ziggurat 0.61.0 copy "ziggurat: ^0.61.0" to clipboard
ziggurat: ^0.61.0 copied to clipboard

A library for making fully-featured audio games using Dart and SDL.

Changelog #

[0.61.0] #

Added #

  • Added the radsToDegrees function.
  • Added information about Crossbow.
  • Updated some docs.

[0.60.0] #

Changed #

  • Simplified sounds and menus.

[0.59.1] #

Changed #

  • Downgraded meta.

[0.59.0] #

Changed #

  • Use asset reference gains.
  • Update dependencies.

[0.58.0] #

Added #

  • Added more encryption functions.

Changed #

  • Use decryption methods for loading assets.

Fixed #

  • Cleaned up code.

[0.57.0] #

Added #

  • Added encryption utility functions.

[0.56.0] #

Added #

  • Added the random parameter to the constructor of the Game class.

Changed #

  • Bump the max SDK constraint to 4.0.0.

[0.55.0] #

Added #

  • Added the RumbleEffect class.
  • Added rumble effects to menus.

[0.54.0] #

Changed #

  • Renamed Game.setDefaultPannerStrategy to Game.defaultPannerStrategy.

[0.53.0] #

Added #

  • Level fades in and out can now be controlled by arguments to the level methods on the Game class.

Changed #

  • Because of the change to the way levels are pushed and popped, the signature of some of the level-related functions on the Game class have also undergone necessary changes.

[0.52.1] #

Removed #

  • Stop shipping DLLs with the package.

[0.52.0] #

Added #

  • Level ambiance and music can now be faded with a fadeLength argument to Level.onPush.

[0.51.0] #

Added #

  • Added the UniformMenu class.

[0.50.2] #

Changed #

  • Updated docs.

[0.50.1] #

Fixed #

  • Fixed Game.outputSound to not throw errors.

Added #

  • The Game.outputSound method now allows setting looping and pitchBend.

[0.50.0] #

Added #

  • Added sounds to ziggurat.
  • Added the Game.playSimpleSound method.

Changed #

  • Sounds no longer work over a stream.
  • The Game constructor now requires a SoundBackend.

[0.49.2] #

Added #

  • Added the Preferences.clear method to clear preferences keys.

[0.49.1] #

Changed #

  • When playing waves, set the default partials to 1, to prevent synthizer crash.
  • When playing waves, if playing a waver other than a sine wave, throw StateError if partials is less than 1.

[0.49.0] #

Changed #

  • Removed the sdl argument from Level.tick.

[0.48.2] #

Fixed #

  • Fixed a bug where preferences weren't loaded properly.

[0.48.1] #

Fixed #

  • Fixed some type problems with preferences.

[0.48.0] #

Changed #

  • Convert the Game constructor to exclusively use named arguments.
  • The Game class now requires a valid Sdl instance.
  • The Game.run method no longer accepts a sdl argument.
  • The Game.tick method no longer accepts a sdl argument.

Added #

  • Add orgName and appName properties to the Game class.
  • Add a preferencesDirectory getter to the Game class.
  • Add the Preferences class.
  • Give the Game class a preferences getter.

[0.47.0] #

Added #

  • Added the Game.rumble method.
  • Allow all levels to take advantage of commands.

Changed #

  • When overriding Level.handleSdlEvent, you must now call super.handleSdlEvent to ensure commands are handled properly.

[0.46.0] #

Changed #

  • You can now pass many more super parameters to Level subclasses.

[0.45.0] #

Added #

  • Added the Tile, TileMap, and TileMapLevel classes.

[0.44.2] #

Added #

  • Allow instances of AssetReferenceMenu to be cancelled.

[0.44.0] #

Changed #

  • Updated dependencies.
  • Code clean-up.

[0.43.1] #

Added #

  • Added the angleBetween extension method on Point<double>.

[0.43.0] #

Changed #

  • Editor.toggleShift is now a shiftPressed property.

[0.42.2] #

Changed #

  • Downgraded lints.
  • Upgraded dart_sdl.

[0.42.1] #

Added #

  • Automatically open joysticks.

[0.42.0] #

Fixed #

  • Fixed some bugs around command scheduling.

Changed #

  • Updated dart_sdl.

[0.41.1] #

Fixed #

  • Fixed a menu crash when there are no menu items.

[0.41.0] #

Added #

  • Added a soundChannel property to the Menu class.

[0.40.2] #

Fixed #

  • Handle level music properly.

[0.40.1] #

Fixed #

  • The ParameterMenu class no longer inadvertently changes the type of its .menuItems property.

[0.40.0] #

Changed #

  • Added a gain property to the music class.

[0.39.1] #

Fixed #

  • Export the Music class.

[0.39.0] #

Added #

  • Added the Music class.
  • Added a music field to the Level class.
  • Added music arguments to the constructors of all Level subclasses.

Fixed #

  • Added music, ambiances, and randomSounds arguments to the constructors of the FilePickerMenu class.

Changed #

  • Updated the minimum Dart version.

[0.38.1] #

Changed #

  • Downgraded path.

[0.38.0] #

Added #

  • Tasks can now be bound to levels.

[0.37.0] #

Changed #

  • Use faster SDL-based timestamps.
  • Start using relative timings for tasks.
  • Rip out unmaintained and under-tested mapping code.
  • Moved a load of functions into their proper places.

[0.36.0] #

Fixed #

  • Stop handling commands after the first one.

Changed #

  • The level.startCommand and level.stopCommand methods now return boolean values.

[0.35.0] #

Changed #

  • Make SoundChannel.reverb a property.

[0.34.0] #

Added #

  • There is now the ability to set custom IDs on PlaySound instances.

[0.33.0] #

Changed #

  • Fixed a bug where it became impossible to navigate with the arrow keys in menus with number lock on.

[0.32.0] #

Changed #

  • Changed a bunch of constructors to use keyword-only arguments.

[0.31.1] #

Fixed #

  • Fixed links in changelog.

[0.31.0] #

Added #

  • Added the SoundChannel.playWave method.
  • Added convenience methods on SoundChannel for playing waves.

Changed #

  • Added a channel argument to the PlayWave constructor.

[0.30.0] #

Added #

  • Added the ability o pause and unpause waves.
  • Added more tests.

[0.29.0] #

Added #

  • Added the ability to play waves.

[0.28.1] #

Fixed #

  • Fixed a link in the readme.

Changed #

  • Updated the package description to bring it more in line with what pub.dev expects.

[0.28.0] #

Changed #

  • Made the ReverbPreset class serializable.

[0.27.1] #

Changed #

*( Include the asset type in PlaySound descriptions`)

[0.27.0] #

Added #

  • Added useful descriptions to sound events.
  • Added the AssetReferenceMenu class.

Changed #

  • Renamed LoopSound to SetSoundLooping.

[0.26.1] #

Changed #

  • Updated dependencies.

[0.26.0] #

Added #

  • Made it possible to serialize many classes.
  • Added the ParameterMenu class.

Changed #

  • Changed the signatures for A lot of functions to use named arguments.
  • Moved some files into the json directory.
  • Changed the relevant exports so that normal package:ziggurat/xxx.dart imports will work without changes.
  • Reformatted some code.

Fixed #

  • Fixed an oversight in game.handleSdlEvent where controllers would get removed when remap event was received.

[0.25.7] #

Added #

  • Added the LevelStub class.
  • Added the Level.fromStub constructor.

Removed #

  • Removed random sound and ambiance playback storage to the Level class.

[0.25.6] #

Added #

  • Added the SimpleMenuItem class.

[0.25.5] #

Fixed #

  • Fixed a bug where empty text input events were used for menu searches.

[0.25.4] #

Added #

  • Added an onStart parameter to Game.run.

[0.25.3] #

Added #

  • Added the FilePickerMenu class.

[0.25.2] #

Added #

  • Instances of CommandKeyboardKey are now printable.

[0.25.1] #

Fixed #

  • Random sounds now get rescheduled after playing for the first time.

[0.25.0] #

Changed #

  • Changed the way random sound playback is handled.

[0.24.0] #

Added #

  • Added the emptyMessage constant.

Changed #

  • Any widget can now specify an onActivate method.

[0.23.6] #

Added #

  • Added the DynamicWidget class.

[0.23.5] #

Changed #

  • Fixed a bug with the MultiGridLevel class.

[0.23.4] #

Added #

  • Added a after argument to Game.pushLevel, so that levels can be pushed after a specified delay.

[0.23.3] #

Added #

  • Added the MultiGridLevelRow.fromDict factory constructor.

[0.23.2] #

Added #

  • Added the ability to search menus.
  • Expose the current position in a menu.

[0.23.1] #

Fixed #

  • Fixed a crash when moving right in a multi grid level with a single item in a row.

[0.23.0] #

Added #

  • Added the MultiGridLevel.

Changed #

  • Split the package up a little bit.

[0.22.9] #

Changed #

  • Swapped the default axes used for tile map movement.

[0.22.8] #

Fixed #

  • Old menu sounds are now destroyed when menus are popped.

[0.22.7] #

Changed #

  • You can now turn and move simultaneously with TileMapLevel instances.

[0.22.6] #

Added #

  • Reminders to call super methods on the TileMapLevel class.

[0.22.5] #

Added #

  • Added the SceneLevel class.
  • Added the DialogueLevel class.
  • Added the TileMapLevel class.
  • Added the AxisSetting class.
  • Added the Level.tick method.
  • Added some direction enums for use with TileMapLevel.

Changed #

  • Renamed Directions to CardinalDirections.

[0.22.4] #

Added #

  • Added the SoundChannelGroup class.

[0.22.3] #

Changed #

  • Changing the reverb changes the reverb ID again.

[0.22.2] #

Changed #

  • Changing channel reverb no longer changes the stored reverb ID.

[0.22.1] #


  • You can now set (or clear) reverbs for sound channels.

[0.22.0] #

Changed #

  • Changed the signature for the Box constructor.
  • The Box.onActivate callback is now an instance variable, rather than a class method.
  • Renamed Surface.moveInterval to maxMoveInterval.
  • Make Box.sound a List.
  • Rename Box.sound to sounds.

[0.21.4] #

Added #

  • Added the BoxMapLevel class.

[0.21.3] #

Added #

  • It is now possible to unregister game tasks.

[0.21.2] #

Fixed #

  • Tasks can now be registered from within other task functions.

[0.21.1] #

Added #

  • Added checked and unchecked sounds for checkboxes.
  • Added the Widget.getLabel method.

Changed #

  • Any widget can now override the getLabel method to override the label on its parent MenuItem..

[0.21.0] #

Added #

  • Added a Editor level.
  • Added a onCancel parameter to the Menu constructor, so the cancel method doesn't need to be overridden every time.
  • When creating a Menu instance, it is now possible to set the initial position within the menu.
  • You can now specify random sounds for Menu instances.
  • It is now possible to specify multiple triggers with the same name.
  • Added the ControllerAxisDispatcher class.

Fixed #

  • Fixed a broken link in the documentation for angleToRad.

Changed #

  • Cleaned up code.
  • Update SDL.
  • Added a bunch of parameters to the Menu constructor, to replace the old registerCommands method.
  • The TriggerMap class now uses a list for command triggers.

Removed #

  • Removed Menu.registerCommands, in favour of the new parameters to the constructor.
  • Removed the unused InvalidCommandNameError error.
  • Removed the unused InvalidStateError error.

[0.20.1] #

Changed #

  • Updated SDL.

[0.20.0] #

Changed #

  • The onChanged argument to ListButton is now mandatory.

[0.19.0] #

Added #

  • Added the ListButton class.
  • Added the Checkbox class.

Fixed #

  • Ambiance positions are now respected.

Changed #

  • Ambiances now store their own playback information.

Removed #

  • Removed the Level.ambianceSounds list.

[0.18.2] #

Added #

  • It is now possible to add random sounds to any level.
  • It is now possible to know when a Game instance started running with the started property.
  • You can now get the time that a Game instance has been running with the runDurationMilliseconds integer, and the runDurationSeconds double.

Changed #

  • Made Game.window a readonly property.

[0.18.1] #

Added #

  • Add events for setting global audio settings.

[0.18.0] #

Changed #

  • Updated dart_sdl.

[0.17.0] #

Removed #

[0.16.1] #

Added #

  • Added a getFile method to the AssetReference class.

[0.16.0] #

Added #

  • Added the ability to load files (and random files) via the AssetReference.load method.
  • Added the AssetStore class, which will be used by ziggurat_utils.
  • Added a load more tests.

Changed #

  • Renamed SoundReference to AssetReference.

[0.15.1] #

Added #

Added a encryptionKey field to the SoundReference class.

[0.15.0] #

Added #

  • Added the SoundPositionScalar class.
  • Added the SoundPositionAngular class.

Removed #

  • Removed the SoundPositionPanned class.

Changed #

[0.14.1] #

Changed #

  • Changed the constructor of SoundPositionPanned to allow the use of either a scalar value, or an azimuth / elevation pair.

[0.14.0] #

Removed #

  • Removed the elevation property from SoundPositionPanned.

[0.13.3] #

Added #

  • Added the Menu.addButton convenience method.
  • Added the Menu.addLabel convenience method.

[0.13.2] #

Added #

  • Added the PitchBend sound event.
  • Added events for applying filters to SoundChannel instances.

[0.13.1] #

Added #

  • Added the `CommandTrigger.basic constructor.
  • Added more tests.

[0.13.0] #

Changed #

  • No longer allow changing from one sound position type to another.

[0.12.0] #

Added #

  • Added the SetSoundChannelPosition event.

Changed #

  • Made both parameters to the constructor of SoundPositionPanned optional.
  • Made all parameters to the constructor of SoundPosition3d optional.

[0.11.1] #

Added #

  • Added the Game.replaceLevel method.

[0.11.0] #

Added #

  • Added the ability to specify a fade time for ambiances when popping levels.

[0.10.2] #

Changed #

  • Made Game.destroy not a future.

[0.10.1] #

Added #

  • You can now set a time to wait before applying an automation fade.

[0.10.0] #

Changed #

  • The AutomationFade.cancel method now returns void.

[0.9.0] #

Changed #

  • Changed the way sound events are created and what information they hold.

[0.8.0] #

Added #

  • Added the ability to cancel a fade.

Changed #

  • Added a reference to the sound that should be faded.

[0.7.1] #

Added #

  • Added an AutomationFade sound event.

[0.7.0] #

Removed #

  • Moved executable scripts and accompanying JSON schemas to to the ziggurat_sounds package.

[0.6.10] #

Added #

  • Maintain a list of open game controllers on Game instances.

[0.6.9] #

Changed #

  • Fixed a bug with double-playing menu ambiances.

[0.6.8] #

Changed #

  • Menus now properly announce themselves when they're revealed.

[0.6.7] #

Added #

  • Added an activate sound property to Button.

Changed #

  • When activating a menu, if the current widget is a button, play the button's activate sound.

[0.6.6] #

Added #

  • Added a time offset to Game.registerTask for tasks that are scheduled before calling Game.run..

[0.6.5] #

Changed #

  • Show menu items with the onPush method, rather than onReveal.

[0.6.4] #

Changed #

  • Show the current menu item when revealing a menu.

[0.6.3] #

Changes #

  • SoundChannel.playSound now respects the looping argument.

[0.6.2] #

  • Destroy interface and ambiance channels with Game.destroy.

[0.6.1] #

Changed #

  • Stop menu sounds playing when returning to the top of the menu.

[0.6.0] #

Changed #

  • Bumped version number.

[0.5.0] #

Added #

  • Added a keepAlive property to the Message class.
  • Added a Game.outputText method.
  • Added a Game.outputSound method.

Changed #

  • Split Game.outputMessage up to use the new outputText and outputSound methods.
  • Made Game.outputMessage return a PlaySound instance.
  • Remove oldSound, when passed as an argument to outputMessage.
  • Changed the constructor for the Ambiance class.

[0.4.0] #

Added #

  • Added a keepAlive property to the PlaySound event.

Changed #

  • Calling destroy on a PlaySound event with its keepAlive property set to false will result in a DeadSound error being thrown.

[0.3.2] #

Changed #

  • Sound events are now queued while the stream has no listeners or is paused.

[0.3.1] #

Added #

  • Added a channel property to DestroySound.

[0.3.0] #

Changed #

  • Changed the type of PlaySound.channel from SoundChannel to int.

[0.2.0] #

Added #

  • Added a destroy method to the CreateReverb class.

Changed #

  • Reverbs must now be destroyed with CreateReverb.destroy.
  • Renamed PlaySound.destroySound to destroy.

Removed #

  • Removed the Game.destroyReverb method.

[0.1.0] #

Added #

  • Sound channels.

[0.0.0] #

Initial version.

pub points


verified publisherbackstreets.site

A library for making fully-featured audio games using Dart and SDL.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MPL-2.0 (license)


dart_sdl, dart_synthizer, encrypt, json_annotation, meta, path


Packages that depend on ziggurat