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Create nested routes. Sync app state and browser URL. Navigate absolutely and relatively. Animate route transitions. Save and restore state. Manage URI query parameters.
Use GgOncePerCycle to trigger tasks multiple times while ensuring they are only executed one time during a run loop cycle.
A time controller for media players with play, pause, stop, jumpTo and animateTo methods.
A Dart package providing a collection of console colors to easily colorize command line outputs.
Prints progress, success, and error messages with Unicode icons for async operations.
Provides a method isGitHubAction which returns true if the currenct directory is running as part of a GitHub action.
A dart package offering methods for consistent versioning of dart packages..
A simple cache method that helps us to cache results of a function.
A timer that can be started, stopped and restarted again. Also multiple listners can be added.
GgList - Effectively manage native and nonative 1d and 2d data