zohodesk_portal_chatkit 2.0.6 zohodesk_portal_chatkit: ^2.0.6 copied to clipboard
Flutter plugin for ZohoDesk Guided conversation written around native GC SDKs
Zoho Desk ASAP Chat Kit Plugin Changelog #
ASAP SDK Portal Chat Kit flutter plugin
1.0.0 #
- Initial release of the plugin for the iOS and Android platforms.
1.0.1 #
- Fixed the issue faced during SDK initialization.
1.0.2 #
- Integrated the latest version of the Android ASAP SDK v3.0_BETA_14
1.0.3 #
- Integrated the latest version of the Android ASAP SDK v3.0_BETA_15
1.0.4 #
- Integrated the iOS ASAP SDK with Nested Pick List support
1.0.5 #
- Integrated the latest version of the Android ASAP SDK v3.0_BETA_16
- Integrated the iOS ASAP SDK with Text-2-Speech & In-article search support
1.0.6 #
-Integrate the latest version of Android ASAP SDK v3.0_BETA_17
1.0.7 #
-Fixed the Build errors while integrating plugin on Flutter Android
1.0.8 #
- Updated iOS deployment target version to 13.0 and Xcode compiler version to 14.3.1 on iOS ASAP SDK
1.0.9 #
- Integrated the latest version of iOS ASAP SDK v3.0.3
- Integrated the latest version of Android ASAP SDK v3.0_BETA_18
1.1.0 #
- Integrated the latest version of iOS ASAP SDK v3.0.6
- Integrated Deeplinking support in zohodesk_portal_kb & zohodesk_portal_community for both Android & iOS
1.1.1 #
- Integrated the latest version of iOS ASAP SDK v3.0.8
- Integrated the latest version of Android ASAP SDK v3.0_BETA_20
1.1.2 #
- Integrated the latest version of iOS ASAP SDK v3.0.9
- Code-signed and Included the Privacy manifest file in iOS XCFramework
- Integrated departments/layouts fetch support in zohodesk_portal_apikit for both Android & iOS
- Provided a method to verify the user's login status for both iOS and Android in zohodesk_portal_apikit
- Provided a method for both Android and iOS to prefill the ticket forms in zohodesk_portal_submit_ticket
- provided a method to configure the ticket forms visible fields in zohodesk_portal_submit_ticket for both iOS and Android
1.1.3 #
- Integrated Latest version of Android SDK v3.0_BETA_22
- Added proguard rules for release mode
- Added namespace in build.gradle for each modules and removed the package name from manifest
1.1.4 #
- Integrated the lastest version of iOS ASAP SDK v3.0.12
- Provided a method to customize the Configuration module
- Provided a method to customize the Tickets module\
1.1.5 #
- Integrated the latest version of ASAP iOS SDK v3.0.14
- Integrated the latest version of Android ASAP SDK v3.0_BETA_23
1.1.6 #
- Flutter version conflict fix
1.1.7 #
- Integrated the lastest version of iOS ASAP SDK v3.0.16
2.0.0 #
- Integrated the ASAP new setup iOS SDK 4.0.0-beta.1
- Integrated the ASAP new setup Android SDK 4.0_BETA_01
2.0.1 #
- Added the proguard rules to fix issues with gradle version 8.4
- Integrated the ASAP new setup iOS SDK 4.0.0-beta.4
2.0.2 #
- Integrated the ASAP new setup Android SDK 4.0_BETA_02
- Integrated the ASAP new setup iOS SDK 4.0.0
- Supported New CA and SA DC in ASAP SDK
- Provided APIs to fetch ticket forms and fields data in zohodesk_portal_apikit
- Removed package: zohodesk_portal_services
- Package: zohodesk_portal_chat renamed to zohodesk_portal_siq
- Package: zohodesk_portal_gc renamed to zohodesk_portal_chatkit
2.0.3 #
- Integrated the ASAP iOS SDK v4.0.3
2.0.4 #
- Integrated the ASSAP iOS SDK v4.0.4
2.0.5 #
- Integrated the ASAP Android SDK v4.0.3
2.0.6 #
- Provided a method to set language to the ASAP Flutter SDK