yjy_google_maps_flutter 2.5.0 copy "yjy_google_maps_flutter: ^2.5.0" to clipboard
yjy_google_maps_flutter: ^2.5.0 copied to clipboard

A Flutter plugin for integrating Google Maps in iOS and Android applications.


// // Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// // found in the LICENSE file.
// import 'dart:async';
// import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
// // import 'package:google_maps_flutter_android/google_maps_flutter_android.dart';
// import 'package:yjy_google_maps_flutter_platform_interface/google_maps_flutter_platform_interface.dart';
// import 'animate_camera.dart';
// import 'lite_mode.dart';
// import 'map_click.dart';
// import 'map_coordinates.dart';
// import 'map_map_id.dart';
// import 'map_ui.dart';
// import 'marker_icons.dart';
// import 'move_camera.dart';
// import 'padding.dart';
// import 'page.dart';
// import 'place_circle.dart';
// import 'place_marker.dart';
// import 'place_polygon.dart';
// import 'place_polyline.dart';
// import 'scrolling_map.dart';
// import 'snapshot.dart';
// import 'tile_overlay.dart';
// final List<GoogleMapExampleAppPage> _allPages = <GoogleMapExampleAppPage>[
//   const MapUiPage(),
//   const MapCoordinatesPage(),
//   const MapClickPage(),
//   const AnimateCameraPage(),
//   const MoveCameraPage(),
//   const PlaceMarkerPage(),
//   const MarkerIconsPage(),
//   const ScrollingMapPage(),
//   const PlacePolylinePage(),
//   const PlacePolygonPage(),
//   const PlaceCirclePage(),
//   const PaddingPage(),
//   const SnapshotPage(),
//   const LiteModePage(),
//   const TileOverlayPage(),
//   const MapIdPage(),
// ];
// /// MapsDemo is the Main Application.
// class MapsDemo extends StatelessWidget {
//   /// Default Constructor
//   const MapsDemo({super.key});
//   void _pushPage(BuildContext context, GoogleMapExampleAppPage page) {
//     Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute<void>(
//         builder: (_) => Scaffold(
//               appBar: AppBar(title: Text(page.title)),
//               body: page,
//             )));
//   }
//   @override
//   Widget build(BuildContext context) {
//     return Scaffold(
//       appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('GoogleMaps examples')),
//       body: ListView.builder(
//         itemCount: _allPages.length,
//         itemBuilder: (_, int index) => ListTile(
//           leading: _allPages[index].leading,
//           title: Text(_allPages[index].title),
//           onTap: () => _pushPage(context, _allPages[index]),
//         ),
//       ),
//     );
//   }
// }
// void main() {
//   final GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform mapsImplementation =
//       GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance;
//   // if (mapsImplementation is GoogleMapsFlutterAndroid) {
//   //   mapsImplementation.useAndroidViewSurface = true;
//   //   initializeMapRenderer();
//   // }
//   runApp(const MaterialApp(home: MapsDemo()));
// }
// // Completer<AndroidMapRenderer?>? _initializedRendererCompleter;
// /// Initializes map renderer to the `latest` renderer type for Android platform.
// ///
// /// The renderer must be requested before creating GoogleMap instances,
// /// as the renderer can be initialized only once per application context.
// // Future<AndroidMapRenderer?> initializeMapRenderer() async {
// //   if (_initializedRendererCompleter != null) {
// //     return _initializedRendererCompleter!.future;
// //   }
// //
// //   // final Completer<AndroidMapRenderer?> completer =
// //   //     Completer<AndroidMapRenderer?>();
// //   // _initializedRendererCompleter = completer;
// //
// //   WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
// //
// //   final GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform mapsImplementation =
// //       GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance;
// //   // if (mapsImplementation is GoogleMapsFlutterAndroid) {
// //   //   unawaited(mapsImplementation
// //   //       .initializeWithRenderer(AndroidMapRenderer.latest)
// //   //       .then((AndroidMapRenderer initializedRenderer) =>
// //   //           completer.complete(initializedRenderer)));
// //   // } else {
// //   //   completer.complete(null);
// //   // }
// //   completer.complete(null);
// //   return completer.future;
// // }


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A Flutter plugin for integrating Google Maps in iOS and Android applications.

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flutter, yjy_google_maps_flutter_platform_interface, yjy_google_maps_flutter_web


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