nothing without Cached.
Visual aid grid system that supports Figma's layout grid features
Implementation of Request and Response Chopper interceptors that provides simple but pleasant to look at output.
Annotations for the Theme Tailor code-generator. This package does nothing without Theme Tailor.
Service locator for IoC pattern. Export annotations and abstract classes used by injecteo_generator.