youtube_player_flutter 9.0.2 copy "youtube_player_flutter: ^9.0.2" to clipboard
youtube_player_flutter: ^9.0.2 copied to clipboard

Flutter plugin for playing or streaming inline YouTube videos using the official iFrame player API. This plugin supports both Android and iOS.

9.0.2 #

  • Fixes issue with getting error logs even after disposing player.

9.0.1 #

  • Fixes issue with fullscreen pop.

9.0.0 #

  • Bumps flutter_inappwebview to latest version.

8.1.2 #

  • Bumps flutter_inappwebview to latest version.
  • Adds support for extracting video id from YouTube Shorts & Music URL.

8.1.1 #

  • Bumps flutter_inappwebview to latest version.
  • Fixed cast error in YouTube error.

8.1.0 #

  • Upgraded minimum flutter version to 3.0.0
  • Upgraded example app

8.0.0 #

  • Null Safety Release
  • Added useHybridComposition flag

7.0.0+7 #

  • Updated dependencies

7.0.0+6 #

  • (Improvements) Added support for endAt in load and cue methods as well as startAt and endAt in video initialization.
  • (Fixed) Sticky video watermarks in iOS. Fixes#208
  • (Fixed) Timing and Sizing Issue #249

7.0.0+5 #

  • Revert padding on fullscreen.

7.0.0+4 #

  • Updated dependencies. Fixes #262
  • Added clear error description for 101, 105 and 150 error codes.

7.0.0+3 #

  • Fixed onExitFullScreen callback.

7.0.0+2 #

  • Added onEnterFullScreen & onExitFullScreen callback to YoutubePlayerBuilder.
  • Player switches back to normal mode on system back, if on fullscreen.
  • Added thumbnail parameter to YoutubePlayer, removed thumbnailUrl. Now any widget can be used as thumbnail.
  • Fixed issues with progress colors.

7.0.0+1 #

  • (Fixed) random crashes
  • (Fixed) issues with orientation
  • (Improvements) Added automatic fullscreen toggle wrt to orientation change
  • Added YoutubePlayerBuilder
  • (Fixed) progress color being ignored #221


  • Requires iOS: --ios-language swift, Xcode version >= 11
  • Requires Android: minSdkVersion 17
  • Removed exported WebView widget

6.1.1 #

  • Removed forceHideAnnotation.

6.1.0+7 #

  • Updated webview_media constraint to >=0.1.2<1.0.0

6.1.0+6 #

  • Exports Webview

6.1.0+5 #

  • (Fixed) Infinite buffer indicator when autoplay set to false

6.1.0+2 #

  • (Fixed) Some videos not playing Issue #119
  • (Improvements) Faster initial video loading time
  • Added forceHD flag
  • Shows buffer indicator until video is playable

BREAKING CHANGE If you're using webview_flutter alongside, then remove it from dependencies. The package exports webview on its own.

6.0.3+2 #

  • (New Feature) Pinch in/out on the player to fit video.
  • (Improvements) Video plays in high definition, if supported.

6.0.3+1 #

  • Moved videoId, title, author and duration to separate YoutubeMetaData class.
  • (Fixed) Issue with invalid video id being shown while switching to fullscreen. Issue #118

6.0.2 #

  • Added onEnded callback for YoutubePlayer widget. (Fixes #108)
  • Removed isEvaluationReady & isLoaded flags as it had no use anyway.
  • Added controlsVisibleAtStart flag. (Fixes #113)

6.0.1 #

  • (New Feature) Added title and author property to YoutubePlayerController.
  • Removed DataConnectionChecker dependency.
  • Removed start and end from flags as it wasn't functioning anyway.
  • (Improvement) Implemented effective dart lints.
  • (Improvement) Changed thumbnails to fetch webp format.
  • (Fixed) Issue with Live UI Issue #115.

6.0.0 #

  • (Improvement) Smooth fullscreen toggle and crash fix. Issue #46 & Issue #105
  • (Fixed) Issue #93.
  • (Fixed) PlayerState.ended being call multiple times. Issue #108
  • (Improvement) Exposed controller parameter to all widgets. Issue #109. This comes handy when the widgets are to used outside the context of YoutubePlayer widget.
  • (Improvement) UI and performance optimizations.


  • From now on, YoutubePlayerController is to be passed to the player explicitly. (See the updated readme)
  • Removed context and videoId properties from YoutubePlayer.
  • flags property is moved to YoutubePlayerController from YoutubePlayer. Since flags were only needed for the first time when player initializes.
  • showVideoProgressIndicator property moved to YoutubePlayer.


  • (Fixed) aspect ratio in fullscreen mode.
  • (Fixed) sometimes showing up buffering indicator instead of error.

5.2.0 #


  • Renamed videoId property in YoutubePlayer to initialVideoId.
  • From now on changing video id must be done using either load() or cue().
  • (Fixed) Video playing sound only, on videoId change. Issue #99
  • (Improvement) Minor optimizations.
  • Example updated with video list.
  • Added PlayerState.stopped.
  • Added actionsPadding property.

5.1.0 #

  • Renamed TotalDuration widget to RemainingDuration.
  • Renamed PlayButton widget to PlayPauseButton.
  • (Improvement) Better handling of invalid video id.
  • (Improvement) Better video orientation handling.
  • (Improvement) Better play/pause handling w/r/t app lifecycle.
  • (Fixed) Video pausing after jumping to certain position using progress bar.
  • BREAKING Switched back to webview_flutter.
  • Updated dart docs.

5.0.0+1 #


  • Everything is modular now. See the docs for details.
  • Automatically switches to landscape on fullscreen mode.
  • Added proper display of errors and detects internet connection status.
  • Workarounds for iOS.
  • webview_flutter is swapped with ytview. If you've been using WebView widget, then consider changing import paths to ytview instead.
  • Added flags to enable/disable caption and looping.
  • Added flags to change caption language, start and end time of video.

4.1.0 #

  • Feature Added Button to change playback rate in player.
  • Added setPlaybackRate method to YoutubePlayerController. Issue #48
  • (Improvement) Playback behaviour synced with AppLifeCycle Issue #41

4.0.0+2 #

  • Fix error reports in LiveUI. PR#44
  • Added startAt property.

4.0.0+1 #


  • YoutubePLayerScaffold has been removed.
  • Improved Orientations
  • Uses webview_flutter instead of ytview

3.0.0 #

  • BREAKING CHANGES See Migrating to 3.x.x for detail.
  • Faster fullscreen toggling.
  • Toggles fullscreen on orientation change. Issue #3.
  • Option to add own custom thumbnail.
  • (Fixed) Video stuck at unknown state Issue #24.
  • Added hideThumbnail and disableDragSeek flags. #27, #29.
  • (Fixed) Fullscreen toggle in iOS.
  • Minor UI improvements here and there.

2.0.0 #

  • (Fixed) iOS playback is fully functional. Issue #2
  • Added forceHideAnnotation property which hides the default YouTube annotation. Read Issue #17 for detail
  • Added option to mute player.

1.2.0 #

  • Added actions property, which can be used to add menus in top bar of video. See example for details.
  • Added option to hide fullscreen button.
  • (Fixed) Current position always showing 00:00 Issue #17

1.1.1+1 #

  • Updated dart constraint to >=2.2.0 <3.0.0*.
  • (Fixed) Parsing Exceptions.

1.1.1 #

  • Fix for issue #12.
  • WebView is now exported alongside YoutubePlayer.

1.1.0 #

  • Minor Improvements.
  • Built and tested on iOS device.
  • Migrated to AndroidX.
  • Removed warnings on iOS builds.

1.0.1+1 #

  • Added Travis CI.

1.0.1 #

  • (Fixed) Error while building for iOS.

1.0.0+2 #

  • (Fixed) Video pausing on tapped, when controls were hidden.

1.0.0+1 #

  • Added Download APK badge.

1.0.0 #

  • Initial Release.
  • Includes Dart Documentation.
  • Includes support for Live Videos.
  • Includes fast forward and rewind feature.
pub points



Flutter plugin for playing or streaming inline YouTube videos using the official iFrame player API. This plugin supports both Android and iOS.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-2-Clause (license)


flutter, flutter_inappwebview


Packages that depend on youtube_player_flutter