x_router 0.3.0 copy "x_router: ^0.3.0" to clipboard
x_router: ^0.3.0 copied to clipboard

A simple and powerful routing lib that simplify having multiple child router.

[0.3.0] #

  • removed reactive resolvers
  • made resolvers async

[0.2.0] - 02/06/2022 #

  • This minor release was foccussed on having good support for child routers.
  • The pop method has been removed, you should use Navigator.of(ctx).pop() instead.

[0.1.6] - 31/05/2022 #

  • Fix issue where child router would refresh on parent router path.

[0.1.5] - 29/05/2022 #

  • Fix issue where first declared routes in child router were matched first.

[0.1.4] - 27/05/2022 #

  • inconsequential internal change

[0.1.3] - 04/04/2022 #

  • added ByPass Resolver action

[0.1.2] #

  • display initial route if the router is navigated before the app started (for example in unit tests setup)

[0.1.1] #

  • add when param on redirect resolver
  • title builder no longer receives the activatedRoute as param
  • page builder return type is no longer dynamic
  • added toString to XRouterException

[0.1.0+2] - 27/11/2021 #

  • docs

[0.1.0] - 27/11/2021 #

  • Added child router support !
  • Added more test coverage
  • Fixed relative navigation
  • Reworked some of the internals

[0.0.4] - 24/11/2021 #

  • [Breakign]: made XRoute receive a titleBuilder instead of a String

[0.0.3] - 24/11/2021 #

  • [Breakign]: made Loading screen receive a builder instead of a widget

[0.0.2] - 24/11/2021 #

  • [Breaking]: static methods changed into instance method as deemed too much of an anti pattern
  • redirectTo in XNotFoundResolver now required as it felt too magical

[0.0.1+3] - 23/11/2021 #

  • docs

[0.0.1+2] - 23/11/2021 #

  • docs

[0.0.1+1] - 23/11/2021 #

  • docs

[0.0.1] - 23/11/2021 #

  • Initial release
pub points


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A simple and powerful routing lib that simplify having multiple child router.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


equatable, flutter


Packages that depend on x_router