xyz_pod 0.22.0 xyz_pod: ^0.22.0 copied to clipboard
This package simplifies state management in Flutter applications and is well-suited for use with a Modular Services State Management (MSSM) pattern.
🇽🇾🇿 Pod #
This package simplifies state management in Flutter applications and is well-suited for use with a Modular Services State Management (MSSM) pattern.
Installation #
Add this to your pubspec.yaml
xyz_pod: any # or the latest version
Documentation #
🔜 Documentation and video tutorials are coming soon. Feel free to contact me for more information.
Resources #
Examples: #
- Example 1: A basic example on how to use a Pod and PodBuilder
- Example 2: A basic example on how to use PodList, PodListHelper and PodListBuilder
- Example 3: Modular Services State Management with RespondingPodListBuilder
- Example 4: A basic example on how to use a PollingPodBuilder
- Example 5: Temp Pods
Slides: #
Here is a basic example on how to use a Pod and PodBuilder: #
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:xyz_pod/xyz_pod.dart';
final pTemperature = Pod<double>(68.0);
final pWeatherCondition = Pod<String>("Sunny");
class WeatherPods extends PodListHelper {
const WeatherPods();
PodList get pods => [pTemperature, pWeatherCondition];
double get temperature => pods.elementAt(0)!.value as double;
String get weatherCondition => pods.elementAt(1)!.value as String;
void main() {
home: Material(
child: Center(
child: Column(
children: [
pods: WeatherPods().pods,
builder: (context, child, pods) {
final temperature = WeatherPods().temperature;
final weatherCondition = WeatherPods().weatherCondition;
return Text(
"Today is $weatherCondition and the temperature is $temperature°F.",
// ... Additional UI and Button to update Pods ...
Contributing #
Contributions are welcome. Here are a few ways you can help:
- Report bugs and make feature requests.
- Add new features.
- Improve the existing code.
- Help with documentation and tutorials.
License #
This project is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
Contact #
Author: Robert Mollentze