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A Flutter package that provides a list with unique elements based on a custom uniqueness condition.

XUniqueList - A Dart/Flutter Package for Managing Unique Lists #

XUniqueList is a utility package that ensures uniqueness in your lists based on a custom condition you define. It's perfect for managing collections of objects that must adhere to specific uniqueness rules.

πŸ“œ Table of Contents #

✨ Features #

  • πŸ†• Unique List Management: Add, insert, or remove items while ensuring no duplicates based on a custom condition.
  • πŸš€ Fast Operations: Optimized operations for adding, removing, and filtering items.
  • πŸ”„ Replace & Modify: Replace items by condition or unique value.
  • πŸ” Check for Existence: Quickly check if an item exists based on the uniqueness condition.
  • πŸ“¦ Unmodifiable and Modifiable Access: Retrieve unmodifiable and modifiable versions of the list as needed.

πŸš€ Getting Started #

To start using XUniqueList, you need to add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  x_unique_list: ^1.0.2
flutter pub get
dart pub get

πŸ“ Usage #

Here’s an example of using XUniqueList with a custom uniqueCondition based on the id field of a User class:

import 'package:x_unique_list/x_unique_list.dart';

class User {
  final int id;
  final String name;

  User(this.id, this.name);

  // Override equality operator and hashCode for proper comparison
  bool operator ==(Object other) =>
      identical(this, other) ||
          (other is User && id == other.id && name == other.name);

  int get hashCode => Object.hash(id, name);

  // Override toString method to provide a custom string representation
  String toString() {
    return 'User(id: $id, name: $name)';

void main() {
  // Define a unique condition (in this case, users are unique by their ID)
  final uniqueUsers = XUniqueList<User>((user) => user.id);

  // Add users
  uniqueUsers.add(User(1, 'Ahmad'));
  uniqueUsers.add(User(2, 'Nour'));

  // Attempt to add a duplicate user (will not be added)
      .add(User(1, 'Ahmad')); // This won't be added as ID 1 already exists

  // Retrieve unmodifiable list of users
      .toString()); // [User(id: 1, name: Ahmad), User(id: 2, name: Nour)]

  // Remove a user - ⚠️ NOTE: This may not work as expected
  // ⚠️ Won't work unless you override `==` and `hashCode` for User
  uniqueUsers.remove(User(2, 'Nour'));

  // Explanation:
  // The `remove` method uses the `==` operator to check if the items match.
  // By default, Dart compares objects by their memory reference, not by the fields inside the object.
  // To make this work, you need to either manually override the `==` operator and `hashCode`
  // for your model (as shown above), or use third-party libraries like `equatable`, `freezed`, etc.

  // As an alternative, you can use `removeOneWhere` to remove an item by a condition
  uniqueUsers.removeOneWhere((user) => user.id == 2); // Works even without `==` override

  // Check if list contains a user
  // ⚠️ Important Note on `contains` Method
  // The `contains` method in `XUniqueList` relies on the `uniqueCondition` you define. In the example above, the `uniqueCondition` is based on the `id` field of the `User` class.
  // This means that when you check for the existence of an item using `contains`, it only considers the value provided by the `uniqueCondition` function, not the entire object.
  // For instance:
  bool exists = uniqueUsers.contains(User(1, 'Ahmad'));
  print(exists); // true
  // Even though the name 'Ahmad' is different from any existing user, the contains method returns true because the id field (which is the unique condition) matches the ID of an existing user (ID = 1).

  // To check for existence or remove items based on different criteria (such as the name), you can use the removeOneWhere method, which allows for more complex condition-based logic.

🧩 Methods #

The XUniqueList class provides various methods for managing unique lists. Here is a comprehensive overview of all the methods available:

List<T> get items; #

  • Description: Retrieve items as an unmodifiable list.

List<T> get data; #

  • Description: Retrieve items as a modifiable list.

T operator [](int index); #

  • Description: The object at the given [index] in the list.

bool add(T item); #

  • Description: Add a single item.

int addAll(List<T> newItems); #

  • Description: Add multiple items.
  • Returns: The number of items that were successfully added.

bool insert(int index, T item); #

  • Description: Insert an item at the specified index.
  • Returns: True if the item was inserted successfully, false if the item already exists.

int insertAll(int index, Iterable<T> newItems); #

  • Description: Insert multiple items at the specified index.
  • Returns: The number of items that were successfully inserted.

bool remove(T item); #

  • Description: Remove a single item.

bool removeOneWhere(bool Function(T) test); #

  • Description: Remove a single item based on a condition.
  • Returns: True if an item was removed, false otherwise.

void removeWhere(bool Function(T e) test); #

  • Description: Remove items based on a condition.

bool replaceOne(T newItem); #

  • Description: Replace an existing item with a new item based on unique condition.

bool replaceOneWhere(T newItem, bool Function(T) test); #

  • Description: Replace item that matches a condition with a new item.

void sort([int Function(T a, T b)? compare]); #

  • Description: Sort the list in place using the provided [compare] function. If no [compare] function is provided, the list is sorted in natural order.

List<T> where(bool Function(T) test); #

  • Description: Method to filter items based on a condition.

T? firstWhere(bool Function(T) test); #

  • Description: Retrieve a single item based on a condition.

int indexWhere(bool Function(T) test); #

  • Description: Returns the index of the first item that satisfies the provided [test] function.
  • Returns: -1 if no such item is found.

int indexOf(T item); #

  • Description: Returns the index of the first occurrence of [item] in the list.
  • Returns: -1 if the item is not found.

bool contains(T item); #

  • Description: Check if the list contains an item based on the unique condition.

int get length; #

  • Description: Get the length of the list.

bool get isEmpty; #

  • Description: Check if the list is empty.

bool get isNotEmpty; #

  • Description: Check if the list is not empty.

void clear(); #

  • Description: Clear all items from the list and set.

πŸ”œ Next Steps #

Adding Helper Methods #

In future updates, we plan to introduce additional helper methods to further enhance the functionality of the XUniqueList class.

πŸ“„ License #

This package is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

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A Flutter package that provides a list with unique elements based on a custom uniqueness condition.

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