xmpp_plugin 1.1.15 copy "xmpp_plugin: ^1.1.15" to clipboard
xmpp_plugin: ^1.1.15 copied to clipboard


Xmpp plugin which helps to connect with xmpp via native channels and native libs like smack android and ios via xmppframework

xmpp_plugin #

  1. Connect to the xmpp server
final param = {
      "password": "password",
      "host": "xmpphost",
      "port": "5222"

XmppConnection xmppConnection = XmppConnection(param);

await xmppConnection.start(_onReceiveMessage, _onError);
await xmppConnection.login();

  1. Send message to one-one chat
await xmppConnection.sendMessageWithType("xyz@domain", "Hi", "MSGID");
await xmppConnection.sendGroupMessageWithType("xyz@conference.domain", "Hi", "MSGID");
  1. Receive message from server
Future _onReceiveMessage(dynamic event) async {
       // TODO : Handle the receive event
  1. Disconnect the xmppConnection
  1. Creating a MUC
xmppConnection.createMUC("groupName", true);
  1. Joining MUC
xmppConnection.joinMucGroups(List<String> allGroupsId)

  1. Sending Custom Message
await xmppConnection.sendCustomMessage("xyz@domain", "Hi", "MSGID","customTest");
await xmppConnection.sendCustomGroupMessage("xyz@conference.domain", "Hi", "MSGID","customText");

  1. Sending Delivery Receipt
await flutterXmpp.sendDelieveryReceipt("xyz@domain", "Received-Message-Id", "Receipt-Id");
  1. Adding members to MUC
await flutterXmpp.addMembersInGroup("groupName", List<String> allMembersId);
  1. Adding admins to MUC
await flutterXmpp.addAdminsInGroup("groupName", List<String> allMembersId);
  1. Get member list from the MUC
await flutterXmpp.getMembers("groupName");
  1. Get Admin list from the MUC
await flutterXmpp.getAdmins("groupName");
  1. Get Owner list from the MUC
await flutterXmpp.getOwners("groupName");
  1. Remove members from the MUC
await flutterXmpp.removeMember("groupName", List<String> allMembersId);
  1. Remove admins from group
await flutterXmpp.removeAdmin("groupName", List<String> allMembersId);
  1. Get online member count from group
var onlineCount = await flutterXmpp.getOnlineMemberCount("groupName");
  1. Get last activity of the jid
var lastseen = await flutterXmpp.getLastSeen(jid);
  1. Get the list of my rosters
 await flutterXmpp.getMyRosters();
  1. Creating a roster entry
await flutterXmpp.createRoster(jid);
  1. Join single MUC
await flutterXmpp.joinMucGroup(groupId);

To be Added #

  • MAM


verified publisherxrstudio.in

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Xmpp plugin which helps to connect with xmpp via native channels and native libs like smack android and ios via xmppframework

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


device_info, flutter, path_provider, permission_handler, share, shared_preferences


Packages that depend on xmpp_plugin