zekfad_lints 2.1.0 copy "zekfad_lints: ^2.1.0" to clipboard
zekfad_lints: ^2.1.0 copied to clipboard

Set of lints for Flutter applications, widget collections, Dart applications and packages.

2.1.0 #

For linter 1.30.0

Requires Dart 3.1

  • Updated lints to ^4
  • Enabled library_names
  • Enabled library_prefixes
  • package_prefixed_library_names now explicitly enabled (inherited value has been changed)
  • library_annotations now inherited (stayed enabled)
  • no_wildcard_variable_uses now inherited (stayed enabled)

2.0.0 #

For linter 1.30.0

Requires Dart 3.0

  • BREAKING: Changed files structure:

    This change makes it easier to setup new project, giving preference to omit unnecessary types where possible.

    • Base lints now in base folder.
    • recommended.yaml points to untyped/dart.yaml.
    • flutter.yaml points to untyped/flutter.yaml.
  • Enabled deprecated_member_use_from_same_package

  • Removed no longer available invariant_booleans

  • Enabled implicit_reopen (experimental)

  • Enabled invalid_case_patterns (experimental)

  • Enabled no_self_assignments

  • Enabled no_wildcard_variable_uses

  • Enabled prefer_void_to_null

  • Enabled unsafe_html

  • Enabled annotate_redeclares (experimental)

  • Removed deprecated avoid_returning_null

  • Removed no longer available enable_null_safety

  • BREAKING: Enabled file_names

  • Enabled matching_super_parameters

  • Disabled no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes

  • Enabled no_literal_bool_comparisons

  • Enabled unnecessary_breaks

1.2.0 #

For linter 1.30.0

  • Linter 1.27.0
    • Enabled use_string_in_part_of_directives
  • Linter 1.28.0
    • Enabled unreachable_from_main (experimental)
  • Linter 1.29.0
    • Enabled dangling_library_doc_comments
    • Enabled collection_methods_unrelated_type
    • Enabled unnecessary_library_directive
  • Linter 1.30.0
    • Enabled enable_null_safety
    • Enabled library_annotations

1.1.0 #

For linter 1.26.0

  • Add typed and untyped configs

1.0.0 #

For linter 1.26.0

  • Initial release
pub points


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Set of lints for Flutter applications, widget collections, Dart applications and packages.

Repository (GitHub)
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ISC (license)


flutter_lints, lints


Packages that depend on zekfad_lints