zam_test 0.0.2
zam_test: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard
A typed wrapper around the test package with several utilities for testing.
import 'package:zam_test/utilities.dart';
import 'package:zam_test/zam_test.dart';
/// [TestRun] is used to run multiple [TestGroup] together.
void main() {
TestRun('All Tests', [
// ...
// ...
// ... (you can add more test groups here)
// Alternatively, you can write as follows.
// HeightTest().execute();
// But [TestRun] will help you when you have many [TestGroup]s.
/// Create a class extending [TestGroup].
/// Provide a [name].
/// You can optionally override the [nameSuffix] and the [description].
/// Override [setUp] and [tearDown] when required.
/// Override [run] which is a function called for every [TestCase].
/// Provide a list of [testCases].
class HeightTest extends TestGroup<double, String> {
final name = 'Height';
/// Runs once before the first [TestCase] is run.
/// [sleep] is an utility function in this package.
setUp() async {
await sleep(seconds: 1);
/// This function is run for every [TestCase].
run(input) {
return Height(input).toStringInMetre();
/// Runs once after the last [TestCase] is run.
/// [shutdown] is an utility function in this package.
tearDown() async {
await shutdown(seconds: 1);
/// Provide all the [TestCase]s here in an array.
/// Here are the different types of test cases.
/// [TestCase] - Base class which expects an input and a matcher.
/// [ValueTestCase] - Expects an input and an output.
/// [NegativeTestCase] - Expects an input and an exception type.
final testCases = [
when: 'Negative height value',
input: -23,
exception: HeightNotValidException,
when: 'Negative Border height value',
input: -1,
exception: HeightNotValidException,
when: 'Zero height value',
input: 0,
exception: HeightNotValidException,
when: 'Positive Border height value',
then: 'outputs value in m',
input: 1,
output: '0.01 m',
when: 'Positive height value',
then: 'outputs value in m',
input: 45,
output: '0.45 m',
when: 'Positive Extreme height value',
then: 'outputs value in m',
input: 834,
output: '8.34 m',
class Height {
final double value;
double get valueInMetre => value / 100;
Height(double value)
: value = value > 0 ? value : throw HeightNotValidException(value);
String toString() {
return '${value.round()} cm';
String toStringInMetre() {
return '${valueInMetre.toStringAsFixed(2)} m';
class HeightNotValidException implements Exception {
final double value;
const HeightNotValidException(this.value);
String toString() {
return '$runtimeType: $value is an invalid height value. Height should be positive.';