zap_picker 0.0.2+latest copy "zap_picker: ^0.0.2+latest" to clipboard
zap_picker: ^0.0.2+latest copied to clipboard


powerful package for pick media and files from gallery or file manager

zap_picker Flutter Package #

The zap_picker package is a versatile Flutter package designed to simplify media and file picking in your Flutter applications. With zap_picker, you can effortlessly integrate functionality to pick media, including images and videos, from both the gallery and video apps installed on the user's system.

Table of Contents #

  1. pickMedia

    1. Overview
    2. Adding Permissions
    3. Properties
    4. Example
  2. pickFile

    1. Overview
    2. Properties
    3. Example

pickMedia #

Overview #

The pickMedia function allows you to seamlessly pick images or videos based on your application's requirements. It utilizes the MethodChannel to communicate with the native platform, ensuring a smooth media picking experience. The function returns the file path of the picked media.

Adding Permissions #

To ensure proper functionality of the zap_picker package on Android, it is essential to include the necessary permissions for reading and writing external storage in your AndroidManifest.xml file. Add the following lines within the <manifest> element of your AndroidManifest.xml file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

Properties #

  • PickerType pickerType The type of picker to be used ( Gallery, File )

  • MediaType mediaType The type of media to be picked ( Image, Video )

Example #

import 'package:zap_picker/zap_picker.dart';

// Example: Pick an image from the gallery
String? imagePath = await ZapPicker.pickMedia(
  pickerType: PickerType.Gallery,
  mediaType: MediaType.Image,

pickFile #

Overview #

The pickFile function enables you to pick a file based on the specified file type and optional custom type. Similar to pickMedia, it utilizes the MethodChannel to communicate with the native platform, providing a consistent file picking experience. The function returns the file path of the picked file.

Properties #

  • FileType fileType The specific type of file to be picked (PDF, Image, AnyType, Video, OtherType)

  • customType (Optional) List

Example #

import 'package:zap_picker/zap_picker.dart';

// Example: Pick a PDF file
String? pdfPath = await ZapPicker.pickFile(
  fileType: FileType.PDF,

// Example: Pick a custom file type (e.g., TXT, DOC)
String? customFilePath = await ZapPicker.pickFile(
  fileType: FileType.OtherType,
  customType: ['txt', 'doc'],

pub points


unverified uploader

powerful package for pick media and files from gallery or file manager

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MIT (license)




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