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flutter plugin for the Xandr, with integrations for Android and iOS

xandr #

xandr workflow ci workflow

This is the flutter integration for xandr.

Please Note: This is a work in progress and the api is likely to change.

Contributing to the project #

Please the CONTRIBUTING.md for details.

example usage: #

The flutter api is work in progress and will likely change.

However there are three main concepts:

  • there is a central XandrController() which:
    • when called with XandrController().init(memberId) will initialize the sdk
    • takes care of loading ads
    • propagates ad events to the flutter side
  • there is a XandrBuilder() widget which:
    • simplifies handling of the global XandrController()
    • makes sure that all child-ads are only requested once the sdk is successfully initialized
  • there is an AdBanner() widget which:
    • can request banners by size options, placementId and/or inventoryCode
    • customKeywords are also supported
    • behind the scenes the widget size is adjusted accordingly
    • is shown by default when created (can be adjusted through loadMode)
    • can be set to refresh every X seconds (regardless whether it's in the viewport or not)
    • provides a onBannerFinishLoading callback when loading is done
    • can provide native ads
  • there is an InterstitialAd() which:
    • can request an interstitial by placementId and/or inventoryCode
    • customKeywords are also supported
    • after the ad is loaded, it can be shown by calling show()

AdBanner #

Used to display a simple advertisement banner.

name mandatory description example
controller yes XandrController instance -
adSizes yes list of AdSize to request the banner [AdSize(300, 250), AdSize(1, 1)]
placementID yes if inventoryCode not filled Xandr banner placement ID -
inventoryCode yes if placementID not filled Xandr banner inventory code -
width no double of the initial ad width null
height no double of the initial ad height null
onBannerFinishLoading no Function callback which is called when the banner finished loading, with the following params: success (bool, whether the ad was loaded successfully), width (nullable double, if ad was loaded provides its width), height (nullable double, if the ad was loaded provides its height), nativeAd (nullable NativeAdData, if the ad was loaded and is a native ad this provides its data such as title, description, ...) onBannerFinishLoading: ({ required success, height, width, nativeAd, }) => print('on banner finish loading: success: $success')
customKeywords no list of keywords to request the Xandr banner {'kw': ['test-kw', 'demoads'] }
autoRefreshInterval no Duration of each banner auto refresh (can be set to Duration.zero to prevent auto refresh) Duration(seconds: 30)
allowNativeDemand no bool whether to allow requesting native ads or not - If set to true you must also include AdSize(1, 1) in the adSizes false
nativeAdBuilder no widget rendering function to render a native ad - provides a NativeAdData which contains: title, description, imageUrl, clickUrl of the native ad nativeAdBuilder: (nativeAd) => Text(nativeAd.title)
clickThroughAction no ClickThroughAction to handle ad behavior when clicked ClickThroughAction.returnUrl (does not handle ad click, needs to be handled by developer on onAdClicked callback), ClickThroughAction.openSdkBrowser (opens an internal app browser through the SDK), ClickThroughAction.openDeviceBrowser (opens the ad externally through the device browser)
onAdClicked no Function callback called when the ad is clicked and clickThroughAction is ClickThroughAction.returnUrl onAdClicked: (url) => print('click url: $url')
loadMode no LoadMode to handle ad creation logic LoadModeWhenCreated to start loading the ad as soon as it's created, LoadMode.whenInViewport to only start loading the ad when in viewport
multiAdRequestController no MultiAdRequestController if this placement should be included in a multi ad request
shouldServePSAs no bool determines whether PSAs (Public Service Announcements) should be served. PSAs (Public Service Announcements) are ads that can be served as a last resort, if there are no other ads to show. false

sample code: #

For a running examples please check the sample app at example/lib/main.dart - the sample app can be run using melos run run:example -- -d sdk (android) or melos run run:example -- -d IPhone (iOS).

In order to initialize the xandr sdk, and show a banner ad run:

_controller = XandrController();
    controller: _controller,
    memberId: 9517,
    builder: (context, snapshot) {
        if (snapshot.hasData) {
            debugPrint('Xandr SDK initialized, success=${snapshot.hasData}');
            return AdBanner(
                controller: _controller,
                inventoryCode: 'bunte_webdesktop_home_homepage_hor_1',
                adSizes: const [AdSize(728, 90),],
                customKeywords: useDemoAds,
        } else if (snapshot.hasError) {
            return const Text('Error initializing Xandr SDK');
        } else {
            return const Text('Initializing Xandr SDK...');


Also, results of the AdResponse are propagated to the flutter side:

I/flutter (16949): xandr.onAdLoaded: 0, size=728x90, creativeId=158504583, adType=BANNER, tagId=20835075, auctionId=6349340599071400911, cpm=0.10855, memberId=9517

Loading an interstitial ad is similar, however its a two step process:

  1. loading the ad
_interstitialAd = InterstitialAd(
  controller: _controller,
  inventoryCode: 'bunte_webphone_news_gallery_oop_0',
  1. showing the ad with optional auto-hide after a given amount of time
  interstitialAd: _interstitialAd,
  builder: (context, snapshot) {
    if (snapshot.hasData) {
      debugPrint('Xandr interstitial ad loaded, '
      return Column(
        mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
        children: [
            onPressed: () async {
              debugPrint('show interstitial ad...');
              final result =
                  await _interstitialAd.show(autoDismissDelay: 10);
                'interstitial ad has been closed result=$result',
            child: const Text('Show Interstitial Ad'),
    } else if (snapshot.hasError) {
      return const Text('Error loading Xandr interstitial ad');
    } else {
      return const Text('Loading Xandr interstitial ad...');


To run the interstitial example app, run melos run run:example:interstitial -- -d sdk (android only atm).

Banner Ads can also be loaded using a multi ad request: ads are just initialized, and loaded with the single request to the adserver:

  1. create a multi ad controller and use a future builder to get the multi ad request initialized - this requires an already initialized xandr controller as well
_multiAdRequestController = MultiAdRequestController();
  future: _multiAdRequestController.init(),
  builder: (_, multiAdRequestSnapshot) {
    if (multiAdRequestSnapshot.hasData) {
        'MultiAdRequestController initialized, '

      return SingleChildScrollView(
        controller: _scrollController,
        child: Column(
          children: [
              onPressed: () {
              child: const Text('load ads'),
              controller: _controller,
              //placementID: '17058950',
              adSizes: const [
                AdSize(728, 90),
              ], //[AdSize(300, 250)],
              customKeywords: useDemoAds,
              resizeAdToFitContainer: true,
              multiAdRequestController: _multiAdRequestController,
              controller: _controller,
              //placementID: '17058950',
              adSizes: const [
                AdSize(728, 90),
              ], //[AdSize(300, 250)],
              customKeywords: useDemoAds,
              resizeAdToFitContainer: true,
              multiAdRequestController: _multiAdRequestController,
    } else if (multiAdRequestSnapshot.hasError) {
        'Error initializing MultiAdRequestController: '
      return const Text('Error initializing multi ad request');
    } else {
      debugPrint('Initializing MultiAdRequestController...');
      return const Text('Initializing multi ad request...');

clicking on the load ads button will load the ads in a single request.


To run the multi ad request example app, run melos run run:example:multiadrequest -- -d sdk (android only atm).



verified publisherthekorn.dev

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flutter plugin for the Xandr, with integrations for Android and iOS

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


flutter, xandr_android, xandr_ios, xandr_platform_interface


Packages that depend on xandr