yuno 0.4.0 copy "yuno: ^0.4.0" to clipboard
yuno: ^0.4.0 copied to clipboard

Yuno Flutter SDK empowers you to create seamless payment experiences in your native Android and iOS apps built with Flutter.

Yuno - Flutter #

Yuno Flutter SDK empowers you to create seamless payment experiences in your native Android and iOS apps built with Flutter. It offers powerful and customizable UI components that can be used directly to gather payment details from your users efficiently and effectively. Full Example Integration.
Android iOS Linux macOS Web Windows
Support SDK 21+ 14.0+ None None None None

Features #

1. Powerful Payment Integrations

  • Multiple Payment Methods: Supports a variety of payment options including credit cards, debit cards, wallets, and alternative payment methods, giving your users more choices.
  • Pre-Built UI Components: Offers customizable pre-built UI elements for payment forms that save development time while maintaining a delightful user experience.
  • Tokenization: Implements secure tokenization to safely handle sensitive card data, reducing PCI compliance scope.

2. Customizable User Interface

  • Custom Themes: Easily customize UI elements to match your app's branding, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Adaptive Design: Automatically adapts to different screen sizes and device orientations, providing a consistent experience across Android and iOS.

3. Seamless User Experience

  • One-Tap Payments: Supports one-tap payments for returning users, allowing for a faster checkout process.
  • Automatic Error Handling: Built-in error messaging and form validation, ensuring that issues like incorrect card details are clearly communicated to users.
  • Localized UI: Offers built-in localization for multiple languages, ensuring the payment experience feels native to all your users.

4. Security Features

  • PCI Compliance: Adheres to PCI DSS standards, ensuring that your payment processing meets industry security requirements.
  • 3D Secure Support: Supports 3D Secure for additional user authentication, reducing fraud risk.
  • Data Encryption: All transactions are protected with advanced encryption protocols, ensuring that sensitive information remains secure.

5. Developer-Friendly Tools

  • Sandbox Environment: Provides a sandbox mode for testing payment flows before going live.
  • Real-Time Logs: Access to real-time logs helps developers quickly identify and troubleshoot issues.
  • Flexible API: Offers a flexible and well-documented API, allowing for advanced customizations when needed.

6. Real-Time Analytics

  • Insights Dashboard: Gain insights into payment performance with a real-time analytics dashboard.
  • Error Reporting: Get notified about transaction issues, enabling quick resolution.

Installation #

dart pub add yuno

Requirements #


This plugin requires several changes to be able to work on Android devices. Please make sure you follow all these steps:

  1. Yuno Android SDK needs your minSdkVersion to be 21 or above.
  2. Your project must have Java 8 enabled and use AndroidX instead of older support libraries
  3. The android-gradle-plugin version must be 4.0.0 or above.
  4. The Proguard version must be 6.2.2 or above.
  5. The kotlin-gradle-plugin version must be 1.4.0 or above
  6. Using FlutterFragmentActivity instead of FlutterActivity in MainActivity.kt.
  7. Colors or custumizations of the SDK for android you can do this by following the steps: customs
  8. Rebuild the app, as the above changes don't update with hot reload


  1. Use iOS version 14.0 or above

Android Configuration #

build.gradle - project level

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }


class MainActivity: FlutterFragmentActivity()


According to the documentation, Yuno must be initialized in the Application onCreate. So follow the below steps to achieve the same:

  • Setup custom application class if you don't have any.
  • Create a custom class named MyApp.
  • Add an onCreate() override. The class should look like this:
class MyApp: Application() 
    override fun onCreate() {
  • Open your AndroidManifest.xml and find the application tag. In it, add an android:name attribute, and set the value to your class' name, prefixed by a dot (.).
  android:name=".MyApp" >
  • Now initialize the Yuno SDK inside the onCreate() of custom application class according to the following:
import com.yuno_flutter.yuno_sdk_android.YunoSdkAndroidPlugin

class MyApp : Application() {
  override fun onCreate() {

    // Add this line with your keys
    YunoSdkAndroidPlugin.initSdk(this, "YUNO_API_KEY")

Usage #

Examples #

Here are small examples that show you how to use the API.

Initialize configuration

await Yuno.init(
  apiKey: 'your_api_key_here',
  countryCode: 'your_country_code', // The complete list of country_codes is available on
  yunoConfig: YunoConfig(
    lang: YunoLanguage.en, //supported languages: ENGLISH, SPANISH, PORTUGUESE, MALAY, INDONESIAN, THAI
    cardflow: CardFlow.multiStep, // default cardflow
    saveCardEnable: true, // default saveCardEnable
    keepLoader: true,   // default saveCardEnable 
    isDynamicViewEnable: true, // default isDynamicViewEnable
  iosConfig: IosConfig(), // Optional, can use default value

Yuno Widgets #

Listeners #

YunotListeners are Flutter widgets that take a child widget. And a callback function listener as required parameters. The widgets itself does not perform any actions but can be extended or used as a placeholder where a state listening mechanism is needed. This widget can be useful in scenarios where you need to trigger certain actions or updates in the UI when a specific state changes.

YunoPaymentListener #

  listener: (state) {
    // Handle [state] it is YunoState [String token] && [PaymentStatus status]
    // - [token]: One Time Token
    // - [paymentStatus]: [reject,succeded,fail,processing,internalError,cancelByUser]
  child: SomeWidget(),

YunoEnrollmentListener #

  listener: (state) {
    // Handle [state] it is YunoEnrollmentState
    // - [enrollmentStatus]: [reject,succeded,fail,processing,internalError,cancelByUser]
  child: SomeWidget(),

YunoMultiListener #

  enrollmentListener: (state) {
    // Handle [state] it is YunoEnrollmentState
    // - [enrollmentStatus]: [reject,succeded,fail,processing,internalError,cancelByUser]
  paymentListener: (state) {
    // Handle [state] it is YunoPaymentState [String token] && [PaymentStatus status]
    // - [token]: One Time Token
    // - [paymentStatus]: [reject,succeded,fail,processing,internalError,cancelByUser]
  child: SomeWidget(),

YunoPaymentMethods #

YunoPaymentMethods is a Flutter widget that displays payment methods using a native iOS and Android views. This widget integrates with the Yuno SDK to show payment methods in a Flutter app. It dynamically adjusts its size based on the content and available width. The widget provides a listener to notify about selection changes, allowing the parent widget to react to user interactions with the payment methods.

The following widget works only with Yuno's full SDK version.

  config: PaymentMethodConf(
    checkoutSession: 'your_checkout_session_id',
    // Add other configuration options as needed
  listener: (context, isSelected) {
    if (isSelected) {
      print('A payment method has been selected');
    } else {
      print('No payment method is currently selected');

Yuno Dart API #

The library offers several methods to handle Yuno related actions:

Future<void> startPayment(...);
Future<void> startPaymentLite(...);
Future<void> enrollmentPayment(...)
Future<void> continuePayment(...);
Future<void> hideLoader(...);
//Avialable only for IOS devices
Future<void> receiveDeeplink(...);

Sugar Syntax #

class Sample extends StatelessWidget {
  const Sample({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    //Avialable only for IOS devices

Or Use #

//Avialable only for IOS devices

Using Yuno key with --dart-define #

Use --dart-define variables to avoid hardcoding Yuno keys.

Pass the Yuno key with flutter run or flutter build command using --dart-define. #

flutter run --dart-define="YUNO_API_KEY=apiKey"

Note: You can also use --dart-define-from-file which is introduced in Flutter 3.7.

Reading keys in Dart side and initialize the SDK. #

String yunoApi = String.fromEnvironment("YUNO_API", "");

Reading keys in Android native side and initialize the SDK. #

  • Add the following code to build.gradle - app level.
  • You can also see the build config in the example Integration.
def dartEnvironmentVariables = []
if (project.hasProperty('dart-defines')) {
  dartEnvironmentVariables ='dart-defines')
      .collectEntries { entry ->
        def pair = new String(entry.decodeBase64(), 'UTF-8').split('=')
        [(pair.first()): pair.last()]
  • Place dartEnvironmentVariables inside the build config
defaultConfig {
  buildConfigField 'String', 'YUNO_API_KEY', "\"${dartEnvironmentVariables.yunoApiKey}\""

build.gradle - app level

  • Make sure that add the following code inside the build config
android {
    buildFeatures {
        buildConfig true
import android.os.Build
import com.yuno_flutter.yuno_sdk_android.YunoSdkAndroidPlugin

class MyApp : Application() {
  override fun onCreate() {
    // Add this line with your keys
   YunoSdkAndroidPlugin.initSdk(this, BuildConfig.YUNO_API_KEY)

Contributing #

You can help us make this project better, feel free to open an new issue or a pull request.


This project uses melos to manage all the packages inside this repo.

  • Install melos: dart pub global activate melos
  • Setup melos in your local folder: melos bootstrap
Useful commands
  • Format melos run format
  • Analyze melos run analyze
  • Test melos run test
  • Coverage melos run coverage
  • Pub get melos run get
  • Use melos version and melos publish to keep all the repositories in sync!



Weekly Downloads

Yuno Flutter SDK empowers you to create seamless payment experiences in your native Android and iOS apps built with Flutter.



API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, yuno_sdk_android, yuno_sdk_core, yuno_sdk_foundation, yuno_sdk_platform_interface


Packages that depend on yuno