xrange 0.0.3 copy "xrange: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
xrange: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard


Provdes a Range class, a contiguous set of values, and a ZRange class - an integer values interval with possibility to generate its values

This is a fork of Interval library

XRange lib #

Provides the Range class, a contiguous set of values, and the ZRange class, that along with functionality of Range class can also generate values of arithmetic progression in a specific diapason. This range can contain just integer numbers, that's why Z is used as a prefix for the class name (the letter Z denotes the set of all integers in mathematics).

If a range contains two values, it also contains all values between them. It may have an upper and lower bound, and those bounds may be open or closed.

Usage #

Range #

import 'package:xrange/range.dart';

void main() {
  final date1 = DateTime(2015);
  final date2 = DateTime(2021);
  final dates = Range<DateTime>.closed(date1, date2);

  if (dates.contains(DateTime.now())) {
    print('Hi, contemporary!');
  } else {
    print('Apparently, you are from the future!');

XRange #

import 'package:xrange/zrange.dart';

void main() {
  final range = ZRange.closed(-10, 10);
  for (final value in range.values(step: 2)) {
    print(value); // it yields numbers from -10 to 10 with step equals 2

Please, pay attention to values method - it is a generator function, so there is no need to save the range values in a variable before iterating.



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Provdes a Range class, a contiguous set of values, and a ZRange class - an integer values interval with possibility to generate its values

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